Text 1
First, read the text and review any vocabulary you are not familiar with. Next, read each question and select the best option(s) from those provided.
El manzano
Un día trajo mi padre una semilla de manzana. La plantamos en mi huerto y ha crecido mucho. Este año echará manzanas.
semilla de manzana - apple seed
huerto - vegetable garden
plantamos - we plant - we seed
echará - it will produce
¿Verdadero o falso?
Este año echará castañas.
Falso Verdadero
Ha crecido mucho.
Verdadero Falso
Yo me comí una manzana.
Falso Verdadero
Contesta las preguntas
¿Cuándo echará manzanas?
este año un día
¿En dónde la plantamos?
mi casa mi huerto
¿Qué echará este año?
manzanas semillas
¿Qué trajo mi padre un día?
manzanas una semilla de manzana
Mi gallina
Mi gallina es muy bonita. Yo le echo siempre de comer. Un día se
me perdió y mi padre fue a buscarla. Estaba poniendo un huevo.
Mi gallina - My hen
echo - I pour out her food.
se perdió - It got lost
buscarla - looking for her (the hen)
poniendo un huevo - (the hen) laying an egg
¿Verdadero o falso?
Estaba poniendo un huevo.
Falso Verdadero
Mi gallina es muy fea.
Verdadero Falso
Yo fui a buscarla.
Falso Verdadero
Contesta las preguntas
¿Qué estaba poniendo la gallina?
un huevo se perdió
¿Quién fue a buscarla?
Lima Bogota
¿Cómo es mi gallina?
muy bonita muy comelona
¿Quién le echa siempre de comer?
Yo mi padre
Andrés se lavó la cara. Se olvidó de cerrar el grifo del lavabo. El cuarto de baño se inundó y su madre le regañó.
se lavó la cara - he washed his face
grifo del lavabo - sink faucet
se inundó - it flooded
le regañó - (his mother) reprimanded him
¿Verdadero o falso?
Su madre le regañó.
Verdadero Falso
Se lavó la cara.
Falso Verdadero
Andrés se lavó las piernas.
Verdadero Falso
Contesta las preguntas
¿Qué se inundó?
el baño el grifo
¿Quién le regañó?
Andrés su madre
¿Qué se lavó Andrés?
la cara el cuarto
¿Qué se olvidó de cerrar?
el grifo el cuarto de baño
The research team has also experienced an overhaul, “P&G has a pilot with vendor UGS using PLM as a backbone for storing and sharing its researchers’ lab notebooks—the records of their experiments that are almost always created on paper. In addition, this is a part from upbringing children , so that make it easier to bear the responsibility. These personals fall under the category of involuntary patients – those who are considered mentally incompetent. George & Mallery (2003) provide the following rule of thumb for the value of symbol cronbach alpha: > 0.9 excellent, >0.8 good, >0.7 acceptable, > 0.6 questionable,> 0.5 poor,< 0.5 unacceptable. The phrase ‘one of the boys’ is used, suggesting that the woman is accepted as one of the male ‘in-group’. Any enterprise goals has timelines, when determining the goal of enterprise must clear the time span. Xoriant’s years of exposure in industry make it distinguished to provide extraordinary level of test process maturity assessment to its customers.
The article provides documentation regarding studies that were conducted showing that a minority of women were raped before starting college and are at a higher risk of rape during their freshmen year. Mediation and Conciliation can also be used as alternative dispute resolution where both parties meet under the Community Justice Centre Act 1983 attempting to resolve disputes in an informal environment and both parties attempt to come to an agreeable solution. From time to time, it can help to smooth the risk and also increase the portfolio return. Hence, the risks associated with infrastructure development are so great, such as interest rate risk, currency risk, equity risk, economic risk, liquidity risk, bankruptcy risk, counterparty risk and refinancing risk (Serge, 2008). Despite that Europeans are examples of tolerant people, the socio-cultural situation negatively aggravated by big number of coming immigrants. Example a judge identifies a legal principle that is relevant to the case, and find a solution that will govern the outcome of the situation. His father practiced herbal medicine, while his mother was a home keeper and a devout Baptist. She tells how relatively recent methodologies concentrated on the molding of sexual orientation and innovation, in which technology is conceptualized as both a source and result of gender relations. The energy analysis is made by applying the first law of thermodynamics to the fuel cell. The statement “thy will be done,” from the liturgy of the Matthean church became a theme of Matthews Gospel. In 1998, the Charter of the European Political Parties for a Non-Racist Society, was adopted in Utrecht, by European Democratic parties, rejecting all forms of discrimination, racial violence, and incitement to racial hatred (as cited in Matache, 2014, pp. 63) Based on this, a review, and extension of the current pay scales are proposed and must occur to alleviate or reduce these negative effects. Both are equally probable and it is possible that the Celts had their settlements on both sides of the Pyrenees. However, in the 14th century Black Death, Henley lost almost 60% of its population it started rising again in the beginning of the 16th century.
Text 2
Text 3