Spanish Sentences using contestar
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The She would have answered the letter, but she lost it.
I wonder why Mr. Ortega answered you as if he didn't know anything about the matter.
María couldn't answer because she didn't know that the teacher wanted.
The salesmen (that/whom) we sent the samples to haven't answered us yet.
Do you think the boss would mind if I answered the telegram without his permission?
We had to answer the branch office that the merchandise would be sent a week later.
Excuse me, Juan, don't answer now but after publicity...
El día de hoy usted contestará llamadas entrantes.
You will answer inbound calls today.
El cuestionario no está completo, contesta a la última pregunta por favor.
The questionnaire is not complete, answer the last question please.
Juan contestó la pregunta.
John answered the question.
Marie contestó una pregunta y yo seguí después de ella. Contesté la pregunta correctamente.
Marie answered a question and I answered one after her. I answered the question correctly.
Se me dijo que no contestara el teléfono.
I was told not to answer the phone.
Es una lástima que no contestara esa carta.
It is a pity she didn’t reply to that letter.
Usted contesta correctamente.
You answer correctly.
¿Contesta usted correctamente?
Do you answer correctly?
Contestar que no / con un no
to say no
Contesta en español.
Answer in Spanish.
Solemos contestar pregunta a pregunta.
We usually reply question by question.
A esto tendremos que contestar.
That is the question we must answer.
Me gustaría contestar a esa afirmación.
I would like to dispute that strongly.
Quiero contestar algunas preguntas.
I should like to answer some questions.
Debemos contestar a esa pregunta.
We must answer this question.
Quizás me pueda contestar brevemente.
Could you perhaps give me a brief answer?
Puede usted contestar la pregunta.
You may answer the question.
La Comisión sigue sin contestar.
The Commission has still not replied.
Hay que contestar a estas preguntas.
These questions need to be answered.
Quisiera contestar al Sr. Schäfer.
I would like to reply to Mr Schäfer.
¿Desea contestar el señor Comisario?
Do you wish to reply, Mr Commissioner?
Señor Marín, ¿quiere contestar usted?
Mr Marín, do you wish to respond?
Queda exonerado, según el Reglamento, de contestar.
According to the Rules of Procedure, you are not required to reply.
Pienso que me va a contestar que sí.
I think you are saying that you do.
Esto es lo que le puedo contestar.
That is all the information that I can give to you.
Haga el favor de contestar a la Cámara.
Please do me the favour of answering the House.
Ignoro si usted me puede contestar directamente.
I do not know whether you can respond to this now.
Esta pregunta ha quedado sin contestar.
I did not receive a reply to this specific question.
Quiero contestar a la pregunta del Sr. Bowe.
I should like to answer Mr Bowe's question.
El señor Vitorino va a contestar estas preguntas.
Mr Vitorino will answer these questions.
Me gustaría contestar a algunas de las cuestiones planteadas.
I would like to reply to some of the points raised.
Paso ahora a contestar a algunas cuestiones concretas.
I should now like to reply to some specific questions.
Puedo contestar a esta pregunta muy brevemente.
I can answer this question very briefly.
No puede limitarse a decir que no va a contestar.
You cannot simply say that you are not going to answer.
Desgraciadamente, el tiempo no nos permitirá contestar a todas.
Sadly, time will not permit me to answer them all.
No voy a contestar a cada uno, sino en general.
I will not answer you individually, but in general.
Lamento no poder contestar a algunas otras preguntas.
I am sorry that I am sadly unable to answer certain other questions.
Señora Presidenta, voy a contestar muy brevemente.
Madam President, I shall answer very briefly.
Me gustaría tratar de contestar algunas preguntas específicas.
I would like to try and answer some specific questions.
Señor Presidente, voy a contestar a algunas preguntas breves.
Mr President, I will answer a few short questions.
Todavía hay que contestar a todas estas preguntas.
All these questions are still to be answered.
Ahora paso a contestar otras tres preguntas.
Now I will answer three more questions.
¿Señor Comisario Bangemann, desea contestar ahora?
Commissioner Bangemann, would you like to respond?
Intento contestar y a continuación volvemos a empezar.
I try to answer them, but then we are back where we started from.
Señor Comisario, puede contestar por escrito.
Mr Commissioner, you may answer in writing.
A continuación quisiera contestar concretamente al Sr. Nassauer.
I have a particular answer for Mr Nassauer.
Por tanto, no le puedo contestar a su pregunta.
Therefore, I cannot answer your question.
Señor Spencer, no sé contestar a su pregunta.
I am unable to answer your question, Mr Spencer.
Creo que no hay que contestar nada más.
Well, I do not think there is anything more to say.
¿Puedo contestar las tres al mismo tiempo, o tengo que contestar pregunta a pregunta?
I can answer all three together, or do I have to answer each question individually?
Opino que el Consejo no intentó contestar mi pregunta.
I do not consider that the Council tried to answer my question.
Qué discursos enredados para evitar contestar a las cuestiones planteadas.
What tangled comments they made to avoid answering our questions.
Creo que por lo menos hay que contestar dos preguntas.
There are at least two questions which I think must be answered.
Debería ser fácil contestar sí o no a esta pregunta.
It ought to be easy to answer yes or no to that question.
Es verdad que, a veces, tardamos mucho tiempo en contestar.
It is true that we sometimes take a long time to reply.
Señora Comisaria, ¿desea contestar a la pregunta de su Señoría?
Commissioner, would you like to respond to the question?
Sólo una información para contestar al Sr. Cox.
I have some information for Mr Cox.
Es muy fácil contestar que sí o que no.
It is very easy to answer yes or no.
Voy a contestar a las tres preguntas del Sr. Kreissl-Dörfler.
I shall reply to the three questions from Mr Kreissl-Dörfler.
No sé si el Comisario Bolkenstein le va a contestar enseguida.
I do not know whether Commissioner Bolkenstein intends to answer your question straight away.
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