Video 1
Empiezo describiendo a mi hermano. Es de, mide aproximadamente 5 pies 10 pulgadas, tez blanca, el pelo marrón, tiene los ojos color marrón claros, pelo lacio no como el mío, que es, este... rizo. A ver qué más, un poquito gordito, parece que le va bien allá con la comida.
I'll begin by describing my brother. He is, he is about 5 feet 10 inches tall, light complextion, dark hair, his eyes are light brown, straight hair not like mine that is curly. OK what else, a little chubby, it looks like he does well in the food department.
-¿Qué tal? Ella es Betina, ella estudia teatro. -Hola, ¿qué tal? Yo soy Lidise, ¿Cómo te va? -Hola, mucho gusto. -Encantada, ¿Qué hacen por aquí? -Pues, venimos a la bibilioteca. Pasamos a recojer unos libros -Ah ya. ¿Y más tarde qué tienen que hacer? -Pues, pensamos ir al cine tal vez. -Yo tengo unos amigos que quisiera presentarles, a ver si nos vemos más tarde. -Perfecto, hasta luego - Adios.
-How are you doing? This is Betina, she studies theather. -Hello, how are you? I am Lidise, how is it going? - Hello, it is a pleasure. - Nice to meet you, what are you doing here? -Well, we came to the library, we came to get some books. - Oh yes, and later on, what do you have to do? -Well, we were thinking about going to the movies maybe. -I have some friends that I wanted to introduce you to, maybe we'll see you later. -Great, see you later. -Good-bye.
Mido 1.75. Soy pelón. Tengo barba, bastante velludo. Soy de piel clara. Un poquito panzoncito. Soy muy simpático. Ellas dicen que soy feo pero no es cierto. ¡Es todo!
I'm 1.75 tall. I am bald. I have a beard, really shaggy. I have light skin. I'm a little on the chunky side. I am very nice. They say that I am ugly but that's not true. That's it.
Tourism has a direct and indirect impact on the whole economy or through induced effects in terms of generation of value added employment, personal income, and government income.
The Dosanbori Canal was the first hub of activity in the city’s development, as Edo’s inception spread out from here in a spiral pattern, including districts for daimyo housing, under-daimyo (recent allies) housing, banner man housing, and the common people housing.
Death due to OSCC is around 100,000 and has shown an increase over a period of time worldwide.
Moreover, the purpose of the news is to communicate to the audience as Dimitrakopoulou points out in News Media “ The media, therefore, must : inform the public about everything that happens around them,provide knowledge on the importance and the significance of events”(Dimitrakopoulou 899).
The second is relatable to the first one, national culture that has an influence on the organization’s cultures of the public sector.
This led to caution and less action and thus, allowed the Spanish more of a foothold on its conquest.
Video 2
Video 3