Text 1
First, read the text and review any vocabulary you are not familiar with. Next, read each question and select the best option(s) from those provided.
El pajarillo
Carlos tenía un pajarillo. Todos los días le daba de comer. Un día lo mató un gato y Carlos lloró mucho.
pajarillo - bird
le daba de comer - he would feed him
lo mató un gato - a cat killed him
¿Verdadero o falso?
Carlos tenía un pajarillo.
Verdadero Falso
Carlos lloró mucho.
Falso Verdadero
Un día lo mató un perro.
Verdadero Falso
Contesta las preguntas
¿Quién mató al pajarillo?
un gato Carlos
¿Cuándo le daba de comer?
todos los dìas un día
¿Qué tenía Carlos?
un pajarillo un gato
¿Quién lloró mucho?
Carlos un gato
El caballo
Antonio tiene un caballo muy bonito. Todos los días sale con él a pasear. Cuando viene de paseo le echa de comer.
el caballo - the horse
sale con él a pasear - takes him out for a ride
cuando viene de paseo - when he comes from the ride
le echa de comer - he feeds him
¿Verdadero o falso?
Pedro no va de paseo.
Falso Verdadero
Le echa de comer.
Verdadero Falso
Sale con él a pasear.
Verdadero Falso
Contesta las preguntas
¿Quién tiene un caballo?
un niño Antonio
¿Cómo es el caballo de Antonio?
muy bonito muy gordo
¿Cuándo salen a pasear?
un día todos los días
¿Cuándo le echa de comer?
todos los días cuando viene de paseo
El cumpleaños
El domingo pasado fue el cumpleaños de mi hermana. Cumplió tres años. Mi tía le regaló una muñeca de trapo muy bonita.
el cumpleaños - the birthday
el domingo pasado - last Sunday
fue el cumpleaños - it was the birthday
cumplió tres años - she was three years old
mi tía le regaló - my aunt gifted (gave) her
una muñeca de trapo - a rag doll
¿Verdadero o falso?
Cumplió tres años.
Verdadero Falso
La muñeca era de trapo.
Verdadero Falso
Fuimos a un restaurante.
Verdadero Falso
Contesta las preguntas
¿Cuántos años cumplió mi hermana?
cumpleaños tres
¿Qué le regaló mi tía?
muy bonita una muñeca de trapo
¿De qué era la muñeca?
muy bonita de trapo
¿Cuándo fue el cumpleaños de mi hermana?
domingo pasado tres años
For teachers, it can be used to critically assess and improve their own approach, especially in terms of curriculum and assessment. All the time Unites States plans and activities that were planned in Vietnam were in the name of opposition and prevention of communism that was the logic of cold war. Leaders in this style provide their followers with the least guidelines and minimize the control on them. Macquarie vision was to transform New South Wales from a traditional penal convict establishment to a society that was more reflective of the English lifestyle. He began his discovery of expanding the universe by trying to find Martian creatures and other solar systems. As a reulst, as of 1992, Police were reuired to tape recor intervews in order to protect individuals. As Dubai has reached 2014 with improved infrastructure, society and rich economy this added a lot to the world itself, it added a lovely artistic Arab nation to the list of artistic cities around the globe. During the entire time the experiment took place in World War II and leading up to the Vietnam War it showed a whole new outlook and that changes needed to be changed in the civilian life. Kanter (1989) argued that this high level of autonomy / authorization and freedom in the organic organization will definitely lead to loos of control and increase the degree of uncertainty. Coca Cola uses several channels- Super markets, convenience stores, Mass merchandisers, fountain stores, vending machines, restaurants and food stores. Besides, the applicability of trade off theory and pecking order theory in the particular industry will also be analysed. The economic growth needs massive fuel to support machine work, but the emissions of burning coal including many toxic gas such as carbon monoxide and sulfur dioxide, which may lead to bronchitis, phthisis, lung cancer and heart disease (The Regents of the University of California, 2013, p. Unfortunately, today, people have gotten so accustomed to seeing billboards daily that they hardly ever take a second glance. Cologne Custom of Field Sciences’ programs for division in Sanitarium doctrine, its diversity concepts und its ProfiL² program geared back project-oriented creed and enlightenment are among the outstanding teaching and Enlightenment models in Germany. In parallel, it was documented that PTZ-seizures may be related to the augmentation of intracellular calcium release from endoplasmic reticulum (Onozuka, Nakagaki, & Sasaki, 1989). Kuhelji attributes this to political official’s lack of willingness to address ethnic minority issues in fear of political repercussions; to include the judiciary system at the local level (2014).
According to the picture shown above, the east sun is on the right travels to the west. He stated, “I have never met the man I could despair of after discerning what lies in me apart from the grace of God.” When I fear, I doubt and diminish God’s ability to step in and transform, liberate, and redeem to the uttermost. Lewis, “Varieties of repetitive behaviors in autism: comparisons to mental retardation”, Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorder, vol. 2.
Text 2
Text 3