Text 1
First, read the text and review any vocabulary you are not familiar with. Next, read each question and select the best option(s) from those provided.
La pesca
David era un niño al que le gustaba mucho pescar. Un día cogió su red y se fue al río. Pescó sólo un pez. David se puso muy contento.
pescar - to fish
red - net
rio - river
¿Verdadero o falso?
David se puso muy contento.
Verdadero Falso
Pescó cuatro peces.
Falso Verdadero
Un día cogió su red y se fue al río.
Falso Verdadero
Contesta las preguntas
¿Cómo se llamaba el niño?
David la pesca
¿Qué le gustaba a David?
pescar nadar
¿A dónde fue un día David?
a casa al río
¿Cuántos peces pescó?
tres uno
La familia
Yo vivo en casa con mi padre, mi madre y mis hermanos. Papá, mamá y mis hermanos son mi familia. Mis abuelos, mis tíos y mis primos son también mi familia.
abuelos - grandparents
tíos - uncles, aunts.
primos - cousins (male, female)
¿Verdadero o falso?
Yo vivo en el campo.
Verdadero Falso
Mis abuelos son también mi familia.
Verdadero Falso
Papá no es mi familia.
Verdadero Falso
Contesta las preguntas
¿Con quién vivo en casa?
con mis abuelos y tíos con mi padre, madre y hermanos
¿Qué son papá, mamá y mis hermanos?
mi familia en casa
¿Quienes son también mi familia?
mi padre y mi madre abuelos, tíos y primos
La luz
De día brilla el sol y nos da mucha luz. Podemos ver las calles, las personas y los coches que pasan. En las casas entra claridad. La luz entra por las ventanas.
brilla el sol - the sun shines
calles - streets
coches - cars
claridad - sunlight
¿Verdadero o falso?
La luz entra por las ventanas.
Verdadero Falso
De día brilla la luna.
Verdadero Falso
La claridad entra en las casas.
Falso Verdadero
Contesta las preguntas
¿Qué brilla de día?
el sol la luz
¿Por dónde entra la luz a las casas?
por las ventanas por la calle
¿Quién nos da mucha luz?
el sol la calle
¿Qué entra dentro de las casas?
claridad las personas
The meal Elisha helped prepare at Gilgal, along with those prepared by Jesus, point us to God's willingness and capability to supply us with whatever we need and still have some left over. The vertically coupled triple micro ring structure is presented by Y.Yanagase et.al [4] is validated in the article of S.Lakra et.al [5] and the results were in close agreement. Followed by candy with mean score 2.75, this may due to, the respondents (students) most like consume candy during classes to avoid sleepiness. Timura enumerates other factors apart from the linear scarcity – conflict nexus, fundamental for understanding conflict's dynamic. While Coke issues their establishment, these bottlers are in actuality the "course" through which these universal cola brands get to neighborhood customers. Contamination status of the HCH and DDT in near shore marine environment from the East China Sea. Furthermore, a wide range of compounds can be used as target material instead of the more conventional metallic target mentioned. Technicians must be able to operate the pH meters as they are used in schools during important experiments and could potentially bring harm to those around it. It is hard to sustain a continuous growth of economy by providing operative and proficient organization of the macro-economy, whether in public or private sectors, because of lack of flexibility and less number in export-oriented activity. The rest of the data points are in close proximity to each other on the graph, resulting in a negative correlation. Paintings dating back to the 19th century have been the influence to all the modern art produced up to date. The fisheries industry has developed sea lion exclusion devices (SLEDs) in trawl nets in an attempt to curb sea lion bycatch deaths. Efficient theory suggests companies should be efficient in their operation to maximize the profit and minimize the cost (Copeland & Weston, 1988). Hence, products that aim at reversing or minimising the impact of this unfavourable trend are being manufactured and marketed worldwide.
These tasks include drill support, subsea hardware installation and construction, pipeline inspections and surveys, and subsea production facility operation and maintenance. We as human beings tend to compare our lives with that of others regardless of the social status of the person. Globalization has dramatically increased trade and foreign investment which, in turn, fosters growth, creates employment opportunities and lifts millions from the depths of poverty. Each theory offers a different view on how to handle situations and each can have different outcomes, in turn all depends on what a person feels is the right theory for them, what their ethics and morals are, tehre is never a one way answer for everyone. The blockade was a naval operation that consisted of Britain blocking and preventing all food supplies and resources to enter Germany by declaring the North Sea a war zone, in which Britain placed mines and patrolled the seas, and by isolating Germany from the imports of neutral states (Raico 2010). After that, trains resumed, where the tracks were usable, and by 2002, passenger service was again discontinued altogether (Nigeriaworld, 2006).
Text 2
Text 3