Spanish Sentences using convencer
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The I would have persuaded the witnesses to tell the truth.
Ella estaba convencida de que él nunca la invitaría a salir con él.
She was convinced he would never ask her out.
Ellos no convencieron al profesor que cancelara la clase.
They did not convince the professor to cancel class.
Estoy totalmente convencido de que vamos a perder.
I'm totally convinced that we're going to lose.
Yo me encargaré de convencer al dueño.
I'll see about convincing the owner.
Yo me encargaré de que el abogado convenza al dueño.
I'll see that the lawyer convinces the owner.
Cristóbal Colón estaba convencido de que la tierra era redonda.
Cristopher Columbus was convinced that earth was round.
¿Ya estás convencido de que es la mejor opción?
Are you convinced already that this is the best option?
El Sr. de la Rosa ya nos había convencido de que le pagáramos el quince por ciento de intereses.
Mr. de la Rosa had talked us into paying him fifteen percent interest.
Ya habían convencido al papá cuando la mamá dijo que no.
They had already convinced him when the mother said no.
Ahora debemos convencer al Consejo.
We must now convince the Council.
Tendrán que convencer a la opinión pública.
You will have to convince the public.
Ese argumento debería convencer al Consejo.
That really should convince the Council.
Es a ellos a quienes tenemos que convencer, no a nosotros.
They are the ones we need to convince, not ourselves.
No obstante, a mí todavía me tienen que convencer.
However, I remain to be convinced.
Ahora debemos convencer al Consejo de seguirnos.
We now have to take the Council with us.
Debemos informar y convencer al Consejo.
We must inform and convince the Council of this.
En lo demás no me ha podido convencer.
For the rest, he did not succeed in convincing me.
Yo confío en que el debate todavía logre convencer a algunos.
I hope that the debate will convince a few more people.
Evidentemente, estos países han logrado convencer también a la Comisión.
Obviously these countries have in the meantime also managed to convince the Commission.
Desgraciadamente, no he logrado convencer al Ministerio de Interior francés.
Unfortunately, I was unable to convince the French Interior Minister.
No tiene sentido que intentemos convencer a los estadounidenses con palabras duras.
It makes no sense to try to convince the Americans by using tough words.
Es difícil convencer a los ciudadanos con datos engañosos.
It is hard to sell dull facts to the public.
Para convencer, para tranquilizar, habrá que ser perfectos.
Yet in order to convince people, and to reassure them, we will have to get it right.
Confío en que también sabrá convencer al Consejo.
I am confident that you will succeed in convincing the Council too.
¿Cómo pretende la Presidencia convencer a esos dos países?
How does the presidency intend to bring these countries on board?
Creo que debemos convencer a nuestros gobiernos de esto.
I believe that we must persuade our own governments of this.
No deben dejarse convencer por productos vendidos con alegaciones no sustanciadas.
They must not be convinced by products sold on unsubstantiated claims.
Si existe voluntad política podremos encontrar y convencer a un noveno.
If the political will exists, a ninth can be found and persuaded.
No obstante, todavía tenemos que convencer a algunos Gobiernos de esto.
Several governments, though, remain to be persuaded that this is indeed the case.
Por tanto, en esta negociación tendremos, me parece, medios para convencer.
In this negotiation, therefore, I believe that we will have ways of convincing them.
Ojalá pueda convencer de ello a sus interlocutores y colegas.
Let us hope that you can convince your interlocutors and colleagues of this.
Es importante, pues, convencer a Jartum de que la acepte.
It is therefore important to convince Khartoum to accept it.
¿Cómo podemos convencer a los estadounidenses de que den nuevos pasos?
How can we persuade the Americans to take new steps?
Espero tener aún una oportunidad de convencer a la señora McGuinness.
I hope that there is still a chance of my convincing Mrs McGuinness.
No tenemos que convencer a los ciudadanos, sino a los Estados miembros.
It is not citizens we need to convince, it is Member States.
A nosotros nos corresponde convencer a nuestros socios de los Estados Unidos.
It is up to us to convince our American partners of this.
Todos sabemos que será difícil convencer a algunos de nuestros socios.
We all know that some of our partners will be hard to convince.
No hace falta convencer de ello a nadie, todos estamos de acuerdo.
We don't have to push at open doors here, we are all agreed on that.
Debemos asimismo convencer a otros a fin de no estar solos.
We must also convince others, so that we are not alone.
Tenemos que considerar el ritmo y convencer a los Estados miembros.
We have to think about the pace, and convince Member States.
Es usted muy difícil de convencer, señora in 't Veld.
You are very difficult to convince, Mrs in 't Veld.
Y para ello, tiene que convencer y entusiasmar.
To do so, it needs to persuade and motivate.
Esperamos convencer a los Estados miembros lo más rápidamente posible.
We hope that we can persuade the Member States as quickly as possible.
Es preciso convencer, proceder por etapas, reconvertir progresivamente:
What we must do is to work in gradual stages:
Por ello, nuestro objetivo fundamental debería ser convencer a las empresas.
Therefore, it should be a goal for all of us to convince the companies.
Tendremos que convencer a los palestinos para que pospongan esa proclamación.
We must persuade the Palestinians to postpone that declaration.
Entonces nos damos cuenta de que la victoria de la democracia nunca es definitiva y que debemos convencer y convencer una vez más.
It makes us realise that the victory of democracy is never definitive, and that we have to work to convince and keep on convincing.
¿Cómo van ustedes a convencer a Rusia de que pueden garantizar su integridad? ¿Cómo la van a convencer de que respete ella los derechos?
How will you go about convincing Russia that you can guarantee its integrity and how will you persuade it to respect human rights?
El segundo comentario es que "hay que convencer a los dirigentes políticos" .
The second comment is that we need to persuade the political leaders.
También es necesario que haya ocasiones para convencer y hablar con los Parlamentos nacionales.
Opportunities must also be created to convince and speak to the national parliaments.
Sólo entonces, cuando estemos en situación de convencer a los consumidores, se reducirá el consumo de tabaco.
There will be no decline in tobacco consumption until we have succeeded in driving this message home to consumers.
Por desgracia, no todos ellos pudieron convencer a sus Grupos para que siguieran esta línea.
Unfortunately not all of them were able to persuade their groups to follow the line.
El imperativo radica en convencer al público de la necesidad de cambiar de actitudes.
The challenge lies in persuading members of the public of the need to change their ways.
Debemos convencer a la opinión norteamericana de que su presidente comete un error histórico.
We must convince the American public that its President is making an historic mistake.
Por lo tanto, señora Presidenta del Consejo, espero que sepa convencer a sus colegas.
I hope, therefore, Madam President-in-Office of the Council, that you will be able to convince your colleagues.
Creo que hemos logrado un buen equilibrio que puede convencer quizás a ciertos escépticos.
It is my view that we have struck a good balance which might even win over some sceptics.
Ustedes pueden y deben convencer a los Estados que más dudas tienen.
You can and must convince the States which have the most doubts.
Pero mañana tenemos que convencer al Consejo, porque el Consejo ha entregado una chapuza.
We must, however, convince the Council tomorrow, as the Council has produced shoddy work.
Es evidente el esfuerzo por absolver al sistema, por convencer de que hay una salida.
Clearly it is an attempt to acquit the system and persuade us that there is a way out within it.
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