Lee el siguiente texto y responde a cada pregunta. Chequea tus respuestas.
10 de marzo de 2014.
Ayer que fui a tu casa junto con Amelia, se me olvido mi paraguas y como no voy a ir ala escuela porque tengo que ir al médico, te pido que por favor me lo lleves hoy en la tarde a casa de mi abuelita. Si no está ella, me lo dejas con Josefina.
¿Para qué escribió Elena el texto anterior?
Para avisar que irá al médico Para saber cómo está su abuelita Para recuperar su paraguas
¿A quién se dirige el texto anterior?
A Josefina A Karla A Amelia
¿Qué oración podría agregarse al texto para indicar que el mensaje es urgente?
¿Cuento contigo? Mil gracias. ¡No se te olvide!
According to their study, for this approach to be effective, four key elements should be included. Inner healing prayer and scriptural teachings provide significant benefits to clients with depression as in the scenario above. Deficit accounts of autism cannot explain, however, the assets seen in this disorder; for example, savant skills in math, music and drawing, and islets of ability in visuospatial tests and rote memory [11]. Reading this article and my recent experiences during my travel showed me just how much our county is changing and how much of the change we are not seeing in the LaCrosse area at this time.
The bluefin tuna has been overfished because of its buttery belly meat, considered by many to make the finest sushi in the world.
The obtained data was plotted for IV/IP characteristics curve by using “Origin Pro 7.5” software as shown in figure 4.3.
This calibration curve was used for estimation of drug from prepared formulations in the present study.
Ultimately, this research could lead to a tailor-made learning plan specific to each individual student that perfectly matches the student’s learning process to how the student’s brain learns best.
In our project the hamming distance between the test and the reference image is calculated and the score values are obtained for each fingerprint in database. Eskildson (1994) and Tornow and Wiley (1991) reported that TQM implementation has uncertain or even negative effects on performance. Although various steps have been taken to ensure the Malaysian education system, especially the Higher Education system, is responsive and relevant to the needs of the country, some features of colonial legacy are retained. Almost 5% of this is invested in software and the remaining 6% on Communication and IT equipment as seen in table 2. This reformation shows that government is trying every possible way to have a better delivery of the complex infrastructure project through different financing scheme available. During the fiscal period of 2005, sales increased to $912,473,000 (growth of 7.1%) compared to the $851,634,000 for the year ended January 31, 2004.