Spanish Sentences using presentar
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The Our competition will present an application to declare bankruptcy.
Our competitor is filing for bankruptcy.
Clients are requested to present their bags at the entrance.
Many times, the words that we would have to have said don't present themselves.
Are you sure you want to present a bankruptcy application?
Come in please. We will introduce our sons to you.
Please introduce me to your good looking friend; I've wanted to meet him for a long time.
Lo peor fue tener que presentar el examen final.
The worst part was having to take the final exam.
¿Está seguro de que quiere presentar una solicitud para declararse en quiebra?
Are you sure you want to file bankruptcy?
¿Quiere usted presentar una queja?
Would you like to file a complaint?
Les voy a presentar a una muchacha muy simpática.
I'm going to introduce a very nice girl to you.
Les voy a presentar a una muchacha que les va a caer muy bien.
I'm going to introduce you to a girl (that/whom) you're going to like.
El es al que te presenté en el despacho el otro día.
He's the one I introduced you to in the office the other day.
Quiero presentarte a mi madre.
I would like to introduce you to my mother.
En vivo y en directo, les presentamos a Julio Iglesias.
Live and in person, we present Julio Iglesias.
La próxima semana hay que presentar los papeles.
Next week we have to submit the papers.
Quiero presentar mi renuncia.
I would like to submit my resignation.
El lunes voy a presentar el examen de admisión.
On Monday I'll take the entrance exam.
Antes de la conferencia, el director nos presentó a algunos de los profesores.
Before the lecture, the director introduced some of the teachers to us.
Aunque lo presenten con bombas y platillos, no se va a vender.
Even if they introduced it with fanfare, it will not sell.
No necesitan presentar ninguna solicitud.
You should not be having to apply.
Necesitamos presentar eficacia urgentemente.
We badly need to introduce efficiency.
Pudimos presentar nuestros compromisos.
We were able to present our commitments.
Me gustaría presentar otro argumento.
I would like to introduce another argument.
Intentaré presentar su informe.
I will therefore try to present his report to you.
Puede presentar sus informes.
He can deal with Mr Byrne' s reports in this regard.
Hemos vuelto a presentar la enmienda.
We have tabled this amendment again.
Hemos vuelto a presentar algunas enmiendas.
We have tabled some amendments again.
¿Cuándo va a presentar las propuestas?
So when are you going to come forward with the proposals?
Quisiera presentar también algunas otras.
I should also like to present a few more.
Debemos presentar un frente unido.
We must present a united front.
La comisión debería presentar propuestas.
The Committee should come up with proposals.
Vamos a presentar grandes proyectos europeos.
We are going to be presenting big European projects.
¿Quién va a presentar esta propuesta?
Who would like to speak in favour of this request?
Nosotros podemos presentar con usted esta iniciativa.
We can submit motions for this together with you.
Estuve de acuerdo en presentar la pregunta.
I supported the submission of the question.
El capítulo A-30 volvió a presentar muchos problemas.
Chapter A-30 again caused problems.
La Comisión debe presentar una iniciativa.
The Commission is being called on to produce an initiative.
Le puede ayudar para presentar propuestas interesantes.
It may help you to present interesting proposals.
Señorías, voy a presentar el resultado del escrutinio.
Ladies and gentlemen, I shall now announce the outcome of the vote.
En caso afirmativo, ¿piensa presentar una nueva?
If this is the case, does it intend to present another?
Señor Presidente, quisiera presentar una enmienda oral.
Mr President, I would like to table an oral amendment.
Y quiero presentar también algunas correcciones técnicas.
Then there are some technical corrections.
El Consejo no va a presentar una propuesta detallada.
The Council will not submit a detailed proposal.
Estas tareas nos obligarán a presentar propuestas.
These tasks will make it necessary for us to submit proposals.
Por consiguiente, no pretendemos presentar ninguna enmienda.
We have no intention of tabling any amendments, therefore.
Señor Presidente, quiero presentar una protesta formal.
Mr President, I would like to register my formal protest.
No ha sido fácil presentar esta propuesta.
It has not been easy to come forward with this proposal.
– Señor Presidente, quiero presentar otra enmienda oral.
. – Mr President, I wish to table another oral amendment.
Me tomaré la libertad de presentar un resumen.
I would take the liberty of providing a short résumé.
¿Cuándo piensa la Comisión presentar dicha propuesta?
When does the Commission intend to put this proposal forward?
Quiero presentar una queja a este respecto.
I should like to complain about that.
¿Desea presentar usted su propia propuesta?
Do you want to put forward your own proposals?
Puedo presentar numerosas pruebas de ello.
I can provide abundant evidence of this.
A este respecto, no es necesario presentar nuevas propuestas.
There is no need, in this regard, to put forward new proposals.
. –Señor Presidente, quiero presentar una enmienda oral.
. Mr President, I have an oral amendment.
Gracias, señor Comisario, por presentar esta propuesta.
Thank you, Commissioner, for tabling this proposal.
Espero presentar el informe en octubre.
I hope to present the report in October.
Esperamos presentar esta Comunicación la próxima primavera.
We hope to present this communication next spring.
(DE) Señor Presidente, desearía presentar dos cuestiones.
(DE) Mr President, I should like to put forward two suggestions.
Otra razón más para presentar estas propuestas.
That was all the more reason to come forward with these proposals.
Quisiera presentar las excusas del Consejo.
Let me just apologise for the Council.
Obviamente es posible presentar otras iniciativas.
Further initiatives are obviously possible.
La Comisión debe presentar estos planes ahora.
The Commission must come forward with these plans now.
El señor Gollnisch podrá presentar sus alegatos.
Mr Gollnisch will be able to present his defence.
El señor Gollnisch podrá presentar su defensa.
Mr Gollnisch will be able to present his defence.
Queremos presentar un informe provisional en noviembre.
We want to submit an interim report in November.
Hoy se vuelve a presentar el informe Rothley.
The Rothley report is today being submitted to us once again.
Señora Presidenta, me alegro de presentar esta propuesta.
Madam President, I am pleased to introduce this motion.
¡Debe poderse presentar este tipo de pregunta!
It must be possible to ask this kind of question.
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