Ejercicio 1
Escuche el audio tantas veces como sea necesario y conteste las preguntas.
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¿Qué incidente enfrenta el Presidente de Otto Pérez antes de tomar posesión?
la toma de posesión con inseguridad enfrentar el gobierno anterior el asesinato de uno de sus aliados políticos
¿Qué tipo de situaciones menciona Otto Pérez Molina que recibe en su nuevo gobierno?
de violencia, de impunidad y de pobreza del asesinato de un congresista de un gobierno incapaz de resolver conflictos
¿A quién culpa Otto Pérez Molina de la situación violenta actual?
al gobierno anterior a los sicarios al congresista
¿Cómo pretende enfrentar el crimen organizado?
con más policías con la toma de posesión con más militares
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¿Cuánto gastaron los turistas durante el fin de semana largo?
817,400 817,4 millones 98%
¿En qué lugar hubo ocupación de un 85%?
Córdoba, Mendoza Costa Atlántica, el Litoral Entre Ríos
¿Cuál fue la ocupación hotelera en Paraná?
6,000,000 85% 90%
¿Quién hizo el reporte de los gastos del fin de semana largo?
Ministerio de Turismos Confederación Argentina de la Mediana Empresa Secretaría de Turismo
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The study disclosed that both leadership styles are valid and appropriate in achieving the organizational objectives, as transformational leadership showing the highest overall relations and transactional or contingent reward leadership a close second. As people become more aware of the risks for their motor insurance, the number of the insurance payment from them are increasing day by day. This paper presented the design of a big data analytics model, accompanied with the identification of its functional architecture. An unreliable instrument cannot be valid, while a reliable instrument can be invalid (Polit & Beck, 2014, p.205). For a long time in history, raw biomass have always had several disadvantages as an energy source. Professionals who graduate from Henley colleges not only think about themselves but they think about the society as well hence enabling this town as a booming hub of Spanish Interpretive Listening Exercises. Despite the controversy generated by federal mandates during the 20th and 21st centuries, the federal government became a major player in the movement to provide services for persons with disabilities and has increased national concern with educating children and emotional disorders. Many quantum well devices, QDs, and similar nanometer-scale structures have been manufactured for telecommunications and personal computer industries using the MBE technique. It is also debated that whether social capital is an outcome or a process (Edwards 2004). These sit-ins were being expanded to other local places like public parks, swimming pools, movie theatres etc.
The big increase in the number of blacks with the demand for cheap raw materials mostly cotton, created by the industrial Revolution, and especially the short staple variety of cotton made the cultivation of the crop in a much larger area; especially, the deep south. Astragalus root (Astiagalus membranaceus) has long been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine to increase stamina, strength, metabolism, and vitality. Along with gender and race, an individuals living condition can compromise the integrity of their immune system. To support this theory, Riemeier and Gropengießer (2008) investigated student’s conceptions of cell biology arguing that even after thorough teaching there seems to be a misunderstanding of these scientific concepts. Organizations need to continue to find the necessary talents, both in quality and quantity, to operate on a global basis (Collings, 2014:259). It shows how difficult it is to put a face on the complex issue involved in Spanish Interpretive Listening Exercises. March 23rd, 1999, Operation Allied Force began, and kept going for three months, until June 10th, 1999. Conserved target motifs, seed sequences, 3′untranslated regions (UTR) are a broad spectrum of region in the genome targeted by miRNA. The Federal Rules of Evidence most commonly dictate criminal and civil matters in the United State's judicial system and affairs in front of United States liquidation adjudicators and United States civil officer's, to the extent and with the omission declared in the regulations.
Ejercicio 2