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Spanish Word: afortunadamente

English Translation: happily, fortunately

Translated sentences containing 'afortunadamente'
Afortunadamente lo vi a tiempo, pero ¡qué susto pasé!
Fortunately I saw it on time, but what a scare!
Afortunadamente, no ha sido apoyado.
Fortunately these ideas were not taken up.
Afortunadamente no es así.
Fortunately that is not the case.
No hubo, afortunadamente, víctimas mortales.
Fortunately, there were no fatalities.
Afortunadamente no hubo víctimas.
Mercifully, no one was hurt.
Afortunadamente, éste no produjo víctimas.
Fortunately, there were no victims.
Afortunadamente, ha existido Singapur.
Fortunately, we also had Singapore.
Afortunadamente, han resultado engañados.
Fortunately they have been disappointed.
Afortunadamente, esto no ha sucedido.
Happily that did not happen.
Afortunadamente, no es ése el caso.
Fortunately, that is not the case.
Afortunadamente, hemos aprendido la lección.
Fortunately, we have learnt from experience.
Afortunadamente, estas ya han concluido.
Thankfully, these have now been concluded.
Afortunadamente, no hemos empezado de cero.
Fortunately, we did not start from zero.
Por tanto, afortunadamente fue breve.
Therefore, mercifully it was short.
Afortunadamente, la mayoría no han detonado.
Thankfully, most of these have failed to detonate.
Afortunadamente, el informe no pide esto.
Happily the report does not ask for this.
Afortunadamente esta cuestión está resuelta.
Fortunately, this issue has now been resolved.
Afortunadamente, fueron evacuadas sanas y salvas.
Thankfully they were safely evacuated.
Afortunadamente, varias propuestas prevén hacerlos obligatorios.
Fortunately, several proposals plan to make them compulsory in the long term.
Pero, afortunadamente, estará usted entre nosotros.
But fortunately you will stay among us.
Afortunadamente, esto ha quedado claro hoy.
This was, fortunately, clear today.
Afortunadamente, la mayoría han sido rechazadas.
The majority was fortunately rejected.
Afortunadamente, estas medidas no tardarán en llevarse a cabo.
These measures will fortunately be implemented very soon.
Afortunadamente, también hay algunas buenas noticias.
Fortunately, there is also some good news.
Afortunadamente ahora podemos hablar de cooperación constructiva.
Fortunately we can now talk of constructive cooperation.
Afortunadamente, todavía puede evitarse la guerra.
Hopefully, war can still be averted.
Afortunadamente, en este punto también hay unanimidad.
Luckily, there is unanimity here too.
Señor Presidente, afortunadamente hay bastantes noticias buenas.
Fortunately there is a fair amount of good news, too.
Afortunadamente, las cosas mejoraron al final.
Fortunately, things went well in the end.
Afortunadamente, ahora ya ha aclarado su posición.
Thankfully, you have now clarified your position.
Afortunadamente, los congoleños no respondieron a las provocaciones.
The Congolese people fortunately did not respond to the provocations.
Afortunadamente, este hecho pertenece al pasado.
That is something that is now, fortunately, in the past.
Afortunadamente para Europa, el Consejo decidió continuar.
Fortunately for Europe, the Council chose to continue.
Afortunadamente, el resultado esta consulta fue positivo.
Fortunately, the result of that referendum was a positive one.
Lo rechazamos, y, en mi opinión, afortunadamente.
We repudiated that, and successfully in my opinion.
Afortunadamente dijeron "sí" pero podrían haber dicho "no".
They did say 'yes', fortunately, but they could have said 'no'.
Afortunadamente, ese acuerdo no vio la luz.
Fortunately, that agreement did not see the light of day.
Pero afortunadamente sí podemos hacer algo.
Fortunately, however, we can do something.
Afortunadamente, ahora tenemos el Tratado de Lisboa.
Fortunately, we now have the Lisbon Treaty.
Afortunadamente, sin embargo, España la reconoce.
Fortunately, however, Spain does recognise it.
Afortunadamente, esto no ocurrió en esos países.
Happily, this did not happen in these countries.
Afortunadamente, la Unión Europea reconoce este hecho.
Happily the European Commission is aware of that fact too.
Afortunadamente, lo estuvo por aquel entonces.
Fortunately it was permitted then.
Afortunadamente conseguimos 4 millones de ecus.
Fortunately we got the ECU 4m.
En este caso, afortunadamente no es así.
In any case not in this case.
Afortunadamente, puedo mantenerla hasta el final.
I am glad to say that still applies.
Lo último afortunadamente sí se ha cumplido.
And, happily, it came to fruition.
Afortunadamente parece que los tiempos están cambiando.
Fortunately, times appear to have changed.
Afortunadamente, han logrado una financiación provisional.
Luckily they were able to get some interim financing.
Afortunadamente, el consumidor es muy objetivo.
Fortunately, consumers are very objective.
Afortunadamente esto ya no ha sido así.
Fortunately this is no longer the case.
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