Spanish Sentences using entregar
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The You don't turn in your passport rather your student ID.
Give these credentials to them as they complete their enrollment procedure.
Credentials are usually given to students as they complete their registration procedure.
You would give the credentials to them as they completed the enrollment procedure.
Credentials were usually given to students as they completed their registration procedure.
It will be necessary for you all to give us a copy.
It was indispensable that you turned in the passport.
The teacher will give us our grades tomorrow.
Yo le entregué el paquete.
I delivered (entregar) the package (el paquete) to him.
José vino hoy con los discos y, habiéndomelos entregado, se fue a la escuela.
José brought the records with him today, and after giving them to me, he went to school.
¿Le entregaste el paquete?
Did you deliver the package to him?
Juan le entregó el paquete.
John delivered the package to him.
Nosotros le entregamos el paquete.
We delivered the package to him.
Los muchachos le entregaron el paquete.
The boys delivered the package to him.
Para registrarse tiene que entregar tres copias de este formulario.
To sign up you must hand in three copies of this form.
Ella le va a tener que entregar el cheque mañana.
She is going to have to hand the check over to him tomorrow.
Ella se lo va a tener que entregar mañana.
She is going to have to hand it over to him tomorrow.
¿Les puedes entregar la carta mañana?
Can you deliver the letter to them tomorrow?
¿Se la puedes entregar mañana?
Can you deliver it to them tomorrow?
Yo espero que tú les puedas entregar los documentos mañana.
I hope that you can deliver the documents to them tomorrow.
Le he entregado a María un libro de aventuras.
I have delivered to Maria an adventure book.
Yo espero que tú se los puedas entregar mañana.
I hope that you can deliver them to them tomorrow.
La secretaria me ha entregado la carta.
The secretary has delivered the check to me.
La secretaria me la ha entregado.
The secretary has delivered it to me.
¿Le puedes entregar la carta mañana?
Can you deliver the letter to her tomorrow?
¿Se la puedes entregar mañana?
Can you deliver it to her tomorrow?
¿Le entregaste el cheque al señor García?
Did you deliver the check to Mr. García?
Quiero que tú le entregues el cheque al señor García.
I want you to deliver the check to Mr. García.
¿Le puedes entregar el cheque antes de las cinco?
Can you deliver the check to him before five o'clock?
No sé si Juan le entregó el cheque al señor García.
I don't know if John delivered the check to Mr. García.
Espero que Juan le haya entregado el cheque.
I hope that John has delivered the check to him.
Yo creía que Juan se lo iba a entregar.
I thought that John was going to deliver it to him.
¿Sabes si Juan se lo ha entregado?
Do you know if John has delivered it to him?
Yo esperaba que Juan le entregara el cheque.
I was hoping that John would deliver the check to him.
Yo creía que Juan le iba a entregar el cheque.
I thought that John was going to deliver the check to him.
Juan, yo esperaba que tú se lo entregaras antes de las cinco.
John, I was hoping that you would deliver it to him before five o'clock.
Juan dijo que él le iba a poder entregar el cheque al señor García antes de las cinco.
John said that he was going to be able to deliver the check to Mr. García before five o'clock.
El señor García dijo que él quería que Juan le entregara el cheque antes de las cinco.
Mr. García said that he wanted John to deliver the check to him before five o'clock.
Yo no sabía si Juan le iba a poder entregar el cheque al señor García antes de las cinco.
I didn't know if John was going to be able to deliver the check to Mr. García before five o'clock.
Yo esperaba que él se lo pudiera entregar antes de las cinco.
I was hoping that he would be able to deliver it to him before five o'clock.
Juan se lo entregó a las cuatro y media.
John delivered it to him at four thirty.
Yo creía que Juan le iba a poder entregar el cheque al señor García antes de las cinco.
I thought that John was going to be able to deliver the check to Mr. García before five o'clock.
Juan, ¿Le entregaste el cheque al señor García antes de las cinco?
John, did you deliver the check to Mr. García before five o'clock?
Sí, yo se lo entregué a las cuatro y media.
Yes, I delivered it to him at four thirty.
Aún no me entregan el coche de la agencia.
The agency hasn’t delivered me the car yet.
Juan me dijo que él le había entregado el cheque al señor García a las cinco.
John told me that he had delivered the check to Mr. García at five o'clock.
El dijo que se lo entregó a las cuatro y media.
He said that he had delivered it to him at four thirty.
Yo no le he podido entregar el cheque todavía.
I have not been able to deliver the check to him yet.
Espero que tú le puedas entregar el cheque antes de las cinco.
I hope that you can deliver the check to him before five o'clock.
Yo te prometo que le voy a entregar el cheque antes de las cinco.
I promise you (prometer) that I am going to deliver the check to him before five o'clock.
Juan me prometió que él le iba a entregar el cheque al señor García antes de las cinco.
John promised me that he was going to deliver the check to Mr. García before five o'clock.
Yo no sé si él se lo ha entregado todavía.
I don't know if he has delivered it to him yet.
Yo le voy a entregar el cheque al señor García antes de las cinco si yo puedo.
I am going to deliver the check to Mr. García before five o'clock if I can.
Juan no le pudo entregar el cheque al señor García antes de las cinco.
John couldn't (no pudo) deliver the check to Mr. García before five o'clock.
Yo esperaba que Juan se lo pudiera entregar antes de las cinco.
I was hoping that John could deliver it to him before five o'clock.
Juan, ¿Se lo vas a poder entregar antes de las cinco?
John, are you going to be able to deliver it to him before five o'clock?
Los profesores están entregando los informes.
The teachers are handing over the reports.
Yo te entregaré los boletos en el aeropuerto.
I will deliver the tickets to you at the airport.
Yo te los entregaré en el aeropuerto.
I will deliver them to you at the airport.
¿Me entregarás los boletos en el aeropuerto?
Will you deliver the tickets to me at the airport?
Entréguele usted esto al abogado personalmente.
Give this to the lawyer personally.
¿Me los entregarás en el aeropuerto?
Will you deliver them to me at the airport?
El señor García quiere saber si tú le entregarás los boletos en el aeropuerto.
Mr. García wants to know if you will deliver the tickets to him at the airport.
El señor García quiere saber si tú se los entregarás en el aeropuerto.
Mr. García wants to know if you will deliver them to him at the airport.
Yo no sé si ellos nos entregarán los boletos en el aeropuerto.
I don't know if they will deliver the tickets to us at the airport.
Yo no sé si ellos nos los entregarán en el aeropuerto.
I don't know if they will deliver them to us at the airport.
¿Sabes si le entregarán los boletos en el aeropuerto?
Do you know if they will deliver the tickets to her at the airport?
¿Sabes si se los entregarán en el aeropuerto?
Do you know if they will deliver them to her at the airport?
Dicen que me entregarán los boletos en el aeropuerto.
They say that they will deliver the tickets to me at the airport.
Hay que entregar la tarea a tiempo.
One must hand in the homework on time.
Dicen que me los entregarán en el aeropuerto.
They say that they will deliver them to me at the airport.
Hay que entregar los papeles mañana.
We have to hand in the papers tomorrow.
Dicen que les entregarán los boletos a los muchachos en el aeropuerto.
They say that they will deliver the tickets to the boys at the airport.
Dicen que se los entregarán a los muchachos en el aeropuerto.
They say that they will deliver them (tickets) to them (boys) at the airport.
Juan me entregará los boletos.
John is going to deliver the tickets to me.
Yo espero que Juan me los entregue.
I hope that John delivers them to me.
Juan dice que él me los entregará mañana.
John says that he will deliver them to me tomorrow.
Juan le va a entregar los boletos a María.
John is going to deliver the tickets to Mary.
María quiere que Juan se los entregue a ella.
Mary wants John to deliver the them to her.
Juan dice que él se los entregará mañana.
John says that he will deliver them to her tomorrow.
Juan nos va a entregar los boletos.
John is going to deliver the tickets to us.
Nosotros queremos que Juan nos los entregue.
We want John to deliver them to us.
Juan dice que él nos los entregará mañana.
John says that he will deliver them to us tomorrow.
Juan les va a entregar los boletos a los muchachos mañana.
John is going to deliver the tickets to the boys.
Los muchachos quieren que Juan les entregue los boletos.
The boys want John to deliver the tickets to them.
Juan dice que él les entregará los boletos mañana.
John says that he will deliver them (tickets) to them (boys).
María, ¿ Me vas a entregar los boletos?
Mary, are you going to deliver the tickets to me?
María, yo quiero que tú me los entregues.
Mary, I want you to deliver them to me.
María, ¿ Me los entregarás?
Mary, will you deliver them to me?
María, ¿Le vas a entregar los boletos a Juan?
Mary, are you going to deliver the tickets to John?
Sobre todo no debemos entregar nada de antemano.
We should not surrender something in advance.
Mis compatriotas pueden entregar gratuitamente su coche al último vendedor.
Belgians can deliver their cars back to the vendor without any cost.
Exige documentos que sabe que no se le pueden entregar.
He is demanding documents that he knows cannot be supplied.
No se debe entregar a los terroristas la llave de las negociaciones.
It is important not to play into the hands of the terrorists.
Tienen que entregar un plan de reestructuración creíble.
They have to deliver a credible restructuring plan.
Se deben establecer controles antes de entregar los fondos.
Controls must be ensured before funds are handed out.
Deben entregar los suministros a las autoridades, pretenden éstas.
They are told they must deliver to the Government. We find that very strange.
Si no dispone de dicho estudio, se lo puedo entregar gustosamente.
If you do not yet have this study, I would be glad to provide you with a copy.
No hace mucho tiempo la Unión decidió entregar ayuda alimenticia a Rusia.
Not so very long ago, the Union decided to provide food aid for Russia.
¿Por qué alguien que viene a visitarnos, uno de nuestros ciudadanos, tiene que entregar su pasaporte?
Why should someone who comes to visit us, one of our citizens, hand over their identity cards?
Esto significa que no tienen obligación de presentar una declaración aunque obviamente sí deben entregar los residuos.
This means that, although they do not have a notification duty, they must, of course, deliver waste.
Los días que no han podido entregar la leche deben ser incluidos en su cuota.
The days on which they were unable to deliver should be added to their quota.
Nosotros proponemos que el consumidor final pueda entregar su aparato sin costes.
We are proposing that end users should be able to surrender their old equipment absolutely free of charge.
La troica de Ministros de Asuntos Exteriores visita nuevamente Skopje hoy para entregar este mensaje.
Today, the Troika of EU foreign ministers is returning to Skopje to promote this message.
Había que entregar el testigo en el importante proceso del empleo y el crecimiento.
It was a question of passing on the baton in the important process concerning jobs and growth.
Finalmente, se deben entregar al exterior solamente contratos limitados en el tiempo.
Finally, all contracts with outside agencies must be limited in time.
Hemos tenido algunos problemas. Aún falta entregar una subvención de 15 millones.
We have had a number of problems with implementation, as a result of which assistance amounting to EUR 15 million remains to be paid out.
Los Estados miembros no consiguieron entregar a tiempo sus documentos, y la Comisión los tramitó lentamente.
The Member States have not been able to forward their documents on time, and the Commission was slow to process documents.
Pues bien, en 2003 vamos a entregar a Vietnam 38 millones de euros.
Well, in 2003 we are due to give Vietnam EUR 38 million.
Voy a entregar una copia del texto íntegro de la declaración conjunta a la Secretaría.
I will submit a copy of the full text of the joint statement to the Secretariat.
Señor Presidente, solo me gustaría saber qué versión se va a entregar a la prensa.
Mr President, I would just like to know which version will be given to the press.
Vamos a entregar los mil millones de euros que prometimos en Tokio para el período 2002-2006.
We are on track to deliver the EUR 1 billion we pledged in Tokyo for the period 2002 to 2006.
La víctima se ve obligada a entregar sus ganancias directamente o a través de otra persona.
The victim is forced to hand over her earnings either directly or through a third party.
No reconocer esto equivaldría a entregar la iniciativa a los movimientos extremistas de ambas partes.
Failure to acknowledge this is tantamount to handing the initiative to extremist movements on both sides.
Necesitamos entregar a esos países esa ayuda y salvar este régimen corrupto con el comercio.
We need to expose those countries that aid and bail out this corrupt regime with trade.
No estamos preparados para entregar nuestro derecho democrático de codecisión en el guardarropa del Parlamento.
We are not prepared to hand in our democratic right of codecision at the Parliament cloakroom.
Estamos convencidos de que podemos entregar la evaluación en el tiempo que ha previsto el Parlamento.
We are confident that we can deliver the impact assessment within the time foreseen by Parliament.
Ha realizado un trabajo de primera categoría para entregar a los nuevos diputados del Parlamento Europeo.
You have completed a first class piece of work to hand on to the new members of the European Parliament.
La pregunta clave es qué debería ser capaz de entregar el SEAE.
The key question for us all is what the EEAS should be able to deliver.
Sin este acuerdo, la ayuda macrofinanciera de la que hemos hablado más concretamente no se puede entregar.
Without this agreement, the macrofinancial assistance which we have spoken about more specifically cannot be provided.
No, vamos a entregar seis mil euros por persona para la acogida voluntaria de refugiados de terceros países.
No, EUR 6 000 per person is to be provided for the voluntary acceptance of refugees from third countries.
Quiero entregar un plátano a cada uno de aquellos que llevaron la carga de estos trabajos.
I would like to hand over a banana to each of those who carried the burden of this work.
¿Realmente desea entregar su independencia a la UE, por mucho que pueda recibir en monedas de plata?
Does it really wish to surrender its independence to the EU, however much it might receive in pieces of silver?
No obstante, lo poco que se va a entregar puede ayudar a aliviar su sufrimiento.
However, the little that is being given may help to ease their pain.
No obstante, lo poco que se va a entregar puede ayudar a aliviar su sufrimiento.
However, the little that is being given may help to ease their pain.
Por increíble que parezca, el Presidente saliente de Brasil ha rehusado entregar a este criminal a Italia.
Incredibly, the outgoing President of Brazil has refused to deliver this criminal to Italy.
En consecuencia, les animo a entregar este informe a sus ponentes como punto de partida para las negociaciones.
Accordingly I encourage you to give your rapporteurs this report as the starting-point for negotiations.
Pagamos el precio que el agricultor recibe por entregar su vaca.
This means that we are paying the price received by the farmer for each head of cattle he hands over.
Son siempre empresas, a menudo pequeñas empresas, las que tienen que entregar datos.
It is always companies, often small companies, which have to submit this information.
Me niego a entregar nuestro destino común a las potencias del dinero y a los defensores de los dogmas monetaristas.
I refuse to hand over our common destiny to the powers of money and to the supporters of monetarist dogma.
Somos demasiado orgullosos para entregar enteramente los intereses de Europa al Tío Sam.
We are too proud to hand over Europe's interests lock, stock and barrel to Uncle Sam.
No hay razón para entregar dinero a agricultores de Francia, Bélgica, Alemania y Austria.
There is no reason to give money to farmers in France, Belgium, Germany and Austria.
¿Es posible entregar nuevos recursos a la Unión sin incrementar la presión fiscal total?
Would it be possible to transfer new resources to the Union without increasing the total tax burden?
Señor Presidente, según era de esperar, el colega Lange ha vuelto a entregar un informe excelente.
Mr President, Mr Lange has produced a first-rate report, which is no less than we would expect of him.
Debemos entregar Europa a los jóvenes y ellos deben apropiarse de ella.
We must give Europe to the young people and they must take it in their grasp.
Le puedo entregar gustosamente una copia para que sepa realmente sobre qué hemos votado.
I will gladly provide you with a copy so that you know exactly what you voted for!
Puedo entregar mi intervención por escrito, así nos ahorramos cinco minutos y usted puede seguir.
I could hand in my speech in writing, and then we would save five minutes and you could move straight on.
Sus electores y representantes deben entregar el poder a funcionarios y ministros.
Their electors and elected representatives are to surrender power to officials and ministers.
El fabricante es responsable, debe ser responsable y el último usuario debe poder entregar el automóvil sin costes.
The manufacturer is and should be liable and the last holder and/or owner must be able to hand back the car without any cost.
Con este informe, el Parlamento quiere entregar su contribución al fortalecimiento de la dimensión social en la sociedad europea.
By means of this report, Parliament wishes to make its contribution to reinforcing the social dimension of European society.
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