Spanish Sentences using idea
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The Our idea wasn't well received by everyone in attendance.
We were watching the program "American Idol" when an idea occurred to me.
He has sold this house, that was a quite stupid idea.
Hoy en el trabajo hemos tenido una discusión acerca de tu idea.
Today at work we have had a discussion regarding your idea.
Abandonó la idea de montar su propio negocio.
He gave up the idea of starting his own business.
Os ruego me sugiráis alguna idea.
I beg you suggest me an idea.
Una idea rara
a funny idea
¡Buena idea!
Good idea!
Los estudiantes no entendían la idea.
The students did not grasp the idea.
Tiene una idea única.
He has a unique idea.
La idea de la selección natural tiene muchas carencias.
The idea of natural selection has many deficiencies.
Esa idea no nos atrae.
That idea doesn't appeal to us.
Una idea absurda
a crazy idea
¿Su idea era buena?
Was his idea good?
¿Te parece una buena idea?
Does it seem like a good idea to you?
Una idea rara
a funny idea
No se me ocurre ninguna idea mejor.
A better idea is not coming to me.
Tengo una idea.
I have an idea.
Es una buena idea que juntes margaritas con azaleas.
Putting azaleas and daisies together is a good idea.
La sola idea de
the very thought of it
Me parece una idea genial.
Seems to me like a brilliant idea.
Es un idea magnífica.
This is a very good idea.
Suscribo plenamente esta idea.
I fully subscribe to this idea.
¿Existe ya una idea?
Do you already have a ballpark figure?
Es una buena idea.
That is a good idea.
Resulta una idea aterradora.
That is a frightening thought.
No me parece buena esta idea.
I do not think much of that.
Es una buena idea.
It is a nice idea.
Esa no es nuestra idea.
That is not our idea.
No es una mala idea.
I do not see that as such a bad idea.
La idea es buena.
The idea is a good one.
No es una buena idea.
That is not a good idea.
Es una mala idea.
It is a terrible idea.
Me gustaría apoyar esa idea.
I would like to support that idea.
Comparto plenamente esta idea.
I entirely agree with this idea.
Apoyo firmemente esta idea.
I am firmly in support of that idea.
Suscribo esa idea.
I subscribe to this idea.
Es una idea interesante.
It is an interesting idea.
Me gustaría desarrollar esta idea.
I would like to build on this.
Es una idea.
Now there is a thought.
¿Apoyaría usted esta idea?
Would you support this idea?
Me parece una idea excelente.
I find the idea very good.
Hoy tengo otra idea.
Today, I have another idea.
Me encanta esta idea.
I like this idea a lot.
Permítanme añadir otra idea.
Allow me to add one more thought.
Es una idea atractiva.
It is an attractive idea.
No tienen la menor idea.
They are quite at a loss.
No me gusta esta idea.
I think that is a very poor state of affairs.
No es ésta la idea.
That is not the intention.
Me parece muy buena idea.
I think this is an excellent idea.
No tenemos ninguna idea preconcebida.
We are open-minded about it.
Es una idea interesante.
It is an interesting idea.
No podemos adherirnos a semejante idea.
We cannot give our support to this rationale.
Es una idea ridícula.
It is a ludicrous thought.
Esa idea es escandalosa.
That is a scandalous notion.
No es una idea nueva.
This idea is not a new one.
Es una idea pésima.
That is a bad idea.
Exclamación: «¡Qué buena idea!»
Shout of 'What a good idea!'
La idea de urgencia es una idea muy importante.
Urgency is indeed crucial in this matter.
Me gustaría que volviera a esa idea, era una idea buena.
I would like you to return to that idea, as it was a good one.
No se trata de una idea revolucionaria, ni fue mi idea.
This is not a revolutionary idea, nor was it my idea.
Esta no puede ser la idea.
Surely that is not the idea.
La Comisión no desechará esa idea.
The Commission will not drop that idea.
Ahí falta una idea clara.
There is no clear strategy.
Una última idea, señor Presidente.
Mr President, I should like to make one final point.
De entrada, es buena idea.
First of all, it is a good idea.
Muchos rusos respaldan esta idea.
Many Russians are in favour of this idea.
Aprobamos esta idea con entusiasmo.
We heartily approve of such a move.
Quizás sea una buena idea.
Maybe that is a good idea.
Básicamente, es una buena idea.
In essence, this is a good idea.
¿Qué piensan de esta idea?
What do you think of this idea?
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