Ejercicio 1
Escuche el audio tantas veces como sea necesario y conteste las preguntas.
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¿Cuál es objetivo principal de este jugador?
jugar fútbol ser feliz que le paguen por ser feliz
¿Cuál es el continente más pobre del mundo?
cáucaso norte ruso Europa África
¿En dónde vive ahora?
en España en África en el Cáucaso norte ruso
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¿En qué consiste la iniciativa nicaragüense?
mejorar el sistema de transporte construir un ramal marítimo alternativo al Canal de Panamá generar más empleos
¿Qué beneficios traerá esta iniciativa?
aumentar el tránsito en el Canal de Panamá mejorar las relaciones Nicaragua-Panamá generar más empleos
¿Qué desventajas mencionan del Canal de Panamá?
disminuye empleos es más lejos que el de Nicaragua el tamaño reducido
¿Cuánto se estipula para la inversión?
$30,000 $30,000,000,000 $30,000,000
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Additionally, the authors pointed out that there is often a lack of agreement between the therapist and parent reports, which indicates that therapists should be aware of these differences in perspective and be sympathetic to the needs of the parents. The negativity and racism that shadowed the African American communities all over the country, some more aggressive than others, eventually caught the attention of many citizens, both African American and white. In other words, descriptive data are used to display and present quantitative descriptions in a more systematic and proper form. When the immigrants come to the Bahamas they take away the employment opportunities from Bahamians because the Bahamian citizens refuse to do what is perceived as ‘dirty jobs’ that the immigrants have no problem in doing. Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infected patients and healthy controls were studied in Saudi populations for variants (-403G>A) and (-28C>G) in RANTES [8]. Stefano Borgiaa, Stefania Pellegrinellia, Giacomo Bianchia , Marco Leonesioa 2013 : discussed about an artificial neural network has been developed to capture the influence of machine tool characteristics and process parameters on the energy consumption associated to face milling operations. It’s important that managers let people know how they are doing, because employees need and want to know, in a structured and formal manner with feedback.
Ejercicio 2