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Roban obras de Rubens y Rembrandt
La Jornada Belgrado, 8 de enero (AFP)
1. Cuatro cuadros valorados en varios millones de euros, entre ellos un Rembandt y un Rubens, fueron robados el domingo del museo de la ciudad Novi Sad, en el norte de Serbia, por hombres armados, informaron portavoces del museo y de la policía.
2. Entre las obras robadas figura el Retrato del padre, de Rembrandt (1609-1669), “de un valor que estimo en 3.6 millones de euros” (4.4 millones de dólares), declaró el portavoz del museo, Drago Njegovan.
3. También fueron sustraídos un Rubens y un cuadro de Francesco Mola (siglo XVII), así como uno de un pintor flamenco desconocido del siglo XVI.
¿En qué sección del periódico apareció la información del texto anterior?
Editorial Cultura Economía Espectáculos
¿Qué tipo de texto acabas de leer?
noticia reportaje entrevista artículo científico
¿Cuál es el asunto central del texto que leíste?
informar sobre la inseguridad en el museo de la ciudad de Novi Sad resaltar el valor de las obras de arte del museo destacar el robo de obras de arte en Europa informar sobre el robo de algunas obras de arte del museo
¿A quién se refiere la palabra subrayada en el párrafo 2?
al jefe de seguridad del museo Novi Sad a un empleado del museo de la ciudad Novi Sad al dueño del museo de la ciudad Novi Sad a un valuador del museo de la ciudad Novi Sad
Human resource management is the organizational function that deals with recruitment, management, development and motivation of individuals, including specialized training, as well as any other means to engage and manage employees (Starkey et al., 2004).
The system consisted of an array of flat plate solar collectors, a hot storage tank with auxiliary diesel fired boiler, and a LiBr-H2O single effect absorption chiller unit. An example of primary research is a questionnaire, a questionnaire involves asking people from different age groups, ethnicity and gender, questions on a specific subject that you would be researching. Environmental problems do not normally result in catastrophic failures, but work in conjunction with other failure modes. The article indicates that further testing still needs to be done before it can be taken to human trials. This has been used to notify parents that their child on a field trip is not going to arrive back to campus as anticipated, reminders of school activities, and notification of school closures or delays.
Prufrock’s commentary on the advances of technology is grim; city streets have one purpose— to threaten the people who walk upon them (8,9). It has proved that the MDGs have managed to make a great stride in improving people’s lives between 1990 and 2015 timeline. And, it is interestingly that 80 percentages of the total transactions were predominately domestic rather than cross border oriented (Walkner & Rares, 2006). It may be tempting to answer yes to that question, but the answer is entirely incorrect.
The growth rate in industry from FY 14 to FY 15 stood at a absolute rate of 31%. This was integral to ARM’s design as it contributed to transformation of the orthogonal backstage forms into the more dynamic lines of the exterior’s pipe and also with the large use of diagonals. The Industrial Revolution resulted in most goods being mass produced; often with little or no contact between manufacturer and consumer. The result of the ADF test shows that the data for USD per MYR is stationary at 1st Difference.