Spanish Sentences using fueron  

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¿Sabes?, nuestros abuelos también fueron jóvenes.
You know, our grandparents were also young.
Los heridos fueron trasladados a la unidad de quemados del hospital central.
Injured people were moved to the unit of burnts in the central hospital.
Los príncipes fueron coronados por el arzobispo.
The princes were crowned by the archbishop.
Ellos fueron coronados en la catedral.
They were crowned in the cathedral.
Las princesas fueron coronadas por el arzobispo.
The princesses were crowned by the archbishop.
Los palacios fueron construidos por el rey en el siglo dieciséis.
The palaces were built by the king in the 16th century.
Las capillas fueron construidas por el rey en el siglo dieciséis.
The chapels were built by the king in the 16th century.
Ya fueron vendidas todas las acciones de esa serie.
All the shares in that series have been sold.
Ellos fueron de compras.
They went shopping.
Esos clientes fueron atendidos por la Srita. Galindo.
Those customers were waited on by Miss Galindo.
Fueron a un camping municipal.
They went to a city campsite.
Las mujeres fueron las que corrieron.
The women were the ones who ran.
Se dice que las tumbas de los obispos fueron encontradas por los obreros durante la restauración de la capilla.
It is said that the tombs of the bishops were found by the workers during the restoration of the chapel.
Ellos fueron los que diseñaron las habitaciones del hotel.
They were the ones who designed the hotel's rooms.
Ella y su madre fueron encarceladas.
She and her mother were incarcerated.
Los senadores fueron secuestrados por los terroristas.
The senators were kidnapped by the terrorists.
Sí están invitados. Fueron invitados hace un momento.
Yes, they are invited. They were invited a moment ago.
Ellos fueron secuestrados.
They were kidnapped.
Las víctimas fueron secuestradas por los terroristas.
The victims were kidnapped by the terrorists.
Los pueblos fueron destruidos por el terremoto.
The villages were destroyed by the earthquake.
Las flores fueron recibidas a tiempo por mi madre. Le encantaron.
The flowers were received by my mother on time. She loved them.
¿Fueron los muchachos a la playa contigo?
Did the boys go to the beach with you?
Las ciudades fueron destruidas por el terremoto.
The cities were destroyed by the earthquake.
Muchas casas fueron construidas.
Many houses were built.
Los libros de Alejandra fueron destruidos en el incendio.
Alejandra's books were destroyed in the fire.
Ellos fueron arrestados por arrojar piedras contra los vehículos.
They were arrested for throwing rocks at cars.
Fueron las primeras que se fueron al agua.
They were the first ones who went into the water.
Fueron los primeros hombres que se embarcaron para Australia.
They were the first men who sailed to Australia.
Fueron los primeros que pagaron.
They were the first ones who paid.
Los Reyes Católicos, cuyos sucesores fueron grandes protectores de las Artes...
The Catholic Kings, whose successors were great protectors of the arts...
Los préstamos fueron devueltos a su vencimiento.
The loans were paid back on their expiration date.
Vosotros mentísteis cuando se fueron a nadar al río.
You guys lied when you went to swim in the river.
Marina y Elena son las que fueron a nadar a la piscina.
Marina and Elena are the ones who went to swim to the pool.
Los dinosaurios fueron extinguidos por meteoritos.
Were dinosaurs killed by meteors.
Es el pintor cuyas obras fueron expuestas en Madrid.
It is the painter whose works were shown in Madrid.
Algunas escenas de la película fueron censuradas.
Some scenes from the movie were cut.
Fueron condenados a muerte.
They were condemned to death.
Los programas, cuyos fines se consideraban racistas, fueron rechazados por los latinoamericanos.
The programs whose aims were considered racist, were rejected by the Latin Americans.
Las maletas fueron extraviadas hace una semana.
The suitcases were lost a week ago.
Ellos fueron muy adentro.
They went very inside (deep).
Los años cincuenta fueron la época de la reconstrucción.
The fifties were the years of the rebuilding.
¿Cuánto tiempo hace que fueron a Acapulco Ernesto y Lidia?
How long ago did Ernesto and Lidia go to Acapulco?
Hace seis meses que fueron.
They went six months ago.
Muchos artículos valiosos fueron robados.
Many valuables were stolen.
Ustedes fueron muy imprudentes.
You all were very imprudent.
¿Fueron ustedes a México?
Did you all go to Mexico?
Sara y Carlos fueron a los Alpes el pasado noviembre.
Sarah and Charles went to the Alps last November.
Los adolescentes fueron expulsados de la escuela.
The teenagers were expelled from the school.
Ellos fueron a trabajar para la empresa.
They went to work for the company.
Ellos fueron a bailar a la fiesta.
They went to dance a the party.
Los muchachos fueron a la playa la semana pasada con sus amigos.
The boys went to the beach last week with their friends.
Sus aspiraciones fueron derrocadas por falta de sensatez.
His aspirations were deflated by a lack of sensitivity.
Los invitados estaban tan aburridos que se fueron temprano.
The guests were so bored that they left early.
¿Sabes si los muchachos fueron a la playa la semana pasada?
Do you know if the boys went to the beach last week?
Los márgenes de ganancia este año fueron exorbitantes.
The profit margins this year were astronomical.
¿A dónde fueron?
Where did they go?
Los estudiantes fueron por el equipaje.
The students went for their luggage.
Ellos mintieron cuando se fueron de vacaciones con sus amigos.
They lied when they left on vacation with their friends.
Los muchachos fueron al cine anoche.
The boys went to the movies last night.
Ese día cenamos después de que se fueron las visitas.
That day we had supper after the visitors left.
¿Fueron ustedes al cine anoche?
Did you all go to the movies last night?
¿Adónde fueron ustedes anoche?
Where did you all go last night?
Los alumnos fueron a la catedral ayer.
The students went to the cathedral yesterday.
Los niños fueron a una fiesta de cumpleaños.
The children went to a birthday party.
¿Fueron ustedes a la playa?
Did you all go to the beach?
Los muchachos fueron a la playa con nosotros.
The boys went to the beach with us.
Los padres de la novia no fueron a visitar a su hija hasta que ella terminó sus estudios.
The bride's parents didn't visit their daughter until she finished her studies.
¿Qué horas serían cuando se fueron las visitas anoche?
What time do you think it was when the guests left last night?
Cuando era niña, mis padres fueron a Europa y yo me quedé con mi abuela.
When I was a little girl my parents went to Europe and I stayed with my grandma.
¿Sabes si los muchachos fueron a la biblioteca anoche?
Do you know if the boys went to the library last night?
No, yo no sé si los muchachos fueron a la biblioteca anoche.
No, I don't know if the boys went to the library last night.
Mis hijos fueron buenos niños.
My children were good kids.
Ellos fueron a la escuela Alegría.
They went to the school Alegría.
No habían hablado con él todavía. Fueron a hablar con el gerente primero.
They hadn't talked to him yet. They went to talk to the general manager first.
Eran probablemente las tres cuando se fueron.
It was probably three o’clock when they left.
¿Fueron muy adentro?
Did they go very deep?
Las cosas fueron lo que fueron.
That was how it was.
No fueron controlados, señora.
The passports of the Greek citizens were not checked, Mrs Neyts-Uyttebroeck.
Fueron deportados por Stalin.
They were deported by Stalin.
Aquellas conversaciones fueron provechosas.
That discussion was very fruitful.
Las respuestas fueron decepcionantes.
The replies made disappointing reading.
Algunas fueron rechazadas.
Some of my amendments were rejected.
Lamentablemente, todas fueron rechazadas.
I am sorry to say that they were all rejected.
Lamentablemente, no todas fueron aprobadas.
Unfortunately, not all of these were adopted.
No lo hicieron: se fueron.
They did not: they walked away.
No fueron unas elecciones democráticas.
They were not democratic elections.
Fueron los comunistas griegos.
It was the Greek communists.
Probablemente fueron muertas.
They have probably been killed.
Las cosas no fueron así.
Things did not turn out that way.
¡Fueron los diputados!
It was the parliamentarians who made it!
En el pasado fueron torturados y sus colegas fueron asesinados.
They have been tortured in the past and their colleagues have been killed.
Fueron detenidos en Etiopía y expulsados a Yubuti, donde fueron encarcelados.
These persons were arrested in Ethiopia and then extradited to Djibouti, where they have been taken into custody.
¿Cuántos fueron hundidos y demás?
How many were scrapped? How many were sunk and so on?
¿Cuáles fueron las críticas, Señorías?
What was the criticism about, ladies and gentlemen?
¿Fueron capaces de impedir Seveso?
Were they able to prevent Seveso?
Las conclusiones fueron muy preocupantes.
The findings were deeply worrying.
Fueron un fraude, una farsa.
They were a sham, a farce.
Fueron un despilfarro de energía.
They were a waste of energy.
Sin embargo, fueron cambios superficiales.
However, these changes were cosmetic.
En realidad fueron dos cosas.
It was, in reality, two things.
Muchos de ellos fueron asesinados.
Many of them were killed.
Pero los resultados fueron insignificantes.
Yet, the results were insignificant.
Sus palabras fueron muy apreciadas.
Your words were much appreciated.
En el 2004 fueron 53.
In 2004 that figure was 53.
Las propuestas fueron las siguientes:
Those proposals were as follows:
Muchos fueron arrestados y torturados.
Many were arrested and tortured.
Los dos autores fueron detenidos.
The two perpetrators were arrested.
Fueron, sin duda, acontecimientos emocionantes.
These were indeed moving events.
Los contenidos fueron muy criticados.
There was a lot of criticism regarding the contents.
Las declaraciones fueron muy diversas.
The statements were very different.
¿Cuáles fueron las principales conclusiones?
What were the major conclusions?
Fueron violadas, torturadas y humilladas.
They were raped, tortured and humiliated.
A este respeto, a nivel nacional fueron...
In this regard, at national level, there were ...
Sin embargo, fueron seis, no una.
However, there were six nuclear plants, not one.
Salvo una, todas fueron rechazadas.
They were all rejected except for one.
Todas ellas fueron medidas positivas.
All of these were positive measures.
Tuvimos respuestas. Tampoco fueron claras.
He produced a new Green Paper, to which the responses were again not clear.
No fueron siempre buenas sus relaciones.
Their relations have not always been honest.
Las repercusiones económicas fueron enormes.
The economic effects were devastating.
Fueron condenados a muerte y ahorcados.
They were sentenced to death and were hanged.
Fueron unas negociaciones largas, tediosas.
The negotiations were long and hard.
Fueron democráticas, fueron justas y fueron libres, pero creo que han dejado muchos problemas sin resolver.
They were democratic, they were fair and they were free, but I believe they have left a host of problems unresolved.
Fueron tratadas como los peores criminales.
They were treated like the worst criminals.
¿Cuáles fueron las exigencias del Parlamento?
So what exactly were Parliament' s requirements?
Fueron juzgados con ese cargo y colgados.
They were put on trial for it and hanged.
Fueron ellos los que lo descubrieron.
They were the ones who discovered it.

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