Text 1
First, read the text and review any vocabulary you are not familiar with. Next, read each question and select the best option(s) from those provided.
Mi tío Paco
Mi tío Paco vive en una casa de campo. Tiene una huerta en donde siembra de todo un poco. En su trabajo le ayuda un viejo caballo.
una casa de campo - a country cottage
una huerta - a vegetable garden
siembra - plants
de todo un poco - a little of everything
le ayuda un viejo caballo - he helps an old horse
¿Verdadero o falso?
Mi tío se llama José.
Falso Verdadero
Vive en una casa de campo.
Falso Verdadero
En su trabajo le ayuda una mula.
Falso Verdadero
Contesta las preguntas
¿Quién le ayuda en su trabajo?
un viejo caballo el tío Paco
¿Qué siembra en la huerta?
un caballo de todo un poco
¿En dónde vive mi tío Paco?
en una huerta en una casa de campo
¿Cómo se llama mi tío?
Paco caballo
El colibrí
El colibrí es un pájaro muy pequeño. Vuela tan rápido que casi no se le ve. Sus plumas son muy brillantes y de muchos colores.
el colibrí - the hummingbird
vuela tan rápido - he flies so fast
casi no se le ve - one almost cannot see him
sus plumas - his feathers
son muy brillantes - are very brilliant
¿Verdadero o falso?
El colibrí es muy grande.
Falso Verdadero
Sus plumas son muy brillantes.
Verdadero Falso
Sus plumas son de muchos colores.
Falso Verdadero
Contesta las preguntas
¿Quién es muy pequeño?
el colibrí sus plumas
¿Cómo vuela?
brillante rápido
¿Cómo sons sus plumas?
brillantes rápido
¿Cuál es el título de la lectura?
Sus Plumas El Colibrí
La enferma
Inés está enferma. Su madre llama al médico para que la vea. El médico le mandó medicinas y se curó.
enferma - sick
para que la vea - for him to see her
le mandó medicinas - sent to her medicines
se curó - she was cured
¿Verdadero o falso?
Inés no está enferma.
Verdadero Falso
Su madre llamó a su tío.
Verdadero Falso
El médico le mandó medicinas.
Falso Verdadero
Contesta las preguntas
¿Quién está enferma?
Su madre Inés
¿A quién llama su madre?
al médico a Inés
¿Qué le mandó el médico?
comida medicinas
¿Para qué llamó al médico?
para que la vea para que coma
Employment rise is due to the combination of the creation of new firms and rising labour productivity of firms.
Some of them based off of psychological and physiological factors and others based off of social standing and popularity.
We raised $119 just buy ordering wristbands and we would like to pass around to each form class a container just to collect some spare change and that little money could make a big difference. Merriam Webster (dictionary) online cite states that artificial intelligence is “1: a branch of computer science dealing with the simulation of intelligent behavior in computers 2: the capability of a machine to imitate intelligent human behavior” (Sec.1). Second chapter has two sections: one section is on the definition of the informal sector and environmental problems of the informal brick industry, while another section is on promising environmental policy instruments which are feasible for controlling pollution in the informal sector. Schuurman (2003) argues that there is no consensus about the definition, measurement and distinct components of social capital. The reason being that the age bracket is the most active age in service, and the remaining 10.8% are between the ages of 60+ years old. In terms of a cognatic view of the system the relationship between mother’s brother and sister’s son takes on a new light. The spino-thalamic pathway, which is a route that allows pain to travel through the body, is fully developed by the time the baby is twenty-weeks old. The highest efficiency of ITO / P3HT / Kappapycus alvarezii / Au organic solar cells.As conductivity, efficiency is also affected by the number of scans in which 10 of the most effective coating than 5 layers 16.1%. The treatment of tourism as a development tool, just like any other, is likely to encourage the application of concepts and processes from these other activities to tourism, especially ideas about building community capacity. Most of Californians (75%) preferred the voters’ initiative process to pass state laws, since they do not like being governed by the state legislature. As the disease progresses, patients are at higher risk for the development of severe complications, including atherosclerosis, renal failure, autoimmune disease, retinopathy leading to blindness and neuropathy (Burtis and Ashwood, et al., 1999; Paik et al., 1982; Like et al., 1979; Sandler et al., 2000 & Shewade et al., 2001). Asroff and Watts (2004) in their contribution observed that Nigeria has an acute shortage of digital system libraries to install and manage technology networks. Where in 1997 only 18.0 % of all households were connected to the internet, and in 2012 74.8 % of all households were connected to the internet (United States Census Bureau, 2014). Theories must be questioned, especially in relation to the internationalization of high technology and service firms. It is in this effort, aimed at making explicit the contextual associations of observable pattern of interrelationship that exist between these three constructs of self actualization, entrepreneurship and transformational leadership that a rather cohesive and complimentary nexus of interdependence becomes manifest.
Text 2
Text 3