Spanish Sentences using nada  

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no decir nada
to not say a word
No, no he leído nada.
No, I haven't read anything.
No traigas nada por favor.
Don't bring anything please.
Me parece que no hay nada roto.
I don't think there is anything broken.
Ella no durmió nada.
She didn't sleep a wink.
No me debes nada.
You don't owe me anything.
no comprendo nada
I don´t understand anything.
No he hecho nada malo.
I haven't done anything wrong.
A vosotros no os dicen nada.
They say nothing to you guys.
No hemos ganado nada pero era divertido.
We haven't won anything but it was fun.
No hagas nada la noche antes del viaje.
Don't do anything the night before the trip.
No me expliques nada más.
Don't explain anything else to me.
A los esturiones no les gusta nada comer caviar.
Sturgeons don't enjoy eating caviar at all.
no decir nada
to not say a word
No quería nada más, ¿cuánto es?
Nothing else, how much is it?
No me sirve para nada.
It is not useful to me.
¿Vieron ustedes algo más? No, no vimos nada más.
Did you all see anything else? No, we did not see anything else.
No oigo nada.
I don't hear anything.
¡No quiero tener nada que ver con usted!
I want nothing to do with you.
no hay nada que hacer
there is nothing to do
No ha dicho nada durante todo el espectáculo.
He didn't say a thing throughout the whole show.
No quiero saber nada de eso.
I don't want to know anything about it.
No tengo inconveniente. No tengo nada en contra.
I don't mind. I have nothing against it.
A ellos no les gustó nada.
They didn't like anything.
Nada podemos hacer sin mapa y brújula.
We can't do anything without a map and a compass.
La comida no sabe a nada, es totalmente insípida.
The food doesn't taste like anything, it's totally bland.
Delia no propuso nada.
Delia didn't suggest anything.
A él no le ha gustado nada la clase.
He hasn't liked the class at all.
Yo no tiro nada, intento aprovecharlo todo.
I don't throw anything away, I try to make use of everything.
Ella siempre está enojándose por nada.
She is always getting mad for no reason.
No señor, no me dijeron nada.
No Sir, they didn´t tell me anything.
Su nueva técnica no sirve para nada.
Your new technique doesn't work at all.
No falta nada.
Nothing is missing.
No queda nada en el refrigerador.
There's nothing left in the fridge.
No pidas nada más para comer.
Don't order anything else to eat.
Estoy muy gordo porque no hago nada de ejercicio.
I'm very fat because I don't exercise at all. (m)
No tengo nada más que añadir.
I have nothing else to add.
No faltaba nada.
Nothing was missing.
Él no sabe nada.
He knows nothing.
No acuerdes en nada hasta que leamos el contrato.
Don’t agree on anything until we read the contract.
Yo falté a ocho clases nada más.
I missed only eight classes.
Si fuera española, no le costaría nada.
If you were Spanish, it would not cost you anything.
No nos parecemos en nada.
We don't look alike at all.
No sirves para nada.
You are good for nothing.
No hay nada que ver en la televisión.
There is nothing to see on television.
No pudo haberse originado de la nada.
It couldn't have originated from nothing.
Usted tiene nada más un esguince.
You have nothing more than a sprain.
Él no dice nada, y tú, ¿qué dices?
He doesn't say anything, and you, what do you say?
Mi amiga no jugó con nada.
My friend didn't play with anything.
A él no le gustó nada.
He didn't like anything.
Los domingos no hago nada.
On Sundays I do nothing.
No sirve de nada quejarse.
There is no point in complaining.
No he avanzado nada en matemáticas.
I haven't made any progress in math.
No oigo nada en la radio.
I don't listen to anything on the radio.
No dibujo nada en el cuaderno.
I draw nothing on the notebook.
El bebé no dice nada.
The baby doesn't say anything.
Ella no te regala nada.
She doesn't give you anything.
¿No le han dicho nada al jefe?
Haven't you said anything to the boss?
Este sistema operativo no sirve para nada.
This operating system doesn't work at all.
El niño no come nada.
The boy doesn't eat anything.
No, no le hemos dicho nada.
No, we haven't said anything to him.
Nada más llegar al hotel, tenemos que registrarnos.
Upon arriving to the hotel, we have to check in.
No como nada con carne.
I don't eat anything with meat.
No pude hacer nada.
I couldn't do anything.
No necesito nada ahora.
I don't need anything now.
nada importante
nothing important
No sé nada de alemán.
I don't know any German.
No, por el momento no me ha dado nada.
No, at the moment he/she has not given me anything.
Antes que nada me abroché el cinturón de seguridad.
First of all, I fastened my seat belt.
Con preguntar no se pierde nada.
By asking, nothing is lost.
No le dijo nada.
He told him nothing.
No compraste nada.
You bought nothing.
Hace 15 días que no he oído nada de él.
It's been 15 days since I heard from him.
No sirve. No vale de nada
It doesn't work.It's worth nothing.
El inquilino no abona nada a su cuenta.
The renter doesn’t pay anything toward his bill.
Los estudiantes no se interesaban en nada.
The students were not interested in anything.
Uds. no le habían dicho nada a Jaime todavía, ¿verdad?
You hadn't told anything to Jaime yet, had you?
No tomó nada más.
He did not take more.
No hay nada que usted pueda hacer.
There is nothing you can do.
nada que declarar
nothing to declare
Alfonso no se calla nada.
Alfonso doesn't keep anything to heimself.
Mi esposa es muy friolenta, no soporta el frío para nada.
My wife is always cold, she can't stand the cold at all.
No pierdes nada con preguntar.
You lose nothing by asking.
No mencioné nada sobre lo que TÚ llevas puesto!
I didn't say anything about what YOU are wearing!
Ya nada me asombra.
Nothing surprises me anymore.
Ya no me asombro por nada.
Nothing surprises me anymore.
No le diré nada a nadie.
I won't say anything to anyone.
¡A tí nada te gusta!
You don't like anything, do you?
Ayer no hicimos nada.
We didn't do anything yesterday.
Nunca salimos para nada.
We never go out at all.
Yo nunca firmo nada sin leerlo primero.
I never sign anything without reading it first.
Ella no cuida la casa para nada.
She doesn't take care of the house at all.
No es nada del otro mundo.
That's nothing.
Sin gafas no se ve nada.
You don't see anything without glasses.
El bebé no come nada.
The baby doesn't eat anything.
¡No toques nada!
Don't touch anything!
No nos atrevimos a decir nada.
We didn't dare to say anything.
No sé nada de eso
I don't know anything about it
No estás en posición de demandar nada.
You are not in a position to sue for anything.
Todo estaba descompuesto en la hacienda. Nada servía.
Everything was broken at the ranch. Nothing worked.
No penséis nada, no veáis nada, no hagáis nada.
Think nothing, see nothing, do nothing.
No cuesta nada.
It does not cost anything.
No compromete a nada.
It does not commit you to anything.
Nada nuevo.
We have heard this one before.
Nada más.
This is the request that I should like to express
Nada más.
That is all for the moment.
No cambia nada.
He is not changing anything.
¡Nada más!
There was no more to it than that.
Nada más.
I have nothing else to say.
No ganamos nada.
We are not gaining anything.
El resultado: nada de nada.
The result: nada, zero, zip.
Nada más y nada menos.
Nothing else, nothing more and nothing less.
Es más que nada.... ¡pero casi nada!
It is better than nothing, but not much!
Es mejor que nada y nada mejor.
It is better than nothing but takes us no further.
Nada menos, pero nada más que eso.
Nothing less and nothing more than that.
De nada, de nada, señor Barroso.
Not at all, not at all, Mr Barroso.
Esto no tiene nada que ver con nada.
It is not about any link to anything.
No añadiremos nada ni suprimiremos nada al Tratado.
We shall neither add anything to the Treaty, nor delete anything from it.
Pero no hay nada perdido.
But all is not lost.
Y no estamos haciendo nada.
We are not doing anything whatsoever about it.
Nada más, señor Presidente.
Mr President, that is all I have to say.
Nada más errado.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
No han conseguido nada.
In fact, they have achieved nothing.
Esa discusión no conduciría a nada.
This discussion would be meaningless.
¡Una tarea nada fácil!
This was no mean feat!
No es necesario repetir nada.
There is no need to repeat anything.
La ecotasa no soluciona nada.
The eco-tax will solve nothing.
Y nada más.
I have nothing else to say.
Sobre Estrasburgo no dice nada.
It says nothing about Strasbourg.
Consiguen algo por nada.
They are getting something for nothing.
Entonces, ¡nada de cabeceos!
So, do not shake your head!
Yo, realmente, no entiendo nada.
I really do not understand at all.
No se puede descartar nada.
This might well be the case.
No es nada nuevo.
There is nothing new about that.
Esto no resulta nada auspicioso.
Things are looking quite bad.
Nada de eso.
It does nothing of the kind.
No sería nada deseable.
That would be a real pity.
Nada más, Señorías.
That, ladies and gentlemen, is all I have to say.
No, decididamente, nada nuevo.
There is absolutely nothing new here.
Así no conseguimos nada.
We will not achieve anything that way.
¡No hay nada más falso!
Nothing could be further from the truth.
No tengo nada en contra.
I have nothing against that.
En síntesis, nada preocupante.
In short, there is nothing to worry about.
No perderán nada con probarlo.
There is no harm in trying it out.
Nada de nuevas ideas, nada de nuevas visiones, nada de nuevas iniciativas, y nada de urgencias.
No new thoughts, no new vision, no new initiatives and no urgency.
No tengo nada que añadir.
I have nothing further to add.
No puedo añadir nada más.
I can say no more.
No serviría de nada.
It will not help at all.
Además, no solucionaría nada.
Moreover, it would not solve anything.
No está nada mal.
That is not a bad result.

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