Text 1
First, read the text and review any vocabulary you are not familiar with. Next, read each question and select the best option(s) from those provided.
El circo
Mi padre, mi madre y yo fuimos al circo. Vi a los payasos y a las fieras.
El circo me gustó mucho. Después nos vinimos a mi casa.
payasos - clowns
fieras - beasts
nos vinimos a mi casa - we came back to my house
circo - circus
¿Verdadero o falso?
El circo me gustó mucho.
Falso Verdadero
Vimos una película muy bonita.
Falso Verdadero
Después no vinimos a mi casa.
Falso Verdadero
Contesta las preguntas
¿Qué me gustó mucho?
los payasos el circo
¿A dónde fuimos?
al circo a mi casa
¿Qué vi en el circo?
payasos y fieras mi padre y mi madre
¿A dónde nos vinimos después?
a mi casa al circo
El mago
Anoche, estuve en el circo con mi familia. Salió un mago con un
traje negro. A mi hermana le dio miedo y nos tuvimos que salir.
El mago - the magician
traje negro - black suit
miedo - fear
nos tuvimos que salir - we had to leave
¿Verdadero o falso?
Nos tuvimos que salir.
Verdadero Falso
Salió un mago con un bastón.
Falso Verdadero
A mi hermana le dio miedo.
Verdadero Falso
Contesta las preguntas
¿De qué color era el traje del mago?
negro azul
¿Qué le dio a mi hermana?
el mago el circo
¿En dónde estuve anoche?
en el circo en casa
¿Con quién estuve en el circo?
con mi familia con el mago
El cachorro
Me han regalado un cachorro que no sabe andar. Cuando le
dejamos solo, ladra mucho. Le damos leche en un biberón.
me han regalado - (they) have given me
cachorro - puppy
andar - walk
ladra - bark
biberón - baby bottle
¿Verdadero o falso?
Le damos leche en un biberón.
Verdadero Falso
No ladra mucho.
Verdadero Falso
No sabe andar.
Verdadero Falso
Contesta las preguntas
¿En qué le damos leche?
en casa en un biberón
¿Cuándo ladra mucho?
cuando le damos leche cuando le dejamos solo
¿Qué me han regalado?
un biberón un cachorro
¿Qué no sabe hacer?
andar ladrar
In conclusion, our data suggest that at the maternal-fetal interface, trophoblast-derived CCL24 promotes trophoblasts cell growth and invasiveness by activating ERK1/2 and PI3K pathways. So are some kothis, but only panthis perform the act of penetration as opposed to kothis, who take up only the receptive part of the sexual intercourse. Consistently keep excellent working relationships with all program managers/hiring managers, in order to understand their needs and fill their vacancies in a timely manner. For example, The German – Polish Textbook Commission, The German Historical Institute in Warsaw and Action Reconciliation Service for Peace, were the channels for bilateral discussion which confronted sensitive historical issues to build mutual knowledge and understanding (Feldman, 1999; Feldman, 2012). That being said, there is a clear trend according to which marketplace has changed from selling products and services to selling consumer experiences (Pine and Gilmore 1999). Understanding the potentials risks affiliated with each type of cath performed, medications, and closure devices used, minimizes complications and allows monitoring and managing of patients effectively while minimizing extended hospital stays and increased medical costs.
It’s a shame she became devotedly attached to prince Eric and all her goals ended with marriage. In the 1960’s the Juvenile Delinquency Prevention and Control Act was formed by the United States congress. The use of multiple regression will be beneficial to this study because it will allow the researcher to investigate the effect that happiness has on job satisfaction and organisational commitment amongst academic and supporting staff members in tertiary institutions in South Africa.
It didn’t require too much planning on my part, but it had a significant impact on student understanding. Some recipes and journals are written down but it is usually word of mouth from generation to generation that keep these home remedies going. The RC slabs were modeled as rigid floor diaphragm and foundations were modeled was as fixed support. The second purpose of this review is to review if Congress is powerless in approving non-lethal weapons for law enforcement.
An example of this from the book is “ the president could rein in congressional spending by impounding funds”(losco 310).
However, one of the major issues faced by these companies are the strict government gatekeeping and censorship of online content, regulating what its citizens can read, see and publish on the web. The focus on Bumiputera cannot be seen only as an ethnic problem, an in a democratic society. Co-encapsulation of probiotics and prebiotics improved the cell viability in the products but not in the simulated digestive system (Capela et al.) The heighten situational awareness systems will provide a two-way flow of information to and from the front lines, to be used by commanders at all echelons. Night after night he loses himself in sex, booze, and drugs until him and his friend have a fight that makes him question himself. The time period forced people to lie to stay alive, so when someone actually lied they couldn’t tell whether it was just an act of desperation to live or fulfilling a personal ulterior motive. In addition, Uphoff (1986) points out that ‘the social dimensions of irrigation management have been often neglected, handled badly, assumed not to require any special knowledge or expertise’ (quoted in Toshome 2003.)
Text 2
Text 3