Spanish Sentences using banco
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The My bank has an extensive network of national and European branches.
No, the bank did not lend me the money for the car but I borrowed it from the credit union.
Did he save it in a bank? No, he did not save it in a bank but he saved it in a credit union.
We would have been able to cash the check if we had arrived at the bank before five o'clock.
Are you the children whose parents are in the bank?
The bank charges a $35 fee to transfer money internationally.
Which bank offers you the best interest rate for a $1,000 deposit?
Could you give me the bank name and routing number?
John would buy the new car if the bank lent him the money.
John would have bought the new car if the bank had lent him the money.
I would have cashed the check if the bank had been open.
The bank director has called me to offer a very interesting financial product.
The bank will cover your account overdrafts for up to $200.
I believe that the boys cashed a traveler's check in the bank.
I would buy the house if the bank lent me the money.
I would have bought the house if the bank had lent me the money.
We will be able to cash the check if we arrive at the bank before five o'clock.
¡El pillo había escondido las joyas en el banco!
The thief had hidden the jewelry in the bank!
Siempre me siento en este banco del parque.
I always sit on the park bench.
El Banco Nacional abrirá una sucursal en mi vecindario el mes entrante.
The National Bank will open a branch in my neighborhood next month.
El banco estaba recién pintado.
The bench was recently painted.
El banco más cercano está a dos calles.
The closest bank is two streets away.
El banco me quería estafar dinero.
The bank wants to cheat me out of my money.
El banco abre a las nueve.
The bank opens at nine.
El banco siempre nos financia la compra de los autos.
The bank always finances our cars.
¿Donde puedo encontrar un banco?
Where can I find a bank?
¿Qué te dijo el gerente del banco?
What did the manager of the bank tell you?
¿Te prestó el banco el dinero para comprar el carro?
Did the bank lend you the money to buy the car?
El Banco Nacional ha abierto sucursales en todo el país.
The National Bank has opened the branches throughout the country.
Fue abogado, trabajaba en el banco, trató de ser presidente.
He was a lawyer, used to work in the bank, try to become president.
Roberto tomó el dinero del cajón y lo llevó al banco.
Roberto took the money from the drawer and he took it to the bank.
Si no salimos ahora, puede que no lleguemos al banco a tiempo.
If we don't leave now, we may not get to the bank on time.
Si salimos ahora, puede que lleguemos al banco a tiempo.
If we leave now, we may get to the bank on time.
Estoy contento que Roberto tomó el dinero al banco ayer.
I am happy that Roberto took the money to the bank yesterday.
No sé si el banco me avalará.
I don't know if the bank will certify me.
Es un banco que no cobra intereses.
It is a bank that doesn't charge interest.
Manda a Pablo al banco.
Send Pablo to the bank.
No mandes a Simón al banco.
Don't send Simón to the bank.
El banco queda en la calle principal.
The bank is on Main Street.
Juan comprará el carro nuevo si el banco le presta el dinero.
John will buy the new car if the bank lends him the money.
Y tú obtuviste un prestamo del banco?
Did you obtain a loan form the bank?
Necesito ir al banco.
I need to go to the bank.
¿Cambiaste un cheque de viajero en el banco?
Did you cash a traveler's check in the bank?
Nosotros cambiamos un cheque de viajero en el banco.
We cashed a traveler's check in the bank.
¿A qué hora cierra el banco?
What time does the bank close?
Yo compraré la casa si el banco me presta el dinero.
I will buy the house if the bank lends me the money.
Nosotros podríamos cambiar el cheque si llegáramos al banco antes de las cinco.
We would be able to cash the check if we arrived at the bank before five o'clock.
¿Puedo cambiar dinero en el banco?
Can I exchange money at the bank?
Me he sentado en un banco a descansar.
I sat on a bench to rest.
Trabajo en un banco.
I work in a bank.
Yo fui al banco.
I went to the bank.
Queremos un Banco independiente.
We want an independent Bank.
Miren el Banco Mundial.
Look at the World Bank.
Banco Central Europeo / Euro (continuación)
ECB and the euro (continuation)
Banco Central Europeo (2005) (debate)
European Central Bank Annual Report (2005) (debate)
Banco Central Europeo (2005) (votación)
European Central Bank Annual Report (2005) (vote)
Asunto "Presidente del Banco Mundial"
The situation concerning the President of the World Bank
Banco Central Europeo (2006) (votación)
European Central Bank (2006) (vote)
Trabajamos con el Banco Mundial.
We worked with the World Bank.
Felicidades, nuevamente, al Banco Central.
Once again, my congratulations to the Central Bank.
El Banco de Inglaterra era el modelo de banco dependiente. El Banco de Japón también.
The Bank of England was the model for the dependent bank, along with the Bank of Japan, and everyone knows that these two countries were inefficient.
Me refiero al Banco Europeo de Inversiones.
This concerns the European Investment Bank.
Tercer tema: el Banco del Mediterráneo.
A further point is the Euro-Mediterranean Development Bank.
Asunto: Banco de Desarrollo del Asia Nororiental
Subject: North East Asian Development Bank
Nombramiento del Presidente del Banco Central Europeo
Appointment of the ECB President
Nos toca actuar a nosotros, no al Banco Mundial.
It is up to us to act, not the World Bank.
No cuestionamos la independencia del Banco Central Europeo.
We are not questioning the European Central Bank's independence.
Para eso tenemos un Banco Central independiente.
That is why we have an independent Central Bank.
¿Hemos de debatir con el Banco Central?
We need to have a discussion with the Central Bank?
El Banco concedió un préstamo a Hungría.
The Bank granted a loan to Hungary.
¿Dónde estaríamos sin el Banco Central Europeo?
Where would we be without the European Central Bank?
Podemos modificar el mandato de nuestro banco.
We can change the mandate of our bank.
Nombramiento del Vicepresidente del Banco Central Europeo (
Appointment of the Vice-President of the European Central Bank (
Estrategia energética del Banco Mundial (debate)
World Bank energy strategy (debate)
Estrategia energética del Banco Mundial (votación)
World Bank energy strategy (vote)
Aquí también resulta vital un banco público.
There, too, a public bank is vital.
Démosle préstamos del Banco Europeo de Inversiones.
Let us give them loans from the European Investment Bank.
¿Un hermoso Banco, un edificio de seguros?
Fine new buildings for banks or insurance companies?
A continuación, la cuestión del Banco Central Europeo.
Then there is the issue of the European central bank.
Espero que el Banco adopte esa política.
I hope that the bank would adopt that policy.
¿Somos un consejo del Banco Central?
Are we the board of a central bank?
Estamos examinándolo con el Banco Mundial.
We are discussing that with the World Bank.
El Banco Central no es un cuarto poder.
The Central Bank is not a fourth estate.
El Banco Central Europeo es independiente.
The European Central Bank is autonomous.
Requerían una respuesta del Banco por escrito.
They require a written response from the Bank.
La situación del Banco Central Europeo es distinta a la del banco emisor norteamericano.
The European Central Bank's position is not the same as that of the US Federal Reserve Bank.
El Banco no tiene arraigo nacional y, por ese motivo, puede compararse con un banco comercial privado.
The Bank has no national connection and cannot therefore be compared with a private commercial bank.
En segundo lugar, el Banco no funciona como un banco comercial ordinario.
Secondly, the Bank does not operate as an ordinary commercial bank.
Ni es un banco de desarrollo dependiente del grupo del Banco Mundial.
Nor is it a development bank coming under the World Bank group.
Sugerimos que el Banco Europeo de Inversiones emule al Banco Central Europeo adoptando unas normas éticas.
We suggest that the European Investment Bank should emulate the European Central Bank in adopting rules of ethics.
Si uno debe 100 000 euros al banco, el banco le tiene en sus manos.
If you owe the bank 100 000 euros, the bank owns you.
Esto afecta tanto al Banco Europeo de Inversiones como al Banco Central Europeo.
This concerns the EIB as much as the ECB.
Me estoy refiriendo al Banco Português de Negócios y al Banco Privado Portuguê.
I am referring to Banco Português de Negócios and Banco Privado Português.
El Banco Central Europeo es un banco completamente independiente y así lo entendemos nosotros.
The European Central Bank is totally independent, and that is how we perceive it.
Este banco tendrá más independencia y poder que cualquier otro banco en el mundo.
The ECB will have greater independence and power than any other bank in the world.
La apertura del banco implica que ahora la OLAF puede solicitar datos al banco.
The fact that the Bank has now been opened up means that OLAF can ask for information from the Bank.
Acogemos con beneplácito la participación del mayor banco de Europa -nuestro banco: el Banco Europeo de Inversiones- y la utilización del Fondo Europeo de Inversiones.
We welcome the involvement of Europe's biggest bank - our bank, the European Investment Bank - and the use of the European Investment Fund.
Primera, del fortalecimiento de la independencia del Banco Central Europeo.
Firstly, to enhance and underscore the independence of the European Central Bank.
Señor Presidente, señor Presidente del Banco Central Europeo, ¡buen trabajo!
Mr President, Mr President of the European Central Bank, good work!
Pedimos al banco que empiece a llevarla a la práctica.
We call upon the bank to make a start with this.
Antes de nada, las prioridades operativas del Banco.
To begin with, the bank' s operational priorities.
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