Spanish Sentences using iniciativa
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The Tomará la iniciativa.
It will take the initiative.
Apoyamos la Iniciativa francesa.
We support the French initiative.
¿Qué iniciativa pretende adoptar?
What initiative does it intend to take?
Era una buena iniciativa.
It was a sound initiative.
Apoyo firmemente esta iniciativa.
I should like to lend my strong support to this initiative.
Ahora quiero iniciativa política.
I now want the political initiative.
Volvamos sobre esta iniciativa.
Let us return to the initiative.
No son criminales, demuestran iniciativa.
Those people are not criminals, they are showing initiative.
Fue una primera iniciativa.
That was a first initiative.
Esta iniciativa debe completarse.
More should be done as part of this initiative.
Esta iniciativa es necesaria.
There is need for this initiative.
Es una buena iniciativa.
This is a fine initiative.
¿Va a adoptar la iniciativa?
Will you take the initiative?
Ahora tenemos otra iniciativa.
Now we have another initiative.
La iniciativa era loable.
This was a praiseworthy initiative.
Abortan cualquier iniciativa innovadora.
They kill off any innovative initiative.
¿Queremos un informe de iniciativa?
Do we want a non-permanent committee?
Hemos rechazado la iniciativa modificada.
The amended initiative has been rejected.
Ostenta el derecho de iniciativa.
It has the right of initiative.
Muchas gracias por su iniciativa.
I am much obliged to you for your initiative.
Respaldamos por completo esta iniciativa.
We strongly support this initiative.
Nuestra iniciativa adoptará formas diferentes.
Our initiative will take various forms.
Pero no hubo ninguna iniciativa inmediata.
But there was no immediate initiative.
Hay que apoyar esta iniciativa.
This initiative must be supported.
Espero ahora su próxima iniciativa.
I now await your next initiative.
Esta iniciativa merece nuestro apoyo.
This initiative deserves our support.
La iniciativa ciudadana sigue adelante.
The citizens’ initiative continues.
Respaldo sin reservas esta iniciativa.
I wholeheartedly support this initiative.
¡Es una excelente iniciativa, felicidades!
That is an excellent initiative, well done!
¿Tiene alguna iniciativa al respecto?
Do you have any initiatives on that?
Aplicación de la iniciativa ciudadana (
Implementation of the citizens' initiative (
Eso sería recuperar la iniciativa.
That would be regaining the initiative.
Solo falta la necesaria iniciativa.
Only the initiative is missing.
Podríamos avanzar con una iniciativa.
With an initiative we would make progress.
¿Quién puede lanzar la iniciativa?
Who might launch the initiative?
Por ello, he apoyado esta iniciativa.
That is why I voted for this initiative.
Apoyo esta iniciativa votando "a favor".
I supported this initiative by voting 'in favour'.
Segunda iniciativa: las redes transeuropeas.
Second initiative: the transEuropean networks.
Lo felicito por la iniciativa.
I must compliment him on this initiative.
Debe haber iniciativa e innovación .
It is to be hoped that initiative and innovation will be in evidence.
Quiero felicitarle por su iniciativa.
I want to congratulate him on his initiative.
Aquella me parecía una iniciativa interesante.
I thought that was an interesting initiative.
La iniciativa EQUAL tiene una misión concreta.
The EQUAL initiative has a specific mission.
Desarrollo urbano sostenible - Desarrollo rural - Iniciativa EQUAL
Sustainable urban development - rural development - EQUAL initiative
Nosotros podemos presentar con usted esta iniciativa.
We can submit motions for this together with you.
¡Sólo puedo alegrarme de tal iniciativa!
This initiative is to be congratulated.
Se trata de una iniciativa excelente.
That is an excellent initiative.
No es ése el objetivo de esta iniciativa.
That is not the aim of this initiative.
La iniciativa del ponente es la pertinente.
The rapporteur' s attitude is an appropriate one.
Ahora podemos tomar una iniciativa política, ¡hagámoslo!
Now, we have the chance of taking a political initiative, so let us do so.
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