Ejercicio 1
Escuche el audio tantas veces como sea necesario y conteste las preguntas.
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¿Cuántos casos VIH al año en Argentina?
5,500,000 5,500 550
¿Qué porcentaje está infectado en el país?
40% 4000 4 de cada mil
¿Cuántas muertes cobra por año?
69% 1040 1400
¿Qué porcentaje recibe medicamento del Sistema Público de Salud?
69% 69 de cada mil 40%
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¿Qué información se está dando en este reporte?
los accidentes provocados por un sismo el terremoto en 1976 las réplicas del sismo
¿Dónde fue el epicentro?
costa frente a Retalhuleu costa de Quetzaltenango San Marcos
¿Cuál es el área más afectada?
San Marcos centro de Quetzaltenango la capital de Guatemala
¿Cuándo fue el último sismo mayor?
escala de Richter 7.2 huracán 1976 terremoto 1976
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Answer Answer Answer
With sophisticated computing platforms. Hence, in the present investigation we aimed to evaluate the effect of various concentrations of AgNO3 and COCl2 supplemented in the MS media to develop possible improved protocol for micropropagation of Solanum viarum. It has no EminentDomain over the lands of the Comunidades to acquire or impose agrarianland reforms and constrain or restrict the functions of the Comunidades by land grabbing. The Table of Contents also helps a reader to find a certain chapter or section that covers the portion of the book they want to read. For employees flexable work povides : secure and interesting jobs; choice, flexability and control over working hours ; autonomy and control over the place and timing of work ; a say in the critical decision that affect their futures; and an appropriate balance between effort and reward . The presence of GOS (1.5%) in the microencapsulation provided the best protection and also enhanced the growth of microencapsulated probiotics in yogurt and fruit juice during the storage at 4°C for 4 weeks. His argument is that the Constitution has been discarded and the government has overstepped its bounds. The extant collective action enables us to differentiate between organizations that exist ‘on paper’ and those that are alive” (Meinzen-Dick et al.). It is easy to look around to see if the workforce consist of mainly obese workers or smokers and implement programs such as those. The hotel is near numerous culturally-rich and historically significant attractions specifically downtown where Italian, Greek, and Creole architecture line the streets. Monetary policy is a set of measures through which the monetary authority determines the situation under which it supplies the money that revolving in the economy. There is a commitment across the company to innovate, which is supported by the top leadership in the company (Kuratko, et al., 2011). These processes are very powerful, and all show how there has been a clear increase that has affected the way that care and services have been rendered. There are some angles that I had never thought of about accounting and the relationship with our daily life and social environment. The answer would be no since most of the people are barely to keep their jobs; thus, it’s even harder to find a better one to pay more taxes.
Ejercicio 2