Spanish Sentences using eliminar
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The If we lose this match we will be eliminated from the competition.
Is the message still in the deleted items' folder?
Tidy up, organize or eliminate the newspapers and magazines.
You need to delete unused programs and files.
El vino blanco eliminará las manchas de vino tinto.
White wine will remove red wine stains.
¿Es eliminar armas o eliminar a Sadam Hussein?
Is it to remove weapons or to remove Saddam Hussein?
No queremos eliminar la competencia.
We do not want to eliminate competition.
Debemos eliminar cualquier riesgo.
We should eliminate any risks.
Debemos eliminar este riesgo.
This risk must be eliminated.
Se deben eliminar los malentendidos.
Misunderstandings must be cleared up.
Hay que eliminar necesidades formales.
We need to eliminate formal requirements.
Aquí tenemos que eliminar obstáculos.
That means overcoming certain obstacles.
No podíamos añadir ni eliminar nada.
We could neither add nor subtract anything.
Hay que eliminar todo esto.
These need to be eliminated.
Tenemos que eliminar las barreras.
We need to dismantle the barriers here.
Tenemos que eliminar las barreras.
We have to take down the barriers.
No me gustaría eliminar la verdad ahora.
I would not like to delete the truth now.
Hemos conseguido eliminar muchos malentendidos.
We eased out a lot of the misunderstandings as well.
Los Estados miembros deben eliminar los obstáculos.
Member States must lift obstructions.
Se deben eliminar los mercados de ganado.
Cattle markets must be abolished.
Creo que hay que eliminar el registro.
I think that we should do away with the register.
Hay que eliminar los obstáculos técnicos.
Technical barriers must be removed.
De no ser así, ¿cuándo se van a eliminar?
If not, when will they come down?
Debemos eliminar los obstáculos que lo impiden.
We must eliminate the obstacles to this.
Para ello tenemos que eliminar los traumas.
To do this, we must eliminate the traumas.
Hay que eliminar los obstáculos administrativos.
In this case there are administrative obstacles to be removed.
Es necesario eliminar la mediocridad de Europa.
Mediocrity must be driven out of Europe.
Hay que eliminar señales negativas como estas.
Inappropriate signs like these have to be eliminated.
Hay que eliminar todo tipo de obstáculos.
All kinds of obstacles must be eliminated.
Hay que eliminar todo tipo de barreras.
All kinds of barriers have to be removed.
Quiero eliminar esta palabra de ahí también.
I want the word deleted there as well.
Sólo podemos eliminar 30.000 reses a la semana.
We can only take out 30, 000 cattle a week.
Quizá pueda contribuir esto a eliminar la desconfianza.
This may also help to break down mistrust.
En primer lugar, hay que eliminar malentendidos.
Firstly, some misunderstandings must be cleared up.
Conducirá a otros esfuerzos para eliminar los obstáculos.
It must lead on to further efforts to remove the obstacles.
Es una manera de eliminar políticamente a alguien.
It is a way of eliminating a person politically.
Tenemos que eliminar realmente estos residuos.
We must ensure that the waste on board ships is actually discharged.
Hay que eliminar esa forma de comportarse.
Such behaviour has to be eliminated.
Parecen estar dispuestos a eliminar al Tercer Mundo.
They seem to be prepared to write off the Third World.
Es preciso eliminar la mentalidad excluyente.
There is no room for totalitarian philosophies.
Queríamos eliminar la expresión «tratar de» porque queríamos eliminar toda posibilidad de escapatoria.
We were seeking to delete the words ‘aim to’ because we want to close the loophole.
Preferiríamos eliminar el considerando 5 y votaremos en ese sentido.
We would prefer to strike out recital 5 and we shall so vote.
No estamos dispuestos a eliminar el veto en materia de cooperación militar.
We are not prepared to dispense with the veto in regard to military cooperation.
Es preciso eliminar la barrera social entre instruidos e ignorantes.
The social divide between the informed and the uninformed must be bridged.
El objetivo de la propuesta es eliminar los problemas mencionados.
The intention of the proposal is to remove the problems mentioned earlier.
Por eso, es importante eliminar los animales mayores.
So it is important to remove the older animals.
Se trata de una ambigüedad fundamental que debemos eliminar.
We must take away this fundamental ambiguity.
No pretendo eliminar el informe Nassauer de la agenda.
I am not seeking to remove the Nassauer report from the agenda.
Tenemos que eliminar los obstáculos fiscales, burocráticos y financieros.
It is imperative that we remove the fiscal, bureaucratic and financial barriers.
Hay que eliminar las causas esenciales de los conflictos armados.
The basic causes of armed conflict must be removed.
Hemos de cerciorarnos de que vamos a eliminar esa posibilidad.
We must make sure that we stamp that out.
Se deben eliminar los transportes de ganado de largo recorrido.
Long hauls with live cattle must be abolished.
No conduce a nada eliminar todo tipo de puentes para el diálogo.
Nothing will be achieved by removing all the bridges to dialogue.
Solamente se quiere eliminar la llamada regla del 108%.
Only the so-called 108% rule is to be abolished.
De ese modo podemos eliminar la raison d'être del terrorismo.
In this way we may remove the raison d'etre of terrorism.
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