Spanish Sentences using pensaba
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The I thought you would have already repaired the bike. I didn't think you would have repaired it yet.
I thought Hugo would have already washed the dog. I didn't think Hugo would have washed the dog.
I thought they would have already planted the tree. I didn't think they had planted the tree.
Travelling, I learned that in Mexico they work harder than I used to think.
Yo pensaba ir a la laguna.
I was thinking about going to the lagune.
Tardé menos de lo que yo pensaba.
It took me less time than I thought it would.
Yo pensaba que el Mundo Virtual iba a ser mi perdición.
I thought that the virtual world was going to be my perdition.
Pensaba que conocía bien Europa.
I thought I knew Europe well.
Yo pensaba que esto estaba más adelantado.
I thought that this was at a more advanced stage.
Traté de preguntarle qué pensaba al respecto.
I tried to ask him what he thought of the regulation.
Nuestro colega Souchet pensaba que era lento.
Mr Souchet thought that the progress made was slow.
¡Pensaba que había triunfado el sentido común!
I thought that sense had triumphed!
Era lo que pensaba que iba a decir.
This is what I thought you would say.
Pensaba que usted quería hablar sobre Belarús.
I thought you wanted to speak on Belarus.
Pensaba sacarlo y llevármelo a casa como reliquia.
I thought I would take it out and take it home as a relic.
Me sorprende mucho porque pensaba que nuestros socios eran de fiar.
And there was I thinking we were dealing with reliable partners.
Pensaba que tendría un minuto que compartir con nosotros.
I would have thought that he would have had a minute to share with us.
Por supuesto que sí. Pensaba que ya los habían recibido.
By all means, in fact I thought that they had already reached you.
Está claro que pensaba que estamos hablando de la Euroviñeta.
He obviously thought we were talking about the Eurovignette.
Señorías, hace tan solo un momento pensaba todo lo contrario.
Ladies and gentlemen, you were of the opposite opinion a moment ago.
Se pensaba que las mujeres tenían una función inferior, subordinada.
Women were seen to have an inferior, subordinate role.
Yo pensaba que esto iba a costar un dineral.
I thought this would cost thousands.
Se pensaba que el problema era que había demasiados alimentos.
Too much food was thought to be the problem.
(NL) Señora Presidenta, pensaba que se había olvidado de mí.
(NL) Madam President, I thought that you had overlooked me.
De hecho, dije que pensaba que sería una irresponsabilidad.
Indeed, I said I thought it would be irresponsible.
En aquel tiempo nadie pensaba demasiado en tomar un avión.
Nobody ever thought much about flying in aeroplanes in those days.
Pensaba haber respondido a la pregunta planteada por Su Señoría.
I thought I had already covered the honourable member's question.
Pensaba que el señor Presidente no podía ver por aquí arriba.
I was wondering whether the President could see me over here.
Señor Presidente, Señorías, les he expuesto todo lo que pensaba.
Mr President, ladies and gentlemen, those are my thoughts.
Pensaba que íbamos a oír algo positivo y constructivo.
I thought that we would be hearing something constructive and positive.
Y yo pensaba que para nosotros, europeos, es Oriente Próximo.
But I thought that for us, as Europeans, the area in question was the Near East.
Se pensaba que la enfermedad se transmitía por las harinas.
It was thought that the disease was transmitted by different kinds of meal.
Quizá pensaba en el proceso de la Sra. Al-Sadaui. Quizá pensaba en el proceso del Sr. Ibrahimi, también en Egipto.
Perhaps he was thinking of the trial of Nawal El Sadaawi, or perhaps of the trial of Mr Ibrahimi, also in Egypt.
Hace diez años, uno de cada tres suecos pensaba que la pertenencia a la UE era buena para el país, pero un porcentaje similar pensaba justamente lo contrario.
Ten years ago, one in three Swedes thought EU membership was good for the country, but just as many thought the opposite.
Yo pensaba que al menos habían leído las resoluciones sobre las que íbamos a votar.
I thought at least they read the resolutions they were going to vote on.
Se pensaba que nuestras libertades habían sido puestas en peligro por la Austria del Sr. Haider.
We thought Mr Haider' s Austria was endangering our freedom.
Señor Presidente, esto ha ido más rápido de lo que se pensaba.
Mr President, that went quicker than I thought.
Hasta ahora pensaba yo que la Sra. Lulling era una luxemburguesa.
I had always assumed that Mrs Lulling was a Luxembourgoise.
Yo pensaba que recibiría todas las preguntas complementarias y que, a continuación, daría una respuesta complementaria global.
I was under the impression that I would listen to all the additional questions first and then respond to them all in one go.
Pensaba que la Comisión de Asuntos Constitucionales solicitaba una inclusión en el presente período de sesiones.
I thought that the Committee on Constitutional Affairs was making a request for this item to be placed on the agenda of this part-session.
Los tiempos pueden haber cambiado pero antiguamente se pensaba de otra manera al respecto.
The times may have changed, but we used to think differently about this.
Pensaba que ya estaba inmune, pero lo de Yenin es peor que lo que me imaginaba.
I thought I was immune, but Jenin was worse than I had imagined.
Señor Presidente, sustituiré a mi colega Vermeer. Leeré el discurso que él pensaba pronunciar.
Mr President, I shall read out on Mr Vermeer's behalf the speech that he wanted to deliver.
Mucha gente me ha preguntado por qué razón pensaba que lo iba a conseguir.
People have therefore often asked me what on earth possessed me to think that I would get it through just like that.
Ya entonces pensaba que los demócratas debían mostrarse intransigentes con las fuerzas totalitarias.
At that time I certainly thought that democrats should be uncompromising where totalitarian forces were concerned.
Se pensaba que la justicia sería incapaz de condenar a los asesinos de Carlos Cardoso.
It was thought that the legal system would not be able to bring his murderers to justice.
Le agradezco que haya usted mejorado en mucho lo que yo pensaba que iba a decir.
Thank you for very much improving on what I thought you were going to say.
La enfermedad ha resultado ser más grave y contagiosa de lo que se pensaba.
The disease has proved more serious and more infectious than was thought.
Pensaba e imaginaba que la Sra. Morgantini podía hablar como la Sra. Napoletano.
I had thought and imagined that Mrs Morgantini could speak like Mrs Napoletano.
Acabo de decir lo que pensaba del contexto de esta elección, que he criticado.
I said just now what I thought of the context of this election; I was critical of it.
Y yo que pensaba que la Comisaria andaba por ahí intentando salvar el mundo.
And all that time I thought the Commissioner was out there trying to save the world!
Contrariamente a lo que se pensaba, la opinión pública comprendió perfectamente y apoyó lo sucedido.
Contrary to what was thought, public opinion has understood and supported what happened here perfectly.
Por supuesto, entonces se pensaba que se ganarían todos los referendos.
Of course, in those days it was thought that all the referenda would be won.
La Presidencia consultó a la Comisión en relación con las iniciativas que pensaba tomar, y viceversa.
The Presidency consulted the Commission on the initiatives it was taking, and vice versa.
Cuando nació la industria informática y se crearon los primeros programas, nadie pensaba en patentar.
In the earliest days of the IT industry and when the first computer software was developed, no one ever thought of patenting it.
Gracias a ustedes sobrevivimos, sabiendo a ciencia cierta que Europa pensaba en nosotros y que no nos habían olvidado.
It was thanks to you that we survived, strong in the knowledge that Europe was thinking of us and that we had not been forgotten.
Sucede a veces que el momento de la verdad llega antes de lo que uno pensaba.
It sometimes happens that the moment of truth arrives earlier than one thought it would.
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