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Spanish Word: entre

English Translation: between, among

Translated sentences containing 'entre'
Mi madre no me deja ver televisión entre semana.
My mother doesn't let me wath TV during the week.
No entre.
Don't come in.
Esta nueva carretera acortará la distancia entre mi casa y la tuya.
This new road will shorten the distance between my house and yours.
Ella va caminando por entre aquellas palmeras.
She's walking between the palm trees.
Ellos compartieron la herencia entre todos.
They divided the inheritance among themselves.
Europa significa igualdad entre naciones, entre pueblos, entre culturas.
Europe means equality between nations, between peoples, between cultures.
No me cuento entre ellos.
I am not one of them.
Leamos entre líneas.
Let us read between the lines here.
Discutimos entre nosotros.
We debate issues among ourselves.
¡No estaban entre los vándalos!
They were not among the hooligans!
No hago distinciones entre ellos.
I make no distinction between them.
No competimos entre nosotros.
We are not in competition.
Ahora está entre rejas.
Now he is behind bars.
No nos enfrentemos entre nosotros.
Do not play one off against the other.
Seamos sinceros entre nosotros.
Let us at least be honest with each other.
Entre otras, es necesario:
Among other things, it is necessary:
Entre ellas, debo citar:
Amongst these I would mention:
¿Qué haremos entre tanto?
How is that to be achieved in the time?
Estamos entre nosotros.
There is no-one here but ourselves.
Existen vínculos entre ambos.
Links between these two exist.
Equilibrio ¿entre quién?: entre los autores y el interés público.
A balance between whom? Between rightholders and the public interest.
¿Se va a efectuar entre países solamente o también entre empresas?
Will this be done among States, or also among businesses?
Los riesgos son mayores entre los niños que entre adultos.
The risks are greater among children than adults.
Este pacto entre europeos pasa por un pacto entre españoles.
This pact amongst Europeans requires a pact amongst Spaniards.
¿Hay diferencias entre enfermedades y entre personas, incluida la edad?
Are there differences between conditions and between individuals, including the age of the individual?
No existen diferencias sustanciales entre nosotros.
There are no substantial differences between us.
No hay grandes desacuerdos entre nosotros.
There is not much disagreement among us.
No autoriza ninguna discriminación entre ellos.
It does not authorise any discrimination between them.
No hay diálogo oficial entre nosotros.
There is no formal dialogue between us.
Entre estas debilidades me gustaría destacar:
Amongst these weaknesses I would highlight:
Están estrechamente unidos entre sí.
They are closely bound up with one another.
Habrá naturalmente diferencias entre países.
There are, therefore, bound to be differences between countries.
Entre ellas, quisiera destacar cuatro.
I would like to highlight four of them.
Intercambiamos demasiado poco entre europeos.
We exchange too little among Europeans.
Ya se encuentran entre nosotros.
They are already included among us.
A esto me refiero, entre otras cosas.
Reference is being made to this among other things.
¿Acaso un equilibrio entre sectores?
Is it about inter-sector balance?
Veamos tres ejemplos entre muchos.
Let us take three examples among many.
Entre otros aspectos, la resolución:
Among other aspects, the resolution:
¿Existe una coherencia entre ellos?
Are these things consistent with each other?
Entre todos lo vamos a conseguir.
Together, we are going to achieve this.
Polonia no se encuentra entre ellos.
Poland is not among them.
Aplaudo la coordinación entre ambas.
I welcome coordination between the two.
Estamos haciendo esto entre nosotros.
We are doing this among ourselves.
No confundamos entre causa y efecto.
Let us not confuse cause and effect.
¿Porqué entre Dinamarca e Irlanda?
Why between Denmark and Ireland?
Entre las orientaciones contradictorias destacan:
Among the conflicting orientations, I would point out the following:
Citaré unos cuantos entre ellos.
I will mention some of them.
Debemos ser claros entre nosotros.
It must be clear to us, between ourselves.
Ya no se entendían entre si.
They did not see eye to eye.
Entre otras cosas, se escribe:
Among other things, it says:
No existe ninguna vinculación entre ambas.
There is no link between them.
Entre nosotros existen diversas objeciones.
Of course, people here have various reservations.
Algunas cosas las podríamos haber logrado entre catorce, otras entre trece y otras entre doce, pero no entre quince Estados miembros.
We could perhaps have achieved more had we been 14, or 13 or 12, but not with 15 Member States.
La competencia aumentaría entre fabricantes de automóviles, pero no entre concesionarios ni entre concesionarios y fabricantes.
Competition would increase between car manufacturers and not between dealers or between dealers and manufacturers.
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  era - era
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  es - pres. 3 sing. of [ser]
  escabeche - pickle, brine
  escalera - stairs
  escandaloso,escandalosa - scandalous; furious
  escena - scene
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  esclusa - lock
  escondido,escondida - hidden
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