Spanish Sentences using precio
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The Do you know that in this fruit shop onions are very cheap?
Retired people have a special price, with a discount of 40%
You would have bought the chalet if it weren’t for the high price.
They're giving you a good price for those products.
This service is not competitive since the price is high.
Despite the high price of the tickets many people are going to the concert.
The price of an object is half-way between what the seller asks for and what the buyer offers.
The appraisal fee is only a small percent of the cost.
The price of gasolinel will remain stable during the winter.
The average price in this neighborhood is two hundred thousand dollars.
The dramatic fall of the price of petrolium influenced our decisions deeply.
The price of the trip to Panama is less than the one to Brazil.
Ninguna persona quiere pagar el precio de ese traje tan caro.
No one wants to pay that much for that suit.
Al precio de
at the price of
Antes de subirte al taxi debes ponerte de acuerdo en el precio de la carrera.
Before getting in a taxi you should agree on the price of the ride.
¿Puede escribir el precio?
Can you write down the price?
El precio de la camisa es de $20.00.
The shirt's price is $20.00
Tú pones el precio en el restaurante.
You set the price in the restaurant.
En esta tienda puedes encontrar todo a mitad de precio.
In this shop you can find everything half price.
¿Amenazan con subir el precio de la gasolina?
Are they threatening to raise the price of gasoline?
¿Crees que el precio es competitivo?
Do you think the price is competitive?
Juan pagó mas de doscientos mil dólares para la casa.
Juan paid more than $200,000 for the house.
¿Está incluida la calefacción en el precio?
Does the price include heating?
¿Van incluidos la gasolina y el aceite en el precio?
Are petrol / gas and oil included in the price?
El precio incluye impuestos y desayuno bufet.
The price includes taxes and breakfast buffet.
Ninguna persona quiere pagar el precio de ese traje tan caro.
No one wants to pay that much for that suit.
El precio de la gasolina descendió de nuevo.
Gas prices went down again.
El precio de la gasolina ha descendido.
Gas prices have gone down.
El vendedor engañó al cliente aumentando el precio.
The sales man deceived the customer by raising the price.
El vendedor fijó el precio en cinco dólares.
The salesman set the price at five dollars.
Es un precio considerable.
The price tag is high.
Sí, pero no a cualquier precio.
Yes we do, but not at all costs.
¿Cuál es este precio?
How high is that price?
Sí, pero ¿a qué precio?
Yes, but at what price?
Entonces calculamos su precio.
We had to pay for it.
¿Y a qué precio? Paciencia: ¡pequeño precio para tan grandes resultados!
The price is patience, which is a small price to pay for such great results!
La paz tiene ese precio.
This is the price for peace.
Diría casi que a cualquier precio.
I would even venture to say that it should be resolved at any cost.
Me parece un precio demasiado alto.
The price is too high in my opinion.
El transporte tiene un precio.
There is a price to be paid for transport.
No hay que pagar este precio.
That price must not be paid.
No fue un acuerdo a cualquier precio.
It was not an agreement at any cost.
Todo esto tiene un precio.
All this comes at a price.
Es un precio demasiado alto.
That is far too high a price.
Todo esto tiene su precio.
All of this has its price.
El progreso tiene ese precio.
That is the price of progress.
Queremos paz, pero no a cualquier precio.
We want peace - yes, but not at any cost.
¡Defendamos la universalidad y el precio asequible!
Stand by universality and affordability!
El problema es, sin embargo, el precio.
The problem, however, is the price.
Por supuesto, el precio es importante.
Of course price is important.
A veces se han firmado compromisos a cualquier precio.
Sometimes, compromises have been made at any price.
La credibilidad de Europa tiene ese precio.
That is the price that Europe will have to pay in order to gain credibility.
El precio el billete es totalmente irrelevante.
It is completely irrelevant how much the ticket cost.
No vale la pena pagar este precio.
It is a price not worth paying.
Si lo hacemos, pagaremos un precio alto.
We shall pay a heavy price if we do.
La competencia tiene que salvarse a cualquier precio.
Competition must be saved at all costs.
La ofrecerá a un precio razonable y asequible.
We are also convinced that businesses will perceive RIS technology as a market opportunity, and offer it at a reasonable and affordable price.
El precio que pagamos todos fue enorme.
The price we all paid was enormous.
La verdadera reforma tiene un precio.
Genuine reform comes at a price.
Porque no existe un precio europeo del medicamento.
There is no Europe-wide price for medicinal products.
Debemos estabilizar el precio del crudo.
We ought to stabilise oil prices.
Por su valentía pagó el precio máximo.
For his bravery, he paid the ultimate price.
Y ¿por qué vendemos a diferente precio?
Why do we sell at different prices?
Incremento del precio de la energía (votación)
Increase in energy prices (vote)
Después se introdujo un precio mínimo.
Next, a minimum price was introduced.
¡Un precio que no estamos dispuestos a pagar!
It is a price we are not willing to pay!
Creo que no podemos poner precio a estas cosas.
I believe we cannot put a price on those things.
¿Qué precio paga la sociedad por ello?
What is the price society pays?
Entonces, ¿a qué precio armonizaremos los impuestos?
What price harmonised taxes then?
Precio total: vuelo gratis por 67 euros.
Total price: free flight EUR 67.
Pero no queremos una Directiva a cualquier precio.
However, we do not want a directive at any cost.
El precio del pescado no compensa la inversión.
The price of fish does not compensate for the investment.
¿Qué precio tiene la democracia, señor Sarkozy?
What price democracy, Mr Sarkozy?
A este precio, supondrá un verdadero paso adelante.
It is at this price that it will represent a real step forward.
Por tanto, debemos protegerla a cualquier precio.
We must therefore protect it at all costs!
Por supuesto, esto tendrá un precio.
Of course, this will carry a price tag.
También influirá en el precio de éstos.
It will also influence the price of food.
Además, no tienen que ser rentables a cualquier precio.
Furthermore, they do not have to be profitable at any price.
El precio del petróleo ya está subiendo,
The price of oil is already rising.
Sin embargo, esto tiene un precio.
However, this comes with a price tag.
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