Video 1
Bueno, los días de la semana son: lunes, martes, miércoles, jueves, viernes, y sábado, y domingo.
OK, the days of the week are: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday and Sunday.
Bueno, yo terminé el colegio el año pasado y ahora estoy en la academia. Acá me preparo para el examen de admisión a la universidad donde planeo estudiar administración de empresas.
Well, I finished high school last year and now I am at the academy. Here I'm getting ready for the admissions exam for the university where I plan on studying business administration.
Primero, segundo, tercero, cuarto, quinto, sexto, séptimo, octavo, noveno, décimo.
First, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth.
Public service delivery is a large-scale enterprise, which takes place through a complex web of relations and transactions involving a multitude of institutions and thousands or even millions of actors such as politicians, government administrators, service providers, service recipients, etc.
Obviously, our army is very strong and gigantic right now, but it could be even more superior and even stronger if the draft was reinstated. The trends in NPM model like commercialization and privatization of the Public institutions makes them liable for the provision of responsive and efficient services to the citizenry (Day, 1998).
By the year 1860 it was approximated that two thirds of the slaves spent their lives in the Southern parts of American.
They offer more than 700 of the world’s leading brands to choose from considering the aspect of the consumer’s lifestyle.
These countries struggle with formulation and implementation of policies to fight the rampant problem (Vernet et al., 2014).
According the perception of respondent and after analysis of the level of means they agree with the organizational effectiveness in feedback of respondents.
Prensky (2012:71) insists that teachers are the ones who need toaccept the technological changes in their teaching as their pupils cannot look backward.
Do not forget to promote your fan page steadily once it has been created so that you can get it lots of exposure.
Schaeffer and Presser begin by explaining that the conducting of a survey is in fact a scientific process and that the creation of a survey that will generate accurate results involves more that merely asking random questions.
The world has developed fully into a global driven village backed by technology usage where information sourcing is done at the click of the computer mouse or mobile phones.
During communism, there existed only one institution controlled from the government which was the Saving Bank and Insurance.
One fact about Mercury is that it is geologically dead and has no signs of life, rivers, storms, anything.
Video 2
Video 3