Spanish Sentences using da
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The Yes, I sneeze a lot with strong smells like perfumes, flowers, and even dust.
Aren't you ashamed of yourselves for having laughed at that poor lady?
We should buy the factory in case of foreclosure.
I'm very glad we don't owe anybody anything anymore.
We will call your home; look for the phone number and then give it to us.
Which bank offers you the best interest rate for a $1,000 deposit?
It makes no difference to me if they kill me or if I die because of sadness.
He realizes that he has understood all the lessons.
After walking how many blocks do you get the pain?
If you get the pain when you walk, do you keep walking?
Do you get nausea or vomiting when you have the pain?
We're very pleased that you've gotten well and that you're all right now.
Hope gives you strength to keep moving forward when you feel that nothing matters.
Every now and then I have a fever of 38 C, but it comes and goes.
No me da envidia.
It doesn't make me envious.
No me da vergüenza hacer el rídiculo.
I'm not ashamed of playing the fool.
Estar con gente joven me da vida.
Being with young people gives me life.
Yo voy a comprar la medicina si María me da el dinero.
I am going to buy the medicine if Mary gives me the money.
Se dice que ganar por primera vez te da mucho placer.
People say that winning for the first time is very pleasing.
Mi ventana da a la avenida.
My window faces the avenue.
El le da los buenos días a su amigo.
He says good morning to his friend.
Me gusta mucho / Me da gusto
I like it very much
En esta habitación da el sol por las mañanas.
This room gets the sun in the morning.
Tal como acaba la novela da lugar a diferentes interpretaciones.
The way the novel ends gives way to different interpretations.
A mí me da lo mismo.
It is all the same to me.
¿ Qué derechos me da tener un piso en propiedad?
What property rights do I have when I own my own apartment?
El les da el dinero a ellos.
He gives the money to them.
¿Te da asco?
Does it gross you out?
En la película ella da vida a una científica.
In the movie she gives life to a scientist.
Qué gusto da que te atiendan bien.
It's great that they serve you well.
Qué más da el color.
What does color matter?
¿No te da ni una pizca de lástima verlo así?
It doesn't make you feel a drop of sorrow to see it like this?
¿Cuántas veces al día le da el dolor?
How many times a day do you get the pain?
Me da pereza ir a trabajar.
Going to work is a bother.
¿Le da el dolor cuando está sentado? (¿Acostado?)
Does the pain occur when you are sitting? (lying down?)
La profesora me da los platos a mí.
The professor gives the plates to me.
Se lanza el cohete que da comienzo las fiestas.
The rocket that kicks off the festivities is launched.
Nosotros compraremos los boletos si Juan nos da el dinero.
We will buy the tickets if John gives us the money.
Por qué les das verduras y frutas? Se las doy porque demasiado azúcar les da dolor de estómago.
Why do you give them vegetables and fruit? I give them that because too much sugar gives them a stomach ache.
Me da su dirección por favor.
Please give me your address.
¿Cuántos puntos da la escalera de un mismo palo?
How many points does a straight flush make?
Me da mucho gusto conocerlo
It is nice to meet you
Maribel siempre le da de comer a los canarios.
Maribel always gives food to the canaries.
Él da los resultados del examen médico a Marcos.
He gives the medical results to Marcos.
Ella da clases de automovilismo.
She teaches how to drive.
La enfermera da el jarabe al niño
The nurse gives syrup to the child
Él da el termómetro a Mario.
He gives the thermometer to Mario
El médico da la receta a María.
The doctor gives the prescription to María
Yo da el jarabe a mi abuela.
I give the syrup to my grandmother
El pediatra da dulces a los niños.
The pediatrician gives candies to the children.
No se da ninguna respuesta.
No answer is given to this question.
¿Alguien da más?
Are there any higher offers?
Esto da que pensar.
There is room for thought on this matter.
¿Qué esperanza le da?
What hope do you offer her?
Da mucho que pensar.
It stimulates a great deal of thought.
No nos lo da.
It has not done so.
Esto da que pensar.
That makes us stop and think.
¿Nos da miedo o nos da vergüenza, Giorgos?
Are we afraid or are we ashamed of it, Giorgos?
Eso da claridad a la situación.
That gives clarity to the situation.
(La Asamblea da su conformidad)
(The House gave its assent)
Pero en realidad no da resultado.
But in reality they do not.
Esto nos da que pensar?
It makes you wonder ...
(El Parlamento da su conformidad)
(Parliament agreed to the request)
(El Parlamento da su conformidad)
(Parliament agreed to the request)
(El Parlamento da su conformidad)
(Parliament agreed to the request)
(El Parlamento da su conformidad)
(Parliament agreed to the request)
(El Parlamento da su conformidad)
(Parliament agreed to the proposal)
(El Parlamento da su conformidad)
(Parliament agreed to the proposal)
Si no da resultado, tiraremos a dar.
If this fails to work, we shall use live rounds.
Esto nos da qué pensar.
This is food for thought.
(El Parlamento da su conformidad)
(Parliament agreed to the request)
(DA) Señora Presidenta, no soy antifederalista.
(DA) Madam President, I am not an anti-federalist.
(El Parlamento da su conformidad)
(Parliament agreed to the request)
Y esto me da cierto optimismo.
It gives me a certain optimism.
(El Parlamento da su conformidad.)
(Parliament agreed to the request)
Esto también da que pensar.
There is food for thought there as well.
No se da nada por sentado.
Nothing is taken for granted.
(El Parlamento da su conformidad)
(Parliament agreed to the request)
Todo lo demás da igual.
Anything else makes no difference.
"Me da igual, hijo”, le dije.
"I don't care, my son,” said I.
(El Parlamento da su conformidad)
(Parliament agreed to the proposal)
(El Parlamento da su conformidad)
(The order of business was adopted)
(El Parlamento da su acuerdo)
(Parliament agreed to this proposal)
Esto nos da una responsabilidad.
That places a responsibility on all our shoulders.
(El Parlamento da su conformidad)
(Parliament agreed to this deadline)
Desgraciadamente, no nos da una salida.
Unfortunately we cannot avoid this.
Presidente, nos da que pensar.
Mr President, it makes on think.
El Ministro da esa impresión.
The President-in-Office gave the impression that this would be the case.
Esa fiabilidad ya no se da.
And this reliability can no longer be taken for granted.
También esto da que pensar.
That too makes us stop and think.
Lo que da cierta experiencia.
That gives me some experience.
El Parlamento da su conformidad
Parliament agreed to this proposal
Esto les da una ventaja competitiva temporal.
This gives them a competitive edge for the interim period.
Esto da la medida del problema.
That is the measure of the problem.
Así, se da una clara señal política.
In this way we are sending out a clear political message.
Muchas gracias, señor Seixas da Costa.
Thank you very much, Mr Seixas da Costa.
Les da tiempo a los agricultores para reconvertirse.
It gives farmers time to adapt.
Muchas gracias, señor Seixas da Costa.
Thank you very much, Mr Seixas da Costa.
Muchas gracias, Sr. Seixas da Costa.
Thank you very much, Mr Seixas da Costa.
El autoengaño se da entre nosotros.
The self-deception is happening here.
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