Spanish Sentences using viene
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The I don't know when he is coming but we can do whatever we want until he arrives.
Luis comes to read the newspaper at the library. Luis comes to read it at the library.
Enrique comes to eat pizza at the restaurant. Enriques comes to eat it at the restaurant.
Mr. Fernández, who was born in Buenos Aires, is going to take a trip to Argentina next month.
I want you to go to the beach with me next week.
Rodrigo is not coming to the trip but his brother is.
I was going to read that novel next week, but I'm not going to read it because I have to study a lot.
It's possible, because the pain normally comes after eating.
You came by yourself. Okay. Do you have any card with your address on it?
My brother's friend, for whom I bought this watch, is coming over tomorrow.
Through the clinic. Yes. Is this the first time you come?
This lady comes every day to feed the pigeons.
Rafael comes for dinner as soon as his show will be over.
Rodrigo doesn't play the ball if his dad doesn't come.
If he comes, I will see him. As soon as he comes I will see him.
The train is due to arrive at 12:30 pm, but it is delayed.
Well, I'm sure that my mother is coming, but I'm not sure if my father is coming or not.
Luis comes to Guatemala to know the culture. Luis comes to know it to Guatemala.
Enrique comes to eat pizza in the restaurant. Enrique comes to eat it in the restaurant.
Every now and then I have a fever of 38 C, but it comes and goes.
Estoy seguro que firmará él la semana que viene.
I am sure he will sign next week.
me viene bien
that suits me well
Ese platillo viene con ensalada y un postre.
That dish comes with a salad and a dessert.
El está enfermo , por eso no viene.
He was ill, so he didn't come.
¿Por qué paramos cuando no viene otro carro? Paramos porque es la ley.
Why do we stop when there is no other car coming. We stop because that is the law.
¿Salma Hayek habrá hecho otra película para el año que viene?
Will Salma Hayek have made another film by next year?
¿Usted viene del trópico?
Do you come from the tropics?
Ella está enferma, por eso no viene.
She was ill, so she didn't come.
No viene al caso
that's beside the point
María viene a la clase temprano los lunes.
Mary comes to class early on Mondays (los lunes).
Pienso que ella viene ahora.
I think that she comes is coming now.
El avión con destino a Mallorca viene con retraso.
The flight to Majorca is delayed.
¿Puedes ir a la playa la semana que viene con nosotros ?
Can you go to the beach next week with us?
¡Eso viene como anillo al dedo!
That's lucky!
Nosotros queremos que tú vayas a la playa con nosotros la semana que viene.
We want you to go to the beach with us next week.
Nosotros queremos que los muchachos vayan a la playa con nosotros la semana que viene.
We want the boys to go to the beach with us next week.
Yo espero que los muchachos puedan ir a la playa con nosotros la semana que viene.
I hope that the boys can go to the beach with us next.
¿Sabes si los muchachos podrán ir a la playa con nosotros la semana que viene?
Do you know if the boys will be able to go to the beach with us next week?
Los muchachos dicen que ellos irán a la playa con nosotros la semana que viene.
The boys say that they will go to the beach with us next week.
Ella viene de consulta al hospital
She comes for an appointment to the hospital
La enfermera viene con el paciente.
The nurse comes with the patient
La silla de ruedas viene en la ambulancia
The wheelchair comes in the ambulance
Mi abuela viene con la enfermera
My grandmother comes with the nurse
El doctor viene al centro médico.
The doctor comes from the medical center
El doctor viene al hospital con su esposa.
The doctor comes to the hospital with his wife
El hombre viene muy herido
The man comes very injured
El médico viene de operar al paciente.
The doctor comes from operating the patient
El oxígeno viene en los cilindros.
The oxygen comes inside the cylinders.
La jeringa viene con su empaque
The syringe comes with her wrapper.
El antibiótico viene en el frasco.
The antibiotic comes inside the jar.
La muleta viene sobre la camilla.
The crutch comes on the stretcher.
El enfermo viene sobre la silla de ruedas.
The sick person comes in the wheelchair.
Él viene con el hijo del doctor.
He comes with the doctor's son.
El paciente viene con quemaduras graves.
The patient comes with serious burns.
El doctor viene con un enfermo.
The doctor comes with an ill person.
Ella viene de la sala de operaciones
She comes from the operating room
El plomero ya viene.
The plumber is coming.
¿Todavía no te has matriculado para el curso que viene?
You still haven't matriculated into the next course?
Ahora no viene el lobo.
There is no wolf here.
¿De dónde viene?
Where does it come from?
¿A qué viene todo esto?
Why am I saying all this?
Viene plenamente al caso.
The same is true here.
Mañana viene a este Parlamento.
Tomorrow, he is coming to this Parliament.
¿El mes que viene?
Is it within the next month?
¿A qué viene esta propuesta?
What kind of suggestion is that?
¡Ah, estupendo, ya viene!
Ah, excellent, there she is now.
Ese gas viene de Rusia.
That gas comes from Russia.
¿De dónde viene este producto?
Where does this product come from?
Esto se viene olvidando continuamente.
That is forgotten again and again.
De ahí viene nuestra pregunta.
This is the background to our question.
Eso se viene diciendo desde hace años.
This has been talked about for years.
Luego viene el acceso a las medicinas.
Then you have the access to medication.
Es un tema que viene de lejos.
This is a theme continued from the past.
Todos sabemos de dónde viene este país.
We all know what this country has been through.
La cita viene directamente de él.
The quote is directly from him.
Continuará su curso el año que viene.
The process will continue next year.
Sin duda, eso viene de lejos.
It is true that we have had a close shave.
Esto viene a demostrar que nada es simple.
This goes to show that nothing is simple.
Esto viene acompañado de medidas de prevención.
This sits alongside measures on prevention.
La Constitución viene a sancionar este proceso.
On that the Constitution sets its seal.
En tiempos difíciles, ¡no viene nada mal!
In lean times, that is no bad thing!
¿No es cierto que todo viene de China?
Is it not true that everything comes from China?
La política no viene determinada por el género.
Policy is not determined by gender.
Esta decisión viene determinada por numerosos factores.
This sort of decision is determined by numerous factors.
Viene acompañada de grandes ambiciones y expectativas.
It is accompanied by major ambitions and expectations.
La oportunidad viene pero no se detiene.
Opportunity comes to pass but not to pause.
Esta circunstancia cambiará el año que viene.
That situation will change next year.
El año que viene hay elecciones presidenciales.
There are presidential elections next year.
Entonces, ¿cuándo viene bien hablar de genocidio?
So, when is it a suitable time to talk about genocide?
En resumen, el asunto viene de lejos.
In short, the matter lies very far back in the past.
Me viene a la cabeza la Agencia Frontex.
Frontex springs to mind in this regard.
¿Qué vamos a hacer el año que viene?
What are we going to do next year?
Viene de fuera y tiene experiencia negociadora.
She comes from outside; she has negotiating experience.
Sin embargo, esto no viene al caso.
However, now to the matter in hand.
La crisis viene sólo de Norteamérica.
The crisis comes only from America.
Esto es erróneo y no viene al caso.
This is misleading and beside the point.
Eso es lo que viene diciendo.
That is what she has been saying.
La pregunta es: ¿qué viene después?
The question is: what comes next?
Hay otra intervención que me viene a la mente.
Another speech comes to mind.
Viene funcionando desde hace casi 7 meses.
It has now been operating for almost seven months.
¿A qué viene este «trágala sin precedentes»?
What is the purpose of this 'unprecedented snub' ?
En el informe no viene Luanda sino Ruanda.
In the Minutes it does not say Luanda but Rwanda.
El euro viene, esto es lo inmodificable.
The euro is coming, that is an inalterable fact.
El euro viene en el momento correcto.
Well, the euro has arrived at the right moment.
Nadie viene en ayuda de África.
No-one is coming forward to help Africa.
A continuación, viene automáticamente el progreso económico.
Economic progress will then follow automatically.
El año que viene volveremos con propuestas.
We shall be back with suggestions next year.
No pueden serlo cuando nos viene bien y no serlo cuando nos viene mal.
They cannot be our friends when it suits us and not our friends when it does not suit us.
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