Spanish Sentences using vida
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The There was a book here that had some data on the life of Rubén Darío.
I think you have worked a lot in this life. I don't think I have worked a lot.
The more conscientious we are the better life will be.
The doctors exhausted all their resources to save his life.
As he demonstrated his entire life, he took christianity very seriously.
He's Spanish by birth, but he's always lived in England.
If you had not spoken about that golden coin, I would have never seen one of those.
We would have received more instructions if life would be fair.
Are you still single or did you finally marry your longtime girlfriend?
The revolution for which success he had struggled his whole life, ended up being a disaster.
Su vida está en peligro.
His life is in danger.
Lo que piensa la gente es que la libertad es esencial en la vida. Tienen razón acerca de eso.
What people think is that freedom is essential in life. They are right about that.
Mi abuelito contribuyó mucho en mi vida.
My grandfather contributed much to my life.
Estar con gente joven me da vida.
Being with young people gives me life.
Perder la vida
to lose one's life
¿Qué es la vida?
What is life?
¿Qué es lo que persigo en esta breve vida que me queda?
What do I pursue in this short life than I have left?
Su enfermedad cardíaca limita su esperanza de vida.
His heart disease limits his life expectancy.
Cuando la vida se siente como una rutina hay que lanzarse en una aventura.
When life feels like a routine you have to throw yourself into an adventure.
¡No se enfaden por tonterías! La vida es muy corta.
Don’t get angry for foolish things. Life is too short!
¡Así es la vida!
That's life!
A lo largo de estos años, su vida se ha visto afectada por el éxito.
Over these years, his life has been impacted by fame.
Necesitas aspirar a lo más alto en la vida.
You need to aim higher in life.
El nivel de vida ha subido un ocho por ciento.
The standard of living has risen by 8%.
¿Tendríamos que estar agradecidos a la vida?
We would have to be thankful to life?
En la película ella da vida a una científica.
In the movie she gives life to a scientist.
arriesgar su vida
to risk one's neck
Algunos libros muestran parte de la vida del autor.
Some books show part of the life of the author.
Al ver mi vida me pongo pensativo.
Upon looking at my life, I get thoughtful.
Habla como si su vida dependiera de la decisión de ella.
He speaks as if his life depended on her decision.
Yo no sé si esta es la vida que yo quería tener.
I don't know if this is the life I wanted to have.
La vida le había exigido demasiado.
Life had demanded a great deal from him.
¿Vas a arriesgar tu vida sólo por dinero?
Are you going to risk your life over money?
¿Vive y deja vivir es tu filosofía de vida?
Live and let live is your life philosophy?
Es un momento decisivo en mi vida.
It's a crucial moment in my life.
Hay que gozar la vida.
One has to enjoy life.
Carpe diem, ese es nuestro lema en esta vida.
Carpe diem, that's our motto in this life.
No he conocido persona más entrometida en toda mi vida.
I've never known anyone so nosy in my entire life.
¡Comienza una nueva vida ahora!
Start a new life now!
En que piensan los que tienen todo en la vida.
What do people that have everything in life think.
Conoció a gente muy variopinta a lo largo de su vida.
He knew many different kinds of people over his lifetime.
Si vivierais en casas flotantes, la vida sería muy diferente.
If you guys were to live in floating houses, life would be very different.
Ahora debemos darle vida.
We must now bring it to life.
¿Merecen una vida mejor?
Do they deserve a better life?
¿Somos nosotros vida inventada?
Is our life an invention?
La vida política es una vida de negociación.
Political life is a life of negotiation.
La vida no se detiene, y no me refiero únicamente a la vida política.
Life does not stand still, and I am not referring exclusively to political life.
Cada uno elige su vida.
Everyone is free to choose their lifestyle.
Lleva una vida más saludable.
People are leading healthier lives.
Muchos han perdido la vida.
Many had to lose their lives.
¡Bueno, la vida es así!
Well, life is like that!
¡Larga vida a la Unión Europea!
Long live the European Union!
Así es la vida moderna.
Such is the nature of modern life.
Comenzó a creer en la vida.
He started believing in life.
¡Larga vida a una Venezuela libre!
Long live a free Venezuela!
¡Larga vida al Consejo Europeo!
Long live the European Council!
He sido sindicalista toda mi vida.
I have been a trade unionist all my life.
La vida laboral es una parte de la vida y no toda la vida.
Working life is part of life, not all of it.
También quiero hacer mención a la vida sexual.
I also want to talk about the sexual dimension to life.
Actualmente sabemos mucho sobre la vida.
Nowadays, we know a very great deal indeed about the living world.
¿Por qué iban a enfrentarse a una vida antisocial?
Why should they face an anti-social life?
Las telecomunicaciones cambian nuestra vida con rapidez.
Telecommunications are changing our lives at a fast pace.
Desgraciadamente, pagó esa negativa con su vida.
Unfortunately, this cost him his life.
La vida es indudablemente un proceso.
Life is undoubtedly a process.
La vida humana no puede someterse a votación.
Human life cannot be subject to voting.
El mar representa la propia vida.
The sea represents life itself.
¡Larga vida a la paz entre las naciones!
Long live peace between nations!
el aprendizaje durante toda la vida y
the development of lifelong learning and
Necesitamos dar nueva vida a la ronda.
We need to breathe new life into the round.
Está destruyendo vidas y modos de vida.
It is destroying lives and livelihoods.
¿Quiere el Parlamento respetar la vida democrática?
Does Parliament want to make a stand for democracy?
Tenemos que ofrecer mejor calidad de vida.
We must deliver a better quality of life.
Eso es para mantenerlo con vida.
This is in order to keep him alive.
El nivel de vida se está desplomando.
The standard of living is plummeting.
Por lo tanto, significa una vida peor.
It therefore means a worse life.
No obstante, no podemos mantener en vida memorias selectivas.
However, we cannot keep selective memories alive.
¿Cómo funciona esto en la vida diaria?
How does this work out in everyday life?
La VIDA está regresando al sur.
LIFE is returning to the south.
Esto es normal en la vida política.
This is normal in political life.
Afectará a los cambios de calidad de vida.
It will affect developments in the quality of life.
Hoy su vida es nuestra noticia.
Today his life is our story.
Es un ejemplo de la vida real.
This is a real life example.
Personalmente, yo no he fumado nunca en mi vida.
I personally have never smoked in my life.
Como agricultor, el suelo constituye mi vida.
As a farmer, the soil is my life.
Éste es el estilo de vida europeo.
This is the European way of life.
¿Podemos devolver la vida a esas personas?
Can we bring life back to those persons?
Su lucha le costó la vida.
Her fight cost her her life.
En suma, Galileo tiene una segunda vida.
In short, Galileo has a new lease of life.
¿Y cómo es su vida cotidiana?
And what is their everyday life like?
Sin embargo, la vida no es tan sencilla.
However, life is not that simple.
Esta decisión le acabó costando la vida.
This decision eventually cost him his life.
He visto a muchos refugiados en mi vida.
I have seen many refugees in my life.
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