Lee el siguiente texto y revisa el vocabulario que es nuevo para tí. Después de comprender el texto, responde a cada pregunta y chequea tus respuestas.
Como Un Sueño
Jacinto nunca había ido a una función de cine. Y no es que no le gustaran las películas, pero en su pueblo no había luz eléctrica. Hasta que un domingo llegó la electricidad.
Bajo la sombra de los colorines, Jacinto interrogaba a su abuelo acerca del gran poder que se escondía en esos cables.
—¿Verdad que ahora hasta podremos ver cine?
—Claro que sí, con lo que me gusta. Cuando estuve trabajando en la ciudad, seguido iba al cine.
—¿Y cómo es el cine abuelo?
El recio campesino respondió:
—Es como un sueño.
La cara morena de Jacinto pareció iluminarse y saltó de gusto.
El jueves siguiente, el maestro llegó a la escuela cargando un pesado aparato. Los niños taparon las ventanas con cobijas y gabanes y se quedaron quietecitos.
—Se trata —dijo el maestro— de un niño que se perdió en el bosque. Comenzaba a oscurecer cuando...
Jacinto no pudo contenerse. Interrumpió al maestro:
—Cuando un venado de cola blanca apareció y le ayudó a encontrar el camino para salir del bosque...
—Es cierto —dijo el maestro— de eso trata la película, sólo que el venado tenía cola negra. Pero...
¿Cuándo viste la película?
—No la he visto, contestó Jacinto, pero ¿verdad que el cine es un sueño?
México, SEP, 1984.
(Colección “Coibrí: Primeros cuentos”.)
Jacinto empieza a pensar en el cine cuando ocurre lo siguiente:
Un maestro visita su pueblo
Entra a la escuela de su pueblo
Llega la electricidad a su pueblo
¿Qué enseña el cuento?
Que es bueno soñar despierto
Que el cine nos divierte a todos
Que las historias son entretenidas
¿Por qué iba al cine el abuelo de Jacinto cuando trabajó en la ciudad?
Porque las películas trataban de su pueblo
Porque le gustaba ver películas
Porque viendo películas se distraía
¿Para qué taparon las ventanas del salón de clases los niños?
Para evitar que otros niños se dieran cuenta de que iban a ver una película
Para impedir que entrara ruido en el momento de ver la película
Para poder ver bien la película que el maestro les llevó
¿En qué parte del cuento se ve que Jacinto es un niño muy curioso?
Cuando escucha al maestro hablar acerca de la película
Cuando pregunta a su abuelo qué es el cine
Cuando ve llegar al maestro cargando un aparto
Jacinto interrumpió al maestro porque quiso...
demostrar lo que sabía
decir lo que se había imaginado
ser el primero en participar
Lee otra vez la siguiente parte del cuento: —Cuando estuve trabajando en la ciudad seguido iba al cine.
¿A que se refiere el abuelo de Jacinto cuando dice -seguido iba al cine-?
A que trataba de ver más de una vez la misma película
A que asistía constantemente a ver películas
A que veía muchas películas en una misma función
Lee otra vez la siguiente parte del cuento: —¿Verdad que ahora hasta podremos ver cine?
¿Quién dice lo anterior?
El abuelo
El maestro
Lee otra vez la siguiente parte del cuento: —La cara morena de Jacinto pareció iluminarse...
Escoge la oración que puede sustituir a la anterior en el cuento porque también está en pasado.
La cara morena de Jacinto se ilumina.
La cara morena de Jacinto parecerá iluminarse.
La cara morena de Jacinto se iluminó.
Studies have also found that its use offers a much lower rate of impairment in relation to job performance compared to other medication. The preparation was made in four groups and Nur Misuari was in the third one that trained. The main function of school was to prepare students for work and the vocational counselors assisted with separating students into appropriate work paths (Schimmel, 2008, par. When they are at work parents cannot supervise what children are doing on the computer and that leads to problems. Lastly, a recall election will be allowed once the valid signatures are presented adequately (Dave, 2012).
Heuristic evaluation is difficult for a single individual to do as one person will never be able to find all the usability problems in an interface. Service quality definition can be further elaborated as the comparison the service provided by specific organization and customers general view of how such a organization should perform that in the same industry( Lo, Osman, Ramayah & Rahim, 2010). Will create new links to connect to the campus housing development with three kings of the city center and the volcanic cone T Tātua on Riukiuta Maung. They can relieve many symptoms, but in many cases they cannot cure some of the deadliest illnesses such as cancer. This study examined the effects of Limited English proficiency (LEP) on accessing mental health services amongst immigrants with psychiatric disorder. Remuneration is designed to motivate delivery of our key strategies, so as to create a strong performance-oriented environment and reward achievement of meaningful targets over the short and long term.
Correspondingly, under the international loan programme, Latvia would receive the financial assistant from the European Commission, the IMF and etc. The history of transgender can be traced back to various myths and folk tales found in epics like Ramayana, Mahabharata and Skanda Purana. Nowadays device’s designers are familiar with the different types of failures and how to handle them using various techniques [1]. The Pew Research Center reports that 74% of “teens ages 12-17 say they access the internet on cell phones, tablets, and other mobile devices at least occasionally” (Madden et al., 2013). It is identified that reward schemes are not always successful and require the right business culture. The author explains the research that has been done on Celastrol very briefly in very simple terms making it easy to understand. There are plentiful papers available on the topics of capital structure and share prices of firms. The cornerstone of this book is our Fourteenth Amendment right that “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherin they reside. Around this time there were social and political conflict among the nation and people were losing support in Lincoln and the Republicans.
However in this book his intended audience was his Jews since Pharisees and Sadducees stubbornly refused to accept Jesus as there Messiah because of their hard heart and their refusals to recognize the one they had been supposedly waiting for.
These programs are imposed on to the dependent states by the International Financial Institutions as it is said to remove the crisis in the economic development of the country deceptively (Anwar, 1996). Convicted offenders were usually executed using a firing squad or being hanged in front of the public as part of local intimidation for the public to never repeat similar offenses in the future.
Approximately 50% of diabetic patients at late stages might develop some degree of peripheral neuropathy and 90% of those patients have symmetrical distal polyneuropathy. All humans evolved as a single unit, and the concept of “race” merely emerged from the need to maintain social power, and as a way to combat class anxiety. Global financial crisis provides a challenging avenue to Malaysian financial system and economy would be stress-tested by negative external forces. In my opinion, many national curriculums fail to meet the needs of citizens in what is a globalized and interconnected world and some could include more intercultural awareness and understanding. Public administration reforms under the banner of new public management have emerged in 1980’s in New Zealand, United Kingdom and elsewhere in the world. Also, he mentions the link, because of its absence in many cases, can be highly discussed. However, Cognitive Style and Maladaptive Speech are measured in all stages, except in the imitation activities, where it only tackles Social Communication subscale. In the past the land owned by landlords was a central part of the Chinese economy. It aims to study the advancements of BCI technologies and how they are used by non-invasive EEG interpretation methods, the core advantages of the technology over traditional methods and what are required components and mechanisms involved in creating a well-defined BCI application. Consequently our research will concentrate on the media coverage of this Rwandan refugee crisis and the humanitarian aid it helped generate. With the implementation of a bike share program for travel purposes people may shift to biking instead of more polluting transportation modes. This theory is based on what the outcome of a situation is and pleasing as the greatest number of people at the greatest amount of pleasure possible. Between 2006 and 2007, business services and real estate industry is one of the largest component, which give about 15 percent of the Australia's GDP (ABS, 2007). Because both patients had an identical twin, it was assumed the cells from the patient’s twin would be an identical match and the body would not reject the transplant. The Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w is the second source of guidance and rulings The Sunnah is reveal from Allah but relayed to mankind through the words and actions of the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. The targets of performance were also set to allow workers who are hardworking to achieve higher commission.