Spanish Sentences using viajar
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The When I travel, I always do it in tourist class, since it is the cheapest.
I have traveled to many countries and it is not my fault that I know so much about them.
When I heard her telling of her experience, I had a desire to travel to New Zealand.
They have received good weather news in order to travel.
Travelling, I learned that in Mexico they work harder than I used to think.
Their children didn’t want them to celebrate their anniversary traveling.
Do you prefer to travel in tourist class or first class?
The grandparents also would have talked to their grandchildren about traveling together to the island.
I traveled from London to Calcutta in so many days.
He is saying that the weather is not good to travel.
Would you be willing to accept a job in which you have to travel often?
She bought the tickets yesterday to travel to Bolivia.
We choose to travel to Honduras on this vacation.
When I travel, I prefer a hotel which inludes meals.
Traveling in the winter is worse than traveling in the summer.
¿Cuánta gente viaja en autobús en México?
How many people travel by bus in Mexico?
Esta semana viajo mucho.
This week I am traveling a lot.
Alfonso siempre se enferma cuando viaja.
Alfonso always gets sick when he travels.
Me gusta mucho viajar.
I like travelling very much indeed.
Estas son las chicas, con las cuales viajé a Barcelona.
These are the girls, with which I travelled to Barcelona.
Algunos alumnos de un instituto cercano viajrán a París.
Some students of a nearby institute will travel to Paris.
Este año mi presupuesto para viajar es mucho mayor.
This year my travelling budget is much higher.
Estoy aprendiendo chino porque viajaré a la China el próximo año.
I am learning Chinese because I will travel to China next year.
Viajar en barco
To travel by ship
Me gusta mucho viajar.
I like travelling very much indeed.
¿Viajamos en tren o en auto?
Shall we go by train or car?
Nos gusta viajar en carro.
We like to travel by car.
El guía dice que vamos a viajar a Sevilla.
The guide says that we are going to travel to Sevilla.
El viaje fue muy cómodo.
The journey was very comfortable.
Maria no va a viajar en el verano.
Maria is not going to travel this summer.
¿ Viajamos en tren o en auto?
Shall we go by train or car?
Debo viajar hoy mismo. No puedo esperar. ¿Me podría ayudar por favor?
I must travel today. I can't wait. Could you please help me?
Yo voy a viajar a un lugar remoto, muy lejos de aquí.
I'm going to travel to a remote place, very far from here.
Claudia quiere viajar por Europa este verano.
Claudia wants to travel around Europe this summer.
¿Viajamos hacia Roma o París?
Shall we go to Rome or Paris?
Nosotros planeamos viajar a España durante el verano.
We are planning to travel to Spain during the summer.
Juan piensa viajar también.
Juan is also planning to travel.
¿Planean ustedes viajar a España durante el verano?
Are you planning to travel to Spain during the summer?
Yo viajo durante la estación seca.
I travel in the dry season.
El Ministro de Asuntos Exteriores viaja mucho.
The Minister of Foreign Affairs travels a lot.
¿Cuánta gente viaja por autobús en México?
How many people travel for (by) bus in Mexico?
¿Cómo quieres viajar?
How do you want to travel?
El viaja mucho en avión.
He travels a lot by plane.
Yo voy a viajar a un lugar remoto, muy lejos de aquí.
I'm going to travel to a remote place, very far from here.
Debo viajar hoy mismo. No puedo esperar.
I must travel today. I can't wait.
Me gustaría viajar por el espacio.
I would like to travel through space.
Conocer idiomas te da libertad para viajar.
Knowing languages gives you the freedom to travel.
No tenemos problemas para viajar.
We have no problems with travel.
Viajar en avión no es lo mismo que viajar en autobús.
Air travel is not the same as bus travel.
Porque viajar a Suecia no requería visado.
Because travelling to Sweden was visa-free.
Es simplemente un derecho a viajar.
It is simply a right to travel.
Nuestra delegación mixta debe viajar pronto.
This joint delegation needs to set off without delay.
¿Porqué la Sra. Garot no ha podido viajar?
Why is it that Mrs Garaud has been unable to undertake the mission?
No resulta nada sencillo viajar de Serbia a Croacia.
It is not that simple to get from Serbia to Croatia.
A cambio, la UE ofrecería viajar sin visados.
In return, the EU would offer visa-free travel.
Planeo viajar a Túnez la próxima semana.
I plan to travel to Tunisia the week after next.
Ayer tuve que viajar durante 14 horas.
Yesterday it took me 14 hours to get here.
Señor Presidente, viajar por la Unión puede parecer a veces a viajar en la máquina del tiempo.
Mr President, travelling across the Union can sometimes seem like travelling in a time machine.
Los jóvenes quieren viajar y bailar, pero las personas mayores también quieren viajar y bailar.
Young people want to travel and dance, but old people also want to travel and dance.
También hoy hemos tenido que viajar a Estrasburgo vía París.
Today too, we had to fly via Paris to Strasbourg.
Sé que debe usted marcharse para viajar a Monterrey.
I know that you must leave to travel to Monterrey.
Me parece superfluo viajar a Johannesburgo como una especie de figura decorativa.
It seems a bit pointless simply to tag along to Johannesburg as a kind of icing on the cake.
Viajar en avión se ha abaratado en las últimas décadas.
Air travel has become cheaper and cheaper over the last few decades.
¿Podrán navegar por Internet o viajar si lo desean?
Will they be able to surf the Internet or travel if they wish to?
Asunto: Prohibición, a ciudadanos europeos, de viajar desde Palestina hacia Europa
Subject: Prohibition on European nationals travelling to Europe from Palestine
De lo contrario, no podremos viajar juntos y ser felices.
Otherwise, we will not be able to travel together and be happy.
En comparación, 137 000 optaron por viajar a España.
By comparison, 137 000 opted to travel to Spain.
Las palabras «viajar» y «travesía» deberían recobrar sus significados originales.
The words ‘travel’ and ‘voyage’ should regain their original meanings.
Rusia ha solicitado de forma activa poder viajar sin visados.
Russia has actively called for visa-free travel.
Resolvamos el problema de viajar sin necesidad de visado a Rusia.
Let us solve the problem of visa-free travel with Russia.
No existen razones válidas para que tengamos que viajar a Estrasburgo.
There are no good reasons for us to travel to Strasbourg.
Ello garantizaría los derechos de los niños a viajar a largo plazo.
This would secure the rights of children to travel in the long term.
Durante más de cinco años se le prohibió viajar.
For more than five years he was forbidden to travel.
A ninguno de nosotros le ha resultado fácil viajar a Estrasburgo.
It has not been easy for any of us to get to Strasbourg.
Recientemente tuve la oportunidad de viajar con él a Angola.
I had the opportunity of travelling to Angola with him quite recently.
Debemos recordar que no estamos hablando de viajar dentro de la Unión: estamos hablando de viajar a los Estados Unidos.
We must remember that we are not talking about travel within the EU: we are talking about travel to the United States.
Un golpe doble: no les permitimos viajar dentro de su propio país, ni les permitimos viajar a países de la Unión Europea.
A double whammy: we do not allow them to travel within their country, nor do we allow them to travel to the countries of the European Union.
Si Castro sigue negándose a que los ganadores del Premio Sájarov puedan viajar a Cuba, nosotros no debemos viajar a Cuba como si nada hubiera sucedido.
If Castro continues to refuse to allow the recipients of the Sakharov prize to travel to Cuba, then we should not travel to Cuba as if nothing had happened.
"Para Zimbabue, viajar a China es viajar a nuestro segundo hogar", dijo el Presidente Mugabe durante su última visita a Pekín, aproximadamente hace un año y medio.
'For Zimbabwe, going to China is going to our second home', said President Mugabe during his last visit to Beijing, approximately one and a half years ago.
La lista proporciona información útil a los ciudadanos que quieren viajar fuera de la Unión Europea para que eviten viajar con estas compañías aéreas.
The list provides useful information to people wishing to travel outside the European Union in order for them to avoid travelling with these airlines.
Sí la permitimos y el resultado es que nuestros jóvenes pueden viajar y ampliar su formación.
We allowed it and the result is that our young people can travel and broaden their education.
Nuestros mayores, aunque vivan de las prestaciones sociales, pueden gozar del beneficio de viajar.
Our older people, even though on social welfare, can enjoy the benefits of travel.
¿Quién tiene derecho a viajar y, por tanto, a utilizar el espacio del Mediterráneo?
Who is entitled to travel and to make use of the Mediterranean area?
El lunes tendré que adoptar una decisión sobre si deberán viajar a Estrasburgo o a Bruselas.
I will have to take a decision on Monday as to whether they will be travelling to Strasbourg or Brussels.
Muchos diputados al Parlamento se vieron obligados a viajar incluso quince horas para llegar hasta aquí, a Estrasburgo.
Many Members of Parliament had a journey here to Strasbourg of up to fifteen hours.
Estimado colega Fatuzzo, me ha hecho recapacitar mucho sobre adónde voy a viajar en mi vejez.
Mr Fatuzzo, you have made me think very carefully about where I shall travel to in old age.
Su madre se dispone ahora a viajar a Birmania con la esperanza de poder verle.
His mother is currently travelling to Burma hoping to see him.
La Sra. Steneberg se niega a colaborar con la policía sueca y a viajar a Estocolmo para ser interrogada.
Mrs Steneberg is refusing to cooperate with the Swedish police and to travel to Stockholm for questioning.
Para una persona discapacitada significa la libertad de viajar o la restricción de quedarse en casa.
For a disabled person it means the freedom to travel or the restriction to stay at home.
Hubo mucha resistencia acerca de viajar a Abuja, en Nigeria, el año pasado.
There was a lot of resistance about going to Abuja, in Nigeria last year.
Estoy a punto de viajar a Moscú, donde mañana por la tarde comenzará la Cumbre.
I am indeed leaving for Moscow, where the Summit is due to start tomorrow evening.
De hecho, nuestro próximo Presidente no dispondrá de demasiado tiempo para viajar.
Indeed our next President will not have much time to travel around.
Hay conexiones aéreas entre los países y los ciudadanos armenios pueden viajar a Turquía.
There are air links between the countries, and Armenian citizens are able to travel into Turkey.
Me habría gustado llegar a ser mayor y pensionista para poder viajar por toda Europa.
I would have loved to be able to grow old and become a pensioner and go sightseeing around Europe!
El pasado otoño se la había denegado ya el visado para viajar a Bruselas.
President Chen Shui-bian was also refused a visa to visit Brussels last autumn.
Sin embargo, el gobierno cubano les ha negado el permiso para viajar fuera del país.
The Cuban Government has, however, denied them permission to travel.
Señor Presidente, ¿cuántas veces, al viajar por Europa, hemos visto ciudades muy bonitas, paisajes agrícolas maravillosos?
Mr President, how often while travelling around Europe have we seen beautiful towns and beautiful agricultural landscapes?
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