Spanish Sentences using estuvimos
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The We were making a dress for Zolila. We were making it for her.
We were making some jokes to Soila. We were making them to her.
We were making the dinner for Soila. We were making it for her.
Yesterday, we went out with the boys from school. They lived near the shopping mall where we were.
We got up late every day last week because we were on vacation.
Ayer, cuando estuvimos allí, no había maquinaria pesada.
There was no heavy equipment when we were there yesterday.
No estuvimos a la altura de la tarea.
We were not equal to the task.
Ayer estuvimos votando hasta las 14.00 horas.
Yesterday, we were voting until 2 p.m.
En 1994 estuvimos a punto de ganar.
In 1994 we were on the verge of winning.
Estuvimos debatiendo esto hace un año.
We were discussing this a year ago.
Estuvimos de acuerdo en todos los asuntos.
We were in agreement on every single case.
Algunos de nosotros estuvimos ayer aquí.
Several of us were here yesterday.
Estuvimos muy cerca de un acuerdo de compromiso.
We were very near to a compromise agreement.
Debo admitir que estuvimos realmente cerca de llegar a un acuerdo.
I have to tell you that we were genuinely close to concluding the agreement.
Les recuerdo que estuvimos trabajando primero en inglés.
I would like to point out that we worked first of all in English.
Durante demasiados años no estuvimos presentes cuando nos necesitaba.
For many years we have been absent when that country needed us.
Estuvimos, como están ellos, sin agua, sin luz.
Like them, we lived without water or electricity.
Este mensaje fue tanto más potente por cuanto estuvimos unidos.
That message was all the more powerful in that we were united.
Nosotros estuvimos en contra de la creación de dicho Fondo.
We were against the creation of such a fund.
Entonces, según los expertos, estuvimos al borde de un colapso financiero y estuvimos a las puertas de otra gran depresión.
Then, according to the experts, we were on the verge of a financial collapse, and we were on the threshold of another great depression.
Estuvimos negociando durante dos años la legislación sobre el comercio de semillas.
We negotiated the seed marketing legislation for two years.
Todos los Grupos estuvimos de acuerdo en comisión, menos el PPE.
All of our groups were in agreement in committee, apart from the PPE Group.
La Sra. Doyle presentó una cuestión de orden, y estuvimos esperando....
Mrs Doyle presented a procedural motion, and we waited some time.
Es una base magnífica. Hace pocos años, aquí, en la Parlamento, estuvimos alabando ese Acuerdo.
This agreement is an excellent basis, as acknowledged by the European Parliament several years ago.
Estuvimos en Sharm El-Sheik y, en este momento, el Alto Representante está en Jerusalén.
We were at Sharm el-Sheik and the High Representative is currently in Jerusalem.
Soy presidente suplente de la delegación para Eslovaquia, país donde estuvimos la última semana.
I am deputy chairman of the delegation to Slovakia, and we were in Slovakia last week.
Naturalmente, el 3 de diciembre ha llegado pronto, y nosotros mismos sólo estuvimos listos en noviembre.
The 3 December deadline came around very quickly, of course, and we ourselves were only ready in November.
Ayer, tanto Chris Patten como yo, estuvimos con el Ministro de Asuntos Exteriores de Pakistán.
Yesterday, both Chris Patten and I were with the Pakistani Foreign Affairs Minister.
En aquel momento estuvimos todos unidos, espero que en este caso también lo estamos.
At that point we were all united, and I hope we are in this case as well.
Digo «prácticamente todos» porque estuvimos cerca de alcanzar un acuerdo sobre la cuestión de Chipre.
I say 'almost all' because we came very close to achieving agreement on the Cyprus question.
Tras aquellos acontecimientos, todos estuvimos de acuerdo en afirmar que el mundo había cambiado.
After those events we all agreed that the world had changed.
No estuvimos allí en aquel momento, porque reconocíamos que Ariel Sharon había sido elegido de forma legítima.
We were not there at that moment, because we rightly recognised that Ariel Sharon had been legitimately elected.
Eso quedó absolutamente claro cuando estuvimos allí y sigue siendo así.
That was absolutely clear when we were there and it remains the case.
En esto estuvimos de acuerdo todos los Grupos de esta Asamblea.
This is something on which I think all groups in this House were agreed.
Como recordarán, durante la Presidencia irlandesa estuvimos muy cerca de un compromiso.
You will recall that we were very close to reaching a compromise under the Irish Presidency.
No fue posible en aquel momento, porque los Tratados no lo permitían, y estuvimos esperando la Constitución.
It was not possible at that time, because the Treaties did not allow it, and we were waiting for the Constitution.
Estuvimos cerca de lograrlo en el último Consejo Europeo formal: podemos hacerlo.
We came very close in the last formal European Council: we can do it.
Cuando estuvimos en Hong Kong, parecía que Rob Portman nunca podía negociar.
When we were in Hong Kong, Rob Portman seemed never to be able to negotiate.
Estuvimos en Haifa, donde había un peligro constante de ataques con misiles.
We went to Haifa, where there was constant danger from rockets.
Todos estuvimos ciegos, y deberíamos reconocer al menos que también nosotros nos equivocamos.
We have all been blind and we ought at least to recognise that we too were mistaken.
En este sentido, también estuvimos de acuerdo en que no es necesaria una directiva marco a escala comunitaria.
In this regard, we also agreed with the point that there is no need for a framework directive at Community level.
Todos estuvimos de acuerdo en que Rusia sigue una dirección peligrosa.
All agreed that Russia is heading in a dangerous direction.
Quienes estuvimos allí hemos podido apreciar el apego de los ciudadanos nigerianos a los valores democráticos.
We who were there saw how committed Nigerian citizens are to democratic values.
Estuvimos de acuerdo porque esperábamos recibir un trato ecuánime a su debido tiempo.
We agreed to this hoping that we would come to receive equal treatment in due course.
Todos estuvimos de acuerdo en esta Cámara, y todos los grandes Grupos políticos suscribimos REACH.
We have all agreed on that in this House; all the major political groups signed up to REACH.
Cuando estuve con mis colegas en Azerbaiyán durante unos días estuvimos hablando de ello.
When I was in Azerbaijan for a short time with my colleagues, we did discuss this.
Nosotros, yo incluido, estuvimos también el Liubliana durante los ataques aéreos serbios.
We - myself included - were also at Ljubljana when the Serbian air raids took place.
También me lo explico a mi allá en diciembre de 2005, cuando estuvimos juntos en Hong Kong.
He also explained this to me back in December 2005, when we were in Hong Kong together.
Para un artículo, el artículo 14, estuvimos negociando cuatro horas, cuatro horas palabra por palabra.
For one article, Article 14, we negotiated for four hours, four hours over each word individually.
Cuando estuvimos en Moscú negociando este documento, nos preguntaron cómo pensábamos que deberían haber reaccionado.
When we were in Moscow negotiating this document, we were asked how they should have reacted.
Creo que algunas discusiones fueron muy interesantes y no siempre estuvimos de acuerdo.
I think we had some very interesting debates and we did not always agree.
Ambos estuvimos en Bali, también en Poznań, y estaremos juntos en Copenhague.
We were both in Bali, we were both in Poznań, and we will both be in Copenhagen.
Hace unos tres años, la señora Hall y yo estuvimos en el norte de Kenia.
About three years ago, Fiona Hall and I went to northern Kenya.
Hace algunos días, estuvimos en los Estados Unidos para debatir con algunos colegas del Congreso.
A few days ago, we were in the US having discussions with our colleagues from Congress.
Obviamente que estuvimos muy preocupados acerca de Madeira y de Francia.
We were all obviously very concerned about Madeira and France.
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