Ejercicio 1
Escuche el audio tantas veces como sea necesario y conteste las preguntas.
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Selecciona la respuesta correcta.
¿Quién es el autor del libro?
el Papa Jesucristo un monje
¿A quién está dedicado el libro?
al Papa a la infancia de Jesucristo a un monje
¿Quién cometió un error de la fecha de nacimiento de Cristo?
el Pontífice un monje el Papa
¿En cuántos países se distribuirá el libro?
el sexto en cincuenta en 9
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Selecciona la respuesta correcta.
¿Cómo está la situación de Egipto?
tensa de pelea entre los líderes una movilización general
¿Quién instó una movilización en contra del mandatario de Egipto?
el pueblo de Egipto el Vicepresidente de Egipto ex-secretario general de la liga árabe
¿Cuál es la esencia de su mensaje?
avanzar y respetar la democracia derrotar al Presidente apoyar al mandatario
¿A quién le concedió la entrevista?
al periódico egipcio a RT al ex-secretario general de la liga árabe
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Answer Answer Answer
It is not meant to be literal, but just used to convey how dedicated Smiley is to his bets. Binge drinking among underage and young adults is one of the most critical issues affecting social life, health, and education on college campuses in America current society. The few individuals involved in the 9/11 attacks were part of an extremist group with radical views that most Muslims around the world vehemently condemn. For example, manager can gets know of how their business goes as well as how much the cash flows available for purchase of goods from suppliers by looking at financial statement. Are the police acting more violently towards African Americans due to a system of underlying racism within the police force?. Taking ahead this idea, this current study investigated the practice of self-directed learning among the Malaysian Higher Education teachers with an attention paid to the self-directed learning opportunities that they provide to their learners in developing self-directed learning skills. One could have no symptoms at all, where another could have many symptoms including intellectual disabilities. Cyber security regulations force Amazon to safeguard computer systems and information technology (California HealthCare Foundation, 2015). The bubbles come from the fermentation process done in pressurized tanks, which is the first and only fermentation this wine goes through and the sugar from the grapes is left over (unfermented). In her book, Arendt questions how it was possible to get away with this dreadful phenomenon including Nazi death camps and Stalin’s expulsions, in a predominantly modern society. The ministry of Environment and Forest is the National level body in India which is responsible for controlling environmental pollution and promoting environmental programmes in India Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) and Sate Pollution Control Board (SPCB)were established under Water Act. And since the Industrial Revolution, technological advances have immensely increased the lethality and complexity of the field of battle, structuring and restructuring all levels of war from strategy to tactics.
Ejercicio 2