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Spanish Word: dado

English Translation: cubes, dice

Translated sentences containing 'dado'
Es improbable que no se haya dado cuenta.
It's unlikely that he/she has not realized it.
Nos ha dado su coche.
He has given us his car.
A veces le has dado plantón.
Occasionally you have stood him up.
El médico me ha dado la baja por enfermedad.
The doctor has given me a sick leave.
¡Nunca le hubiera dado mi cámara!
I would have never given him my camera.
Le he dado mi respuesta.
I have given you my answer.
¿Ha dado algún resultado?
Has it produced any results?
Hemos dado nuestra palabra.
We have given our word.
Todavía no ha dado resultados.
It has not yet yielded any results.
Ha dado buenos resultados.
This has produced good results.
Le hemos dado demasiado.
We have already given them much too much.
Posiblemente no se hayan dado algunos que deberían haberse dado.
Perhaps the steps were not taken which should have been taken.
"Pero ¿cómo te has dado cuenta?"
'How have you come to understand that?'
Hemos dado un paso adelante.
We have made a step forward.
Se han dado pasos importantísimos.
Tremendous steps have been taken.
No nos ha dado ninguna explicación.
You have not given us any explanation for this today.
Hemos dado un paso adelante.
We have taken a step forward.
No les hemos dado seguridad jurídica.
We have not given them legal certainty.
Sus protestas han dado fruto.
Your protests have borne fruit.
¿Hemos dado las respuestas adecuadas?
Have we given the right answers?
Ese paso no se ha dado.
That step has not been taken.
Nos han dado instrucciones confusas.
We were misled as to the instructions.
Sí nos hemos dado cuenta.
We did realise its significance.
Usted me ha dado la respuesta.
You gave me the answer.
No obstante, hemos dado marcha atrás.
Nevertheless, we have climbed down.
No le hemos dado suficientes oportunidades.
We have not given it enough of a chance.
Ha dado un ejemplo magnífico.
She sets a very good example.
Pero ¿lo han dado realmente?
Have they actually done so?
Les pido disculpas; no me he dado cuenta.
I am sorry, I was not paying attention.
He dado esa interpretación a Su Señoría.
I gave you that interpretation.
Nos han dado muchas explicaciones.
They have explained a lot of things to us.
Se han dado algunos pasos.
A few steps have been taken.
Me han dado mi tarjeta antigua.
I was given back my old card.
Turquía no ha dado tales muestras.
Turkey has shown no signs of this.
Desgraciadamente no se me ha dado una respuesta.
Unfortunately, I did not receive any answer to this question.
Esas conversaciones han dado algunos resultados concretos.
These discussions have produced concrete results.
Es la información que me han dado.
That is the advice I have been given.
El euro ha dado mayor estabilidad.
The euro has provided greater stability.
He dado, simplemente, una indicación a título personal.
I have only given you a rough indication, and a personal opinion at that.
Este régimen ha dado buenos resultados.
This regime has worked well.
La Comisión Mitchell ha dado unas indicaciones.
The Mitchell Commission has made recommendations.
Debo decir que ha dado resultados importantes.
I have to say that this work has produced some important results.
No se ha dado solución a esta cuestión.
That problem has not been solved here.
¿Han dado frutos estos nuevos métodos?
Do these new methods have an effect?
Ya les he dado indicaciones sobre este tema.
I have given you some information on this issue.
A este respecto, Bélgica ha dado buen ejemplo.
Belgium set a good example in this connection.
Nosotros hemos dado el primer paso.
We have conceded something in advance.
Me gustaría haber dado una respuesta clara.
I should like to have given a clear answer.
No me ha dado una respuesta al respecto.
He failed to give me an answer to this.
Pero se ha dado una impresión.
But an impression has been created.
Todas ellas han dado lugar a controversia.
All of them gave rise to controversy.
Ya ha dado una serie de pasos.
It has already made a number of moves.
Estos esfuerzos han dado sus frutos.
These efforts have been paying off.
Les han dado un falso prospecto.
They have been given a false prospectus.
Esta política ha dado buenos resultados.
This policy has had good results.
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