Spanish Sentences using sepa
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The I have traveled to many countries and it is not my fault that I know so much about them.
Let's ask him where he is going tonight. I hope he knows. I doubt he'll tell us.
From what I know, they haven't canceled a single flight.
Para trabajar en las Naciones Unidas, es indispensable que sepa usted por los menos tres idiomas.
You must know at least three languages in order to work for the United Nations.
Por lo que sé/ Que yo sepa
as far as I know
Espero, finalmente, que sepa resistir.
Finally, I hope that we will be able to resist it.
Señor Comisario, espero que sepa comprenderlo.
I hope that you will have sympathy for this view, Commissioner.
Es importante que Turquía lo sepa.
It is important for Turkey to retain this understanding.
Lo protegeré todo lo mejor que sepa.
I will protect it to the very best of my ability.
Que yo sepa, Shell se ha retirado.
Shell has withdrawn, as far as I know.
Que yo sepa, la respuesta es no.
To the best of my knowledge, the answer is no.
Pero sepa que tendremos un diálogo difícil.
But I want you to know that our dialogue will be difficult.
Sólo quería aclarárselo para que se sepa quien va a hablar.
I simply wanted to clarify that for you to avoid there being any confusion about who will speak.
¿Cómo es posible que el Consejo no lo sepa?
How is it possible that the Council did not know?
Que yo sepa, no existen actualmente planes para modificarla.
As far as I know, there are no plans to make any changes to the regulation.
Y sepa usted que los cristianodemócratas me merecen un enorme respeto.
Please be assured that the Christian Democrats warrant my absolute respect.
Que yo sepa, el Gobierno griego ha tomado medidas similares.
As far as I know, the Greek government has taken similar steps.
Que yo sepa, esto es aceptable para todos.
As far as I know, that is acceptable to everybody.
Que yo sepa se observa cierto grado de flexibilidad.
To the best of my knowledge a moderate degree of flexibility is shown.
Que yo sepa, este dinero aún no se ha pagado.
As far as I am aware, that money has not yet been paid.
Espero, señor Presidente en ejercicio, que sepa responder a estas aspiraciones.
I hope, Mr President-in-Office, that you can provide us with them.
Que yo sepa nunca se ha dado curso a este informe.
That report has never, as far as I am aware, been followed up.
Pero, que yo sepa, se está retirando de ese programa.
As far as I know, however, it is being withdrawn from that programme.
– Que yo sepa, ningún diputado ha hecho una declaración.
To my knowledge, no Member has made a declaration.
Espero que la Unión Europea sepa defender sus valores fundamentales.
I hope that the European Union will stand by its basic values.
Espero que, a partir de hoy, todo el mundo lo sepa.
I hope that, from today, it will be known to everyone.
Quiero que sepa que hemos reparado en ello.
I want you to know that we have taken note of this.
Tampoco habrá quien sepa por qué han de aplicarse.
Nor will anyone know why they have to be applied.
Se lo digo para que sepa usted que decidimos bien.
I am telling you this so that you will know that we made the right decision.
Que yo sepa, no existe tal restricción en ningún parlamento nacional.
To my knowledge, no such restriction exists in any national parliament.
Afganistán, que yo sepa, no pertenece a la costa del Atlántico Norte.
Afghanistan, as far as I am aware, does not have a North Atlantic coastline.
Y después volvió a desaparecer, sin que nadie sepa por qué.
It then suddenly disappeared again - and no one knows why.
Que yo sepa nadie les está apuntando con una pistola.
I am not aware of anybody putting a gun to their heads.
Fue detenido y sigue arrestado, que se sepa.
He was detained and is still under arrest, as far as anyone knows.
No basta con que el BEI sepa quién recibe ese dinero.
It is not enough that only the EIB knows who gets these monies.
Espero que la Conferencia Intergubernamental sepa subsanar esta anomalía.
I hope the IGC will redress this anomaly.
No obstante, que yo sepa, este problema aún no se ha planteado.
Nevertheless, as far as I know, the problem has not yet been raised.
Que yo sepa, nunca habíamos logrado semejante cosa.
That is a first, so far as I know.
No existe, que yo sepa, vinculación... ni la menor vinculación».
There is no link that I am aware of - no link whatsoever.'
Pero, que yo sepa, no se han incoado semejantes procedimientos.
But so far as I am aware, no such proceedings have been instituted.
Estoy de acuerdo en que todo el mundo sepa lo que digo; estoy de acuerdo en que todo el mundo sepa lo que hago; estoy de acuerdo en que todo el mundo sepa dónde voy.
I accept that everybody should know what I say; I accept that everybody should know what I do; I accept that everybody should know where I go.
Señor Haarder, que yo sepa, ningún funcionario ha sido autorizado para decir cosa semejante.
Mr Haarder, to my knowledge no official has been authorised to say such a thing.
Pero, que yo sepa, nosotras nunca nos hemos sentido inferiores a los hombres, sobre todo en política.
But I do know that we have never felt inferior to men, particularly in politics.
Entonces solicitamos reunirnos con las familias que, que yo sepa, están informadas.
We then asked to meet the families who are not sworn to secrecy, as far as I know.
Pero a ese respecto el orador siguiente probablemente sepa un poco más que yo.
However, the next speaker will probably know more about this than I do.
Que yo sepa, tampoco hay puntos de bloqueo del control aéreo específicos de las zonas fronterizas.
In addition, as far as I know, there are no specific air traffic control hold-ups at borders either.
Y sepa usted que esto se está tratando con toda dedicación.
Rest assured that no effort is being spared in dealing with the matter.
Espero que la Unión Europea sepa dar una forma concreta a su voluntad de proceder a la ampliación.
I hope that the European Union will know how to give a tangible sign of its willingness to enlarge.
Que la Comisión sepa, el asunto se refiere a acusaciones de fraude no relacionadas con el contrato Sensus.
As far as the Commission is aware the matter concerns accusations of fraud unrelated to the Sensus contract.
Espero que sepa comprender, señor Comisario, que sus potencialidades pueden ser enormes.
I hope you understand, Commissioner, that their potential could be enormous.
Que yo sepa, no existe un ejemplo más trágico del mal funcionamiento del mercado.
A more tragic example of the failure of the market is hard to imagine.
Por lo tanto, señora Presidenta del Consejo, espero que sepa convencer a sus colegas.
I hope, therefore, Madam President-in-Office of the Council, that you will be able to convince your colleagues.
Es preciso que la Asamblea sepa con seguridad si, de hecho, se considerarán.
The House needs to know whether they 'will' be considered.
Queremos una Convención que sepa hacia dónde quiere llevarla el Parlamento.
We want a Convention that knows the direction in which Parliament wants to guide it.
Quieren que todo el mundo sepa lo que espera a quienes caen en sus manos.
They want the whole world to know what is in store for anyone who falls into their hands.
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