Text 1
First, read the text and review any vocabulary you are not familiar with. Next, read each question and select the best option(s) from those provided.
La barca
Una barca se hundió en el mar. Los hombres que había en la barca se murieron. Yo lloré mucho.
la barca - the boat
se hundió - sank
los hombres que había en la barca - the men who were on the boat
se murieron - they died
¿Verdadero o falso?
Yo lloré mucho.
Falso Verdadero
Los hombres no se murieron.
Verdadero Falso
La barca estaba en el mar.
Falso Verdadero
Contesta las preguntas
¿Quién lloró mucho?
yo los hombres
¿Qué le pasó a los hombres?
murieron lloraron
¿En dónde se hundió la barca?
en el mar en la barca
¿Quién se hundió en el mar?
los hombres yo
Caperucita tiene el pelo rizado y la cara redonda. En la cabeza lleva un gorro de color rojo.
el pelo rizado - curly hair
la cara redonda - round face
en la cabeza lleva un gorro - on her head she wears a hat
¿Verdadero o falso?
Caperucita es muy mala.
Verdadero Falso
Tiene la cara redonda.
Falso Verdadero
El gorro es de color rojo.
Falso Verdadero
Contesta las preguntas
¿Dónde lleva un gorro?
en la cara en la cabeza
¿Cómo tiene Caperucita la cara?
redonda rizado
¿Cómo tiene el pelo?
redonda rizado
¿De qué color es el gorro?
rojo rosado
Mi brocha
Yo tenía una brocha muy bonita. Un día a mi madre se le rompió. Al día siguiente mi abuela me compró otra.
una brocha - a brush
se le rompió - she broke it
al día siguiente - the following day
me compró otra - she bought me another
¿Verdadero o falso?
Yo tenía una cartera.
Falso Verdadero
A mi madre se le rompió la brocha.
Verdadero Falso
Mi abuela me compró un perro.
Verdadero Falso
Contesta las preguntas
¿Qué tenía yo?
una cartera una brocha
¿Cómo era mi brocha?
muy cara muy bonita
¿A quién se le rompió?
a mi madre a mi abuela
¿Quién me compró otra?
mi abuela mi madre
People: The dressing, food, means of communication and type of music and transportation used by the people of the Pacific has changed dramatically. The Government has started competitive bidding for natural resources and has introduces online permission system to ease the way of doing business. Extracurricular classes are scheduled where they are not interrupting important subjects such as reading or math. The latter model assumes that the knowledge and Market commitment are both have affect on the commitment decision and the current activities, which in turn also have big influence on market knowledge and commitment.
The Second Amendment grants us the “right to keep and bear arms, which shall not be infringed,” ("The Constitution of the United States," Amendment 2) Our founding fathers knew we needed some way to protect ourselves from danger and tyranny.
The enormous challenges of technology adoption as seen in the study have countermeasures and solutions to them.
The high content of organic matter, nitrogen and phosphorus in the sludge is the reason that soils become the main places for treatment of soil sludge. s lead to a perturbation of physiologic alpha-adrenergic receptor sensitivity, inducing a persistent sympathetically - mediated arteriole dysfunction (36). When examined through a theoretical lens, the differences observed between children’s development in outdoor settings can be explained by the attention restoration theory. In the most recent decade of the 20th century, the University fell under budgetary attack when the legislature of Alberta acquainted a progression of loans with college financing. The following is a brief overview of the benefits, adverse effects, and impacts of globalization on the people and government systems in the Pacific region. The ethical responsibility of schools to provide opportunities for physical activity and to combat the other consequences of childhood obesity affecting education must be thought out as well. There are the parents who completely provide and protect their children from adulthood, these are mainly the children who don’t have to leave home, get a job, and go to college because their parents do everything for them. In a fast changing environment, both competitive competition and initially high cost for the technological change have forced European banks to increase their efficiency in order to survive by achieving a certain economic scale. Therefore, it can be inferred that the mass flow rate of the fluid in a plain tube is directly responsible for theheat transfer coefficient. Scientists in Italy found a high concentration of iridium inside a layer of clay in Gubbio, Italy. Along with that taking hold over these responsibilities managers are also responsible for its results (OECD, 1995). The specimen took into account a few conclusions to be drawn on the premise of investigation that was done on the information gathered. This show that the research is high in validity because it provides a true picture of the social reality of the barriers to accessing good health and social care services in hackney by homeless and vulnerable adults. Two sheets of paper should be laid on the floor on top of one another to catch any trace evidence that falls off of the victim while removing their clothing.
Text 2
Text 3