Lee la siguiente carta y responde a cada pregunta. Chequea tus respuestas.
María Luisa Rodríguez
c/ Soledad 327 A
37001 Salamanca
Grupo Cedec
c/ Gran Vía 31
28013 Madrid
Salamanca, 23 de febrero de 2014
Estimados señores,
Les escribo en respuesta al anuncio que publicaron el pasado domingo en el diario El Mundo, en el que solicitaban un jefe de producción para su empresa. Como pueden ver en mi currículum, sí reúno los requisitos establecidos por ustedes.
Tengo varios años de experiencia en el sector y conozco bien el funcionamiento de las máquinas de confección. Trabajé cinco años en Textasa, en la sección de producción y planificación de materiales para la confección. Además domino el inglés y tengo buenos conocimientos de francés e italiano.
En la espera de una pronta respuesta por su parte, les saluda atentamente.
María Luisa Rodríguez.
¿Cuál de las siguientes opciones menciona el propósito de la carta?
Solicitar empleo como experto en idiomas Solicitar empleo en el Grupo Cedec Trabajar en la sección de planificación de materiales Trabajar en la empresa Textasa
¿Qué otro tipo de despedida podría utilizarse en la carta que acabas de leer?
Quedo de ustedes Espero verte pronto Un saludo a todos Hasta la vista
Organizational Culture, Is there regular, frequent and consistent communication from senior leadership to the employees across the organization? Advertising is a part of everyday life because it helps companies promote new products, but is is advertising ethical?
Shareholders assess the organisations financial position to evaluate and analyse the risk and return of their current investment or start to invest in the organisation. But many researchers today have come to recognize that aspects of individual patients—their histories, social relationships, lifestyles, personalities, mental processes, and biological processes.
The AIR FORCE as a means of Defense, served SO implement policies of Defense of the State, one of them is to run military operations other than war, as well as participated actively in regional and international peacekeeping.
However, causality test shows that the real estate lead to inflation.8 liu et al (1997) found that the real estate provides a worse than equity hedge and comparable in some countries. The contribution depends on the size of the sector and the productivity growth in that particular sector. We can see that Ren Zhengfei has a technical background if we can read his resume carefully.
After 384 days the bus boycott led by Martin Luther King Jr was over and as the NAACP's president had won non segregation on busses (Bio Martin Luther King). However, there are still many arguments as if the approach of industrial policy has actually been successful in the process of economy transformation of developing countries. Low employee engagement, Is there a demonstrated commitment to introducing changes based on survey data? The only thing that they could do is to be aware of the symptoms and seek help if they really need it. This law was important for persons with emotional and behavioral disorders because it specified conditions for removing them from public school for reasons without denying them access to alternative educational opportunities.
This is the reason why she disobeys her father and ends up falling in love with a human – which is strictly forbidden.