Spanish Sentences using desde
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The You can execute the program from the start menu.
For a long time he had been attracted to that character.
Antonio is a doctor and he works in a hospital since many years.
Ever since I've known them, Toña and David have always gone everywhere together as if they were engaged.
For more than a year she waited for them to call her.
Yes, we knew each other for five years before we married.
You can access that from the control panel.
If you had told the truth from the very beginning, you wouldn't be in trouble now.
I doubt if Prof. Guzmán will remember me. We haven't seen each other since I was twelve.
From the 1st of January, he started in business on his own account.
The air traffic is organized from the control tower
I traveled from London to Calcutta in so many days.
I've had it for about two months and it doesn't go away.
From April 23 to June 5, I won't be in my office.
Every night, Juliet greeted Romeo from the tower of her father's castle.
From what time to what time can we go to the swimming pool?
He has adored his girlfriend since the first time he saw her.
He turned quite arrogant since he got a friend.
World War II lasted from September 1st, 1939 to May 4th, 1945.
Please introduce me to your good looking friend; I've wanted to meet him for a long time.
I've been living here for 3 years. It's been 3 years that I've lived here.
Usted puede ejecutar el programa desde el menú de inicio.
You can run the program from your Start menu.
Ella se ha envejecido mucho desde la última vez que la ví.
She has aged a lot since I last saw her.
Desde que os fuisteis todo cambió.
Since you left everything changed.
Desde ayer.
since yesterday
¿Desde cuándo ha tenido este problema?
Since when have you had this problem?
Puedes ayudarme? Por supuesto!
Can you help me? Of course!
Muchas cosas han acontecido desde la última vez que te ví.
Many things have happened since I last saw you.
Los estudiantes me han importado desde que empecé a enseñar.
The students matter to me since I started teaching.
Desde las tres hizo frío.
From three o'clock (on) it was cold.
Te deseo lo mejor desde el fondo de mi corazón.
I wish you the best from the bottom of my heart.
He estado trabajando desde las seis de la mañana.
I have been working since 6:00 a.m.
Este pueblo ha crecido mucho desde el año pasado.
This town has grown more since last year.
La policía averiguó que el ladrón no vivía en esa casa desde hacía mucho tiempo.
The police found out that the thief hadn't lived in that house for a long time.
No me he puesto ese traje desde que me casé.
I haven't worn that suit since I got married.
El bus desde el aparcamiento hasta la terminal es gratuito.
The bus from the parking to the terminal is free of charge.
No aprecio bien el cuadro desde esta distancia.
I don´t see the painting very well from this distance.
Los boletos están agotados desde la semana pasada.
The tickets have been sold out since last week.
¿Desde cuándo no te afeitas? ¡Pareces un puerco espín!
You didn't shave since when? You look like a porcupine!
Desde lejos
from a distance
El hombre ha habitado la tierra desde hace
miles de años.
It has been thousands of years since mankind has inhabited the earth.
Desde el estreno de la película las salas de cine han estado muy concurridas.
Since the premiere of the movie the movie theaters have been very crowded.
No había hablado con Ernesto desde que volvió de Francia.
I hadn't talked with Ernesto since he got back from France.
No recibíamos tantas felicitaciones desde Julio.
We haven't gotten so many congratulations since July.
No había hablado con Ernesto desde hacía mucho tiempo.
I hadn't talked with Ernesto for a long time.
desde lejos
from a distance
No había hablado con Ernesto desde el año pasado.
I hadn't talked with Ernesto since last year.
Convendría averiguar desde cuándo no hace el balance el contador.
It would be a good idea to find out how long it's been since the accountant balanced the books.
Tuvimos que irnos a pie desde donde se nos acabó la gasolina.
We had to walk from (the place) where we ran out of gas.
¿Desde cuándo estudias español?
How long have you been studying Spanish?
Desde el principio
from the beginning
¿Desde cuando no funciona?
Since when is not working?
No se me antojaban desde el invierno pasado.
I haven't craved them since last winter.
¿Desde cuándo?
Since when?
Estaba tan seguro como si ya hubiese visto la tierra desde una nave espacial moderna.
He was as positive about it as if he had seen the earth from a present day space ship.
Estudia mucho desde el principio del semestre, así no necesitarás tomar clases en el verano.
Study a lot at the beginning of the semestre so you won't need to take summer classes.
Desde entonces no he colaborado más.
For that reason, I did not go along with it any further.
Me habla desde el corazón.
He speaks from the heart.
Desde luego no el actual.
And it is certainly not the present structure.
Desde luego, es peligroso.
Of course, it is dangerous.
Lo sabíamos desde 2004.
We have known that since 2004.
¡Desde luego que no!
Of course it would not!
Desde luego, yo no.
I for one would not.
No es posible, desde luego.
It is not possible, surely.
Ahora empezamos desde cero.
We are not starting from scratch.
Desde luego que no.
It has been described wrongly as an example of direct democracy.
Desde luego, va lento.
It is therefore taking its time.
Yo, desde luego, no.
Not I, to be sure!
Vuelos a Estrasburgo desde Escocia
Flights to Strasbourg from Scotland
- (NL) Los partidos deben crearse desde abajo, no desde arriba.
. (NL) Parties should be organisations ruled from the bottom up, not from the top down.
Desde luego, algo no funciona desde el punto de vista técnico.
There is clearly something wrong here, technically speaking.
Tenemos que construir Europa desde abajo y no desde arriba.
Build Europe from the bottom up and not from the top down.
Desde aquí, desde este debate, ese final parece muy lejano.
Standing here responding to this debate tonight, that end looks a long way off.
(Aplausos desde la izquierda y protestas desde la derecha)
(Applause from the left and protests from the right)
(Exclamación desde el hemiciclo: "¡Desde la penitenciaría de Su Majestad!"
(Interjection from the floor: 'From Her Majesty's prison!')
Compromiso activo desde el exilio y desde el interior.
An active promise both in exile and inside the country.
Señoría, desde luego resulta difícil intervenir desde aquí.
Mrs González Álvarez, naturally it is difficult for us to intervene from here.
¿Pueden ser regulados desde Bruselas?
Can such matters be controlled from Brussels?
Desde entonces poco ha cambiado.
Since then little has changed.
Quiero manifestarlo asimismo desde aquí.
That was another point I wanted to make.
Con todo, no partimos desde cero.
Anyway, we are not starting from scratch.
Esto es desde luego inadmisible.
This is of course unacceptable.
A mi, desde luego, me resulta incomprensible.
I, for one, find it incomprehensible.
Estará encadenada desde el principio.
It will be fettered from the outset.
Desde 1999 es presidente vitalicio.
Since 1999 he has been president for life.
Ha llovido mucho desde 2002.
A lot has happened since 2002.
Se dice desde hace siglos.
That has always been the case down the centuries.
¿Qué ha ocurrido desde entonces?
What has happened since then?
Desde entonces no ha sucedido nada.
Since then, nothing has happened.
Desde luego, es un bosquejo.
It is of course a framework.
¿No sucede ya así desde 1990-1991?
Has not this been the case since 1990-1991?
Esto es desde luego inadmisible.
That is of course unacceptable.
Desde entonces, siguen en cautiverio.
They have been held captive ever since.
Aplaudo desde luego estos avances.
I naturally welcome this progress.
Para ellos, desde luego, no existen.
For them there truly can be none.
Desde luego, esto no puede suceder.
Surely that cannot be the case.
Desde luego, todo es mejorable.
Of course, there is still room for improvement.
Es «no» desde todos los flancos.
It was a ‘no’ from all sides.
¿Qué ha pasado desde entonces?
So what has happened since?
Pero, desde luego, no sus clientes.
Their customers most certainly do not.
Desde luego, es lo mínimo.
It is the least we can do.
¿Cómo han actuado desde entonces?
How have they acted since?
¿Qué podemos hacer desde aquí?
How do we move on from here?
¿Qué ha ocurrido desde entonces?
What has happened since then?
Desde luego, dicho mercado no existe.
Of course, such a market does not exist.
Y tienen razón, desde luego.
They have a point, of course.
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