Text 1
First, read the text and review any vocabulary you are not familiar with. Next, read each question and select the best option(s) from those provided.
El pescador
Junto al río hay un pescador. En el anzuelo ha puesto un gusano.
Ha pescado tres peces grandes y dos pequeños.
pescador - fisherman
anzuelo - fish hook
gusano - worm
peces - fish
rio - river
¿Verdadero o falso?
Junto al mar hay un pescador.
Verdadero Falso
Después se fue a su casa.
Verdadero Falso
Pescó ocho peces.
Verdadero Falso
Contesta las preguntas
¿Qué hay junto al río?
un gusano un pescador
¿Qué ha puesto en el anzuelo?
un gusano peces
¿Adónde fue después?
al río a su casa
¿Cuántos peces pescó?
cinco tres
La ropa de Lola
Lola tiene un vestido azul muy bonito. Lola no mancha su vestido.
Ella cuida bien su ropa y su madre está contenta.
vestido - dress
mancha - stain
cuida - (she) takes care of
ropa - clothes
¿Verdadero o falso?
Su madre está muy enfadada.
Verdadero Falso
El vestido de Lola es azul.
Verdadero Falso
Lola no mancha su vestido.
Falso Verdadero
Contesta las preguntas
¿Qué cuida bien Lola?
su ropa su casa
¿Cómo es su vestido?
muy bonito contento
¿Cómo está su madre?
contenta muy bonita
¿De qué color es el vestido de Lola?
bonito azul
La cigüeña
La cigüeña tiene las patas muy largas. Hace los nidos en las torres
de las iglesias. Viene en la primavera. En el otoño se va a países más calientes.
cigüeña - stork
patas - legs
nidos en las torres - nests on top of the towers
primavera - Spring
otoño - Fall
¿Verdadero o falso?
Viene en primavera.
Falso Verdadero
Se va en invierno.
Verdadero Falso
Tiene las patas largas.
Verdadero Falso
Contesta las preguntas
¿Cuándo se va a países más calientes?
en otoño en primavera
¿Cuándo viene la cigüeña?
en otoño en primavera
¿En dónde hace los nidos?
en países más calientes en las torres de las iglesias
¿Cómo tiene las patas?
muy largas más calientes
We are additionally dedicated to making a brighter future by growing new esteem for our center systems: industry, accomplices and partners. America is successful because it allows the people to use their knowledge and ingenuity to create and advance technology, medicines and industry output freely. In the age of individual, values of high-density residential buildings are certainly different from modern more close to western architecture culture. Also, numerous news companies have forgotten to report important information and problems that people are unaware about different parts of the world. The aim of the recognition program engage employees and strive towards increased productivity within the business. In this dissertation we assess this ambitious program, review the manufacturing sector and conclude what can be achieved given the execution part is carried out in the most determined manner. These events would all individually and cumulatively impact the cardiovascular system: with an initial alteration in sympathetic activity, followed by an inflammatory and oxidation storm, culminating in long-term consequences associated with systemic particle deposition. Asthma can be effectively controlled by medication and decreased in severity by staying away from allergens that induce asthma attacks. Jamal is Lyon’s middle son -- a talented and slightly timid hard-worker, but his homosexuality embarrasses his father. He has been portrayed as an insensitive and inept man who determinedly persisted with costly and futile offensives driven by a never-ending yet ill-founded optimism. Both men had long voting records that didn’t match with the Democratic or Republican platforms as they voted with their conscience. The medical model categorizes and defines people with disability by their condition or impairment, and it refers to the individual person with disability as the problem or the victim. Similar efforts led to the discovery of the members of the ATF family of transcription factors in the late 1980s by researchers trying to identify cellular factor(s) involved in the coordinated regulation of a set of adenoidal genes.
Each item in every subscale is studied and only the suitable items are selected as measurement criteria.
However, during the 1970’s the Bay Area Women Against Rape (BAWAR) was founded by a group of women in Berkeley, California.
Therefore, this study is carried out with the aim of identifying the key determinants of capital structure in Malaysia xxx industry.
Due to the country being completely isolated from the West during the Communist regime, the country did not have the opportunity for social or economic development. Within the first two years of opening, the Tate Gallery in St Ives contributed £16 million to the local economy through tourism148. Three factors influence school culture, such as; attitudes and beliefs of persons both inside and outside the school arena, the cultural standards, and the relationships that exist between persons within the school environment.
The text can be divided into five redactions: Min, R1, R2, R3, and K; K is a modernised version of the text (Macalister 1938: XI).
The resultant emulsion was stirred for one hr further cross linking agent gluteraldehyde was added stirred over night for rigidisation of coating.
Text 2
Text 3