Spanish Sentences using le
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The Well, as I was saying, before that I'll examine you.
¡No le escuchéis!
Do not listen to him!
¿Le escucharemos?
Will we listen to him?
Le seguiremos.
We will follow his lead.
Le pago.
Let me settle with him.
No le entiendo.
I do not understand it!
Le pido que le amoneste.
I would ask you to reprimand him.
Le instamos y le rogamos por ello ...
We therefore urge you and request you...
Señor Le Pen, le he dado tres minutos.
Mr Le Pen, I gave you three minutes.
. Señoría, le felicito.
Thank you, Mr De Rossa.
Le he dado mi respuesta.
I have given you my answer.
Le agradezco su aclaración.
Thank you for that clarification.
Le deseamos éxito.
But we nevertheless hope you will succeed.
Le apoyamos gustosamente.
We will be glad to support you on this.
Le rindo homenaje.
I pay great tribute to him.
Le estoy muy agradecido.
I am very grateful to him for that.
Le ruego su apoyo.
I would appreciate your support in this.
"No," le contesté, "funcionamos perfectamente."
"No", I replied, "everything is working fine."
"¡Ojalá!" le contesté.
"If only they had!" I replied.
"¡Ciertamente!", le dije.
"Of course," I said. "Be patient.
¡Que le resulte entretenido!
All I can say is 'Have fun!'
"¿Qué pasa?" le he contestado.
"What's the matter?" I replied.
¿Por qué le envidia?
Why does she envy him?
Le deseo mucho éxito.
I wish you every success.
Le felicito por ello.
I congratulate you on this.
Le estaré muy agradecido.
I would be much obliged.
Le felicitamos, naturalmente.
We would like to congratulate you, of course.
Le estaríamos muy agradecidos.
We would be very grateful if it did.
"¡Claro!" le contestaba Jesús.
Aren' t there any fish?'
Le deseamos lo mejor.
We wish him every success.
Le felicito de nuevo.
I congratulate you once again.
- Ya no le queda tiempo.
You do not have any time left.
Le agradecemos su análisis.
We are grateful to you for this analysis.
Le agradezco su observación.
Thank you for your observation.
«¿Por qué no?», le pregunté.
'Why ever not?', I asked her.
Le ruego brevedad.
I would ask you to be brief.
Le agradecería que interviniera.
I should be grateful to you for your intervention.
¡Le resultaba demasiado comprometido!
It found that too much of a hot potato.
Le agradecemos su presencia.
We thank you for your presence.
Le estoy sinceramente agradecido.
I would like to thank him very warmly for that.
¿Qué papel le corresponde?
What role is it to play?
Le deseo mucho éxito.
I wish it every success in doing so.
Qué le vamos a hacer.
It is just too bad.
Le deseamos mucho éxito.
We wish you every success.
Le deseamos mucho éxito.
We wish you every success.
Le agradezco su consejo.
Thank you for your advice.
Le deseo mucho éxito.
I wish you every success.
Le deseo buena suerte.
The best of luck to you!
Le esperan tiempos difíciles.
You are faced with trying times.
¡Le deseo mucha suerte!
I wish you good luck!
Le deseo buena suerte.
I wish you good luck.
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