Spanish Sentences using escuchar
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The No one ever understands these young men who prefer to listen to noisy music.
Jaime was scared because he heard a scream in the upper floor.
She was listening to music when the radio stopped working.
When I heard her telling of her experience, I had a desire to travel to New Zealand.
No one has heard what my cousin was saying in the conference.
All the employees appeared before the employer to listen to what he had to say.
The musicians are listening to the audience's applause and they are standing up.
At night we could listen to the waves beating against the shore.
You can call this telephone number to hear the transfer status.
You would have learned the words if you had listened.
Every morning she listens to the sparrows in the garden.
If he had groaned louder, I would have heard him.
The king lives in a chalet in the outskirts of the capital.
No quiero escuchar más, todo es mentira.
I don't want to listen anymore, it's all a lie.
Has de escuchar la clase.
You must (have to) listen to the class.
No te quiero escuchar hablar.
I don't want to hear you speak.
Queremos escuchar a los ciudadanos.
We want to listen to citizens.
Lamento escuchar esto.
I am sorry to hear this.
Espero escuchar sus opiniones.
I am looking forward to hearing your views.
Ni siquiera quieren escuchar.
You do not even want to listen.
Deberíamos escuchar sus palabras.
We should listen to her.
Tenemos que escuchar esto.
We need to listen to that.
Señor Tatarella, ¿me puede escuchar?
Mr Tatarella, would you mind listening?
Me gustaría escuchar su respuesta.
I would appreciate your answer.
Espero escuchar sus respuestas.
I look forward to hearing your answers.
Me sorprende escuchar este debate.
I am surprised listening to this debate.
Debemos escuchar esta petición.
We should take heed of this request.
Hay que escuchar a las regiones, hay que escuchar a los sectores.
We must listen to the regions, we must listen to the sectors.
Es una honra escuchar a los ciudadanos y escuchar a los trabajadores.
It is an honour to listen to citizens and workers.
Debemos escuchar a la ciudadanía europea.
We must listen to the European people.
Hagámonos escuchar, alto y fuerte.
Let us make ourselves heard loud and clear.
Pero ustedes también deberían escuchar.
But you should be listening as well.
El Consejo Europeo debe escuchar.
The European Council must listen.
Debemos empezar a escuchar a las personas.
The listening to the people should begin.
Estoy acostumbrado a escuchar al Parlamento.
I am used to listening to Parliament.
Estoy deseando escuchar sus opiniones.
I look forward to hearing your views.
Me gustaría escuchar una respuesta a eso.
I would like an answer on that.
Espero escuchar su respuesta a esto.
I should appreciate your response to this.
Estamos deseando escuchar su discurso.
We are looking forward to listening to your speech.
Estoy deseando escuchar sus respuestas.
I look forward to hearing your answers.
No quiero escuchar otra respuesta burocrática.
I do not want to hear another gobbledygook response.
Yo quisiera escuchar esa respuesta.
I would like to have that information.
A mi me gustaría escuchar su intervención.
I should like to hear your speech, Mrs Müller, I really would.
Se nos tiene que escuchar.
We must be made a part of this.
Señor Presidente, se debería escuchar al Comisario.
Mr President, you should listen to the Commissioner!
Y quisiera escuchar su opinión al respecto.
I should like to hear your views on this.
¿Cuándo empezará a escuchar este Parlamento a los ciudadanos?
When will this Parliament start listening to its citizens?
Me gustaría escuchar la opinión del grupo proponente.
I would like to hear the opinion of the proposing group.
Vamos a escuchar a un orador favorable a esta solicitud.
We shall now hear a Member who is in favour of this request.
Me alegra volver a escuchar al Sr. de Miguel.
Mr de Miguel, I am glad to hear you speak again.
Finalmente, señor Comisario, desearía escuchar su opinión.
Lastly, Commissioner, I would like to hear from you.
Tenemos que escuchar a la opinión pública.
We must listen to public opinion.
Estas personas tienen argumentos que debemos escuchar.
These people have arguments we have to listen to.
Sería interesante escuchar la respuesta a esta pregunta.
It would be interesting to hear the answer to that question.
Son estas voces las que deberíamos escuchar.
It is these voices to which we should listen.
Me gustaría escuchar sus comentarios sobre esta cuestión.
I should like to ask you to comment again on that point.
Me encanta escuchar que lo haya aceptado.
I am delighted to hear that he has accepted that.
Tenemos que escuchar más y hablar menos.
We need to listen more and talk less.
¿Están dispuestos a escuchar al señor Blair?
Are you ready to listen to Mr Blair?
Acabo de escuchar eso y quería aclararlo.
I have already heard that and have clarified it.
Me complace escuchar que la Comisión va a apoyarlo.
I am pleased to hear that the Commission will support that.
Ahora se nos tiene que escuchar.
Now, what we are saying needs to be heard.
Me gustaría escuchar algunas opiniones al respecto.
I should like to hear some comments on this.
Me gustaría escuchar su opinión al respecto.
I would like to hear your comments on this.
A China le convendría escuchar esas voces.
It would be a good thing for China if the nation listened to those voices.
Tengo curiosidad por escuchar su respuesta.
I would be curious to hear your response.
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