Spanish Sentences using fui
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The Did you attend it? Yes, I attended it but I left early in order to attend another party.
I didn't go to the store yesterday because I couldn't.
On my last holidays I went to Egypt but I didn't go to Cairo.
Where did you go? I went to the store. Gloria went with me.
Yo fui la mejor candidata.
I was the best candidate.
Yo fui a la casa de mi prima.
I went to my cousin's house.
Yo fui con mi sobrino al parque.
I went with my nephew to the park.
Yo fui con mi hermano a comer helados.
I went with my brother to eat ice cream.
Yo fui a una fiesta la semana pasada.
I went to a party last week.
Sólo fui a dos clases hoy.
I only went to two classes today.
Sí, fui al museo con los otros turistas.
Yes, I went to the museum with the other tourists.
Yo fui a la tienda ayer.
I went to the store yesterday.
Yo fui a la playa la semana pasada con mis amigos.
I went to the beach last week with my friends.
Sí, señora. Yo fui a la clase.
Yes ma’am. I went to the class.
Las primas de mi esposo estaban en el aeropuerto cuando fui a recogerlo.
My husband's cousins were in the airport when I went to pick him up.
Anoche fui al cine con mis amigos.
Last night I went to the movies with my friends.
Yo fui al cine anoche.
I went to the movies last night.
Yo fui a la farmacia anoche.
I went to the drug store last night.
Como yo ya había visto la obra, no fui con los muchachos al teatro.
Since I'd already seen the play, I didn't go to the theater with the boys.
Yo no fui a la farmacia anoche.
I didn't go to the drug store last night.
Sí, yo fui al hotel.
Yes, I went to the hotel.
Anoche me fui de parranda con los amigos.
Last night I went partying with some friends.
Sí, yo fui al hotel.
Yes, I went to the hotel.
Yo fui al cine anoche con mis amigos.
I went to the movies last night with my friends.
Ayer yo fui al museo.
Yesterday I went to the museum.
Sí, yo fui a la biblioteca anoche.
Yes, I went to the library last night.
Yo fui a la casa de mi mamá.
I went to my mom's house.
Yo fui al banco.
I went to the bank.
¿No fui lo suficientemente claro?
Was I not clear enough?
Yo mismo lo fui.
I used to be one myself.
Recientemente fui a China y fui también al Tíbet.
I visited China recently and went to Tibet.
Fui uno de los afortunados.
I was one of the lucky ones.
No fui educado para ser ladrón.
I was not brought up to be a thief.
Fui a la playa y me puse moreno.
I went to the seaside and got a nice tan.
Hace 9 meses fui ponente de opinión.
I drafted an opinion once before, nine months ago.
Fui el ponente del acuerdo con Macedonia.
I was the rapporteur on the Agreement with Macedonia.
Ayer, caminando entre fronteras, me fui a Nápoles.
Yesterday, while I was wandering between borders, I went to Naples.
No fui el primero en plantear la cuestión.
I was not the first to raise this question.
Tengo que reconocer que fui un iluso.
I admit that I was a dreamer.
Yo fui miembro de la Convención.
I was a member of the Convention.
Fui responsable del acuerdo interino con Ghana.
I was responsible for the interim agreement with Ghana.
Nunca fui comunista y siempre condené aquello.
I was never a Communist and I have always condemned Communism.
Fui muy consciente de que así fue.
I was very well aware of that.
Yo fui el ponente de ese informe.
I was the rapporteur on that particular report.
Yo también lo fui, hace algunos años.
I was one myself a few years ago.
Fui a Berlín para hablar de política urbana.
I was there to speak on urban policy.
Hay muchos Estados miembros que opinan que fui demasiado lejos.
There are many Member States which take the view that I went too far.
Precisamente fui yo el ponente de dicho plan.
I was the rapporteur for that plan.
Señor Presidente, fui testigo de la violencia en Gotemburgo.
Mr President, I witnessed the violence at Göteborg.
Yo fui miembro del Gobierno de un Estado Federado austriaco.
I was a member of a provincial government in Austria.
Fui elegido por primera vez a este Parlamento en 1994.
I was first elected to this Parliament in 1994.
Fui su vicepresidente primero durante dos años y medio.
I was her first vice-chairman for two and a half years.
Fui personalmente testigo de que dichas afirmaciones eran falsas.
I personally witnessed that these statements were false.
Hace años, yo mismo fui ponente del Parlamento.
Years ago, I myself was a Parliament rapporteur.
Fui testigo de este acontecimiento cuando tenía 10 años.
I witnessed this event as a young boy of 10.
Fui a China; este problema no nos ha cogido por sorpresa.
I went to China; this problem has not caught us by surprise.
Yo también fui la ponente en aquella ocasión.
I was also the rapporteur on that occasion.
(CS) No fui capaz de votar a favor del informe Andersson.
(CS) I was unable to vote for the Andersson report.
Fui elegido al Parlamento portugués a los 29 años.
I was elected to the Portuguese Parliament at the age of 29.
Entre 1997 y 2001, fui Primer Ministro de Polonia.
Between 1997 and 2001 I was the Prime Minister of Poland.
Fui para tener un debate democrático; me gustan los debates democráticos.
I went there for a democratic debate. I like democratic debate.
Fui yo quien inició la campaña "Do you know where your child is now?"
It was I who launched the campaign 'Do you know where your child is now?'
También fui Ministro de Agricultura de Francia hace no mucho tiempo.
I was also the French Agriculture Minister not so long ago.
Fui a Lampedusa con una delegación de mi grupo parlamentario.
I went to Lampedusa with a delegation from my parliamentary group.
Yo mismo, fui elegido Primer ministro en mi país.
I was elected as Prime Minister in my country.
Yo fui uno de los signatarios del Convenio de aplicación.
I was myself a signatory to the convention of application.
Sr. Kerr, yo también fui testigo de lo ocurrido.
Mr Kerr, I followed that myself yesterday.
Lo sé desde que fui ponente sobre el acuerdo provisional.
It is one that I have been aware of since I was the rapporteur on the interim agreement.
Yo mismo fui nombrado ponente en febrero de 1997.
I myself was appointed rapporteur in February 1997.
Señora Presidenta, originariamente fui yo quien planteó esta cuestión.
Madam President, I raised this question originally.
En la Comisión de Control Presupuestario, fui el único.
In the Committee on Budgetary Control, I was the only one to vote against.
Yo nací en Alemania, señora Presidenta, fui educada en Suecia y me casé con un español.
Madam President, I was born in Germany, educated in Sweden and married to a Spaniard.
Hace más de una década, de 1986 a 1989, fui ministro para el desarrollo de mi país.
Over a decade ago, from 1986 to 1989, I was my country' s development minister.
Yo fui el ponente del presupuesto en 1994 cuando la Comisión de Desarrollo estableció la línea.
I was the budget rapporteur in 1994 when the Development Committee established the line.
Y él: "Porque me marché de Italia, donde no podía estudiar como yo quería y me fui a Estados Unidos.
He replied: 'By not staying in Italy, where I was unable to study the way I wanted to, but by going to the United States.
Por lo tanto, fui a escuchar encantado su conferencia sobre este informe.
I was therefore very willing to go and listen to one of his meetings on this report.
El año pasado fui ponente de opinión en relación con la directiva del artículo 13.
Last year I was draftsperson of my committee' s opinion on the directive on Article 13.
Señor Presidente, ayer fui a Roma para conocer al nuevo parlamento electo en Italia.
Mr President, yesterday I went to Rome to see the newly elected Parliament in Italy.
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