Text 1
First, read the text and review any vocabulary you are not familiar with. Next, read each question and select the best option(s) from those provided.
El bolso
Una señora estaba paseando y un ladrón le robó el bolso. La señora llamó a la policía. El hombre fue a la cárcel.
el bolso - the purse
estaba paseando - was walking
un ladrón - a theif
le robó el bolso - stole her purse
llamó - called
fue - went
la cárcel - jail
¿Verdadero o falso?
Una señora estaba paseando.
Falso Verdadero
La señora llamó a su marido.
Falso Verdadero
El ladrón fue a la cárcel.
Falso Verdadero
Contesta las preguntas
¿Quién estaba paseando?
un ladrón una señora
¿Qué le robó el ladrón?
el bolso policía
¿A quién llamó la señora?
a la policía al hombre
¿A dónde fue el ladrón?
a la policía a la cárcel
Mi globo
Yo tenía un globo rojo. La semana pasada me lo pincharon y yo lloré mucho. Mi padre me compró otro.
mi globo - my balloon
yo tenía - I had
la semana pasada - last week
me lo pincharon - I pooped it
¿Verdadero o falso?
Yo tenía dos globos azules.
Verdadero Falso
Un día me lo pincharon.
Falso Verdadero
Mi padre no me compró otro.
Verdadero Falso
Contesta las preguntas
¿Quién tenía un globo?
yo mi padre
¿De qué color era el globo?
azul rojo
¿Cuánto lloré?
poco mucho
¿Quién me compró otro?
mi madre mi padre
Pablito es un niño muy bueno. Todos los días va a la escuela. Su madre le ha comprado un helado.
Pablito - little Pablo
todos los días - every day
le ha comprado - has bought him
¿Verdadero o falso?
Pablito es muy bueno.
Verdadero Falso
Pablito no va a la escuela.
Falso Verdadero
Su madre le regañó mucho.
Verdadero Falso
Contesta las preguntas
¿Quién es muy bueno?
Pablito su madre
¿A dónde va todos los días?
a la heladería a la escuela
¿Qué le ha comprado su madre?
un helado una escuela
¿Cómo es Pablito?
es un niño muy bueno
This may have been a big development in combating the newly increasing age discrimination at the time but it doesn’t in any way address the gender perspective on age discrimination. The Minister of Conservation should be released from the obligation to seek the concurrence of the Minister of Fisheries for protective measures proposed. For me, It’s a life changing step which I feel will prepare me for accomplishments and it will also equip me with the professional knowledge of international business. Although the Disability Rights Policy has undertaken to address accessibility issues in Gauteng and some progress has been made, it is evident that there is still currently a lack of accessibility for people with disabilities. Our showing and learning ideas are taking into account the supposition that learning is dependably a dynamic, helpful and social procedure. Inconsistency in temperature, precipitation, and englacial/subglacial hydrology can very much so determine the evolution of a glacier in a particular season.
For example, if your customers are supposed to be wealthy, then your business name should also bear that resemblance.
In modern information and communication age, mobile apps is one of the most concerned and rapidly developing areas (Islam, Islam, & Mazumder, 2010). Now it can be said that Copyright and Patent overlap in two significant areas: that would be computer softwares and mask works, which may receive both forms of protection simultaneously. If legalization were to occur, the government could tax the drug and it would produce great revenue. It is observed that the friction factor both analytical and experimental, are found to decrease with incresing Renolds number. The local community used to provide this water (locally called “Hora”) to their cattle for fattening and keep animal health. Laurie (2010) found that organizations need to be efficient in doing the right things, in the optimum use of their resources and in the ratio of outputs to inputs. Emigration refers to when a citizen moves from his or her birth country with the intension of staying permanently in another country (Agnes, 2003, p. 35) The battle was fiercely contested and led on the American side by future first President George Washington. While the lack of global talent remains an important challenge as a lack source for global organizations.
Text 2
Text 3