Spanish Sentences using nadie
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The There is no one who would wear gloves this time of year.
Nobody had beaten the Devils, but we beat them seven to nothing.
No one ever understands these young men who prefer to listen to noisy music.
Neither you nor anybody understand what I am going to do.
Nobody agreed with the new law; however, they decided to go ahead.
I was sure that I hadn't been seen by anybody.
I'm not bringing either refreshments or sandwiches for anyone.
No one has heard what my cousin was saying in the conference.
I didn't think that Juan would be able to find anyone who could help us.
Miss Gómez never plays with anybody after 10:45 p.m.
Everybody is asking for something desperately and nobody ever finds the answer.
En mi familia nadie tiene tos, en mi trabajo hay una muchacha que sí tiene tos y ella fue la que recomendó venir al doctor.

In my family no one has a cough, in my workplace there's a girl that does have a cough and she was the one who recommended me to come to the doctor.
No one will ever make me regret what I did.
Nobody like him translates to a graphic plan the human mind.
You are so dirty minded that you never believe anyone.
I'm very glad we don't owe anybody anything anymore.
I have not been able to find someone who can help us.
There isn't anyone who hasn't enjoyed a good movie.
I didn't think that John would be able to find anyone who could help us.
No one had ever seen a dress that had so many pearls and gems!
Do you all know anyone here? No, we don't know anyone here.
We never brought a notebook because nobody had told us to bring one.
I never fire anybody as long as he/she gets along with the other employees.
I want you to know that I don't need anybody's help.
I ask you please not to talk to anybody about this.
Nadie más.
It was not anyone else.
No interesamos a nadie.
No one is interested in us.
No veo a nadie.
I do not see any.
No beneficia a nadie.
That is no use to anyone.
No conozco a nadie.
I do not know anybody who can do that.
No asombra a nadie.
This does not create a very good impression.
Nadie quiere abortar, nadie desea un aborto a nadie.
No one wants an abortion. No one would wish an abortion on anyone.
Nadie nace kamikaze, nadie nace terrorista.
Nobody is born a suicide bomber, nobody is born a terrorist.
Nadie lo vio. Nadie quiso verlo.
Nobody saw it, nobody wanted to see it.
Nadie puede desear esto.
That is in nobody' s interest.
Esto no puede sorprender a nadie.
This cannot, of course, come as some sort of surprise.
Nadie la escuchaba.
Nobody would listen to her.
¡Nadie lo quiere!
That is something that no one can want to see happen.
Nadie nos escucha" .
No one listens to us.'
Y nadie nos escuchó.
And nobody listened to us.
Nadie lo pide.
Nobody is asking for this.
Nadie puede olvidarlo.
No one can forget that.
Pero no beneficia a nadie más.
But it does not serve anyone else.
Y nadie lo discute.
And nobody is questioning that.
Nadie será discriminado.
No one will be discriminated against.
Nadie puede garantizar nada.
Nobody can give any guarantees.
Esto nadie lo discute.
There is no disputing that.
Nadie razonable lo haría.
Nobody sensible would indulge in it.
Nadie tendría que prostituirse.
No one should have to prostitute themselves.
Eso nadie lo duda.
That much is not a matter of doubt.
¡No hay nadie inocente, aquí!
There are no innocent parties here!
Nadie quiere ofender a China.
Nobody wants to offend China.
Esto no debe sorprender a nadie.
This should come as no surprise.
Nadie desea duplicar normativas.
Nobody will want double regulation.
Este informe no sanciona a nadie.
Nobody is penalised by this report.
No hay discriminación contra nadie.
There is no discrimination against anyone.
Nadie lo niega.
No one is denying that.
La mediocridad no satisface a nadie.
Nobody is satisfied with mediocre quality.
Sin embargo, no engañan a nadie.
They fool no one, however.
Nadie ha dicho eso.
No one has said this.
Nadie parece ser responsable.
Nobody seems to be responsible.
Nadie debería quedar marginado.
Nobody should be left behind.
No estoy culpando a nadie.
I am not blaming anybody.
Nadie puede entender esto.
No one on earth could understand that.
No se forzará a nadie a hacerlo.
Nobody will be forced to do so.
Nadie lo entendería.
Nobody will understand that over there!
Nadie lo discute.
No one is disputing that.
No se ha detenido a nadie.
No one has even been caught.
A nadie le debería extrañar.
This should not come as a surprise to anyone.
Nadie ignoraba eso.
Noone was in any doubt about that.
Entonces nadie entenderá nada.
That just does not make sense.
Nadie quiere aislar a Turquía.
Nobody wants Turkey to be isolated.
Nadie lo puede descartar.
There is nothing to suggest it will not.
Nadie pudo explicárselo.
There was not a single minister able to explain that.
Yo no lo he encargado a nadie.
I gave no one any such order.
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