Lee el pasaje presentado en esta sección y revisa el vocabulario que es nuevo para tí. Después de comprender el texto, responde a cada pregunta y chequea tus respuestas.
Un grupo de alumnos de tercer grado de la Escuela Secundaria “Tierra y Libertad” va a realizar una entrevista a un maestro de artes marciales que enseña karate y aikido para saber más acerca de estos deportes. Primero preparan su guión de entrevista, cuando esté listo, entrevistarán al maestro y luego transcribirán la entrevista para mostrársela a su profesor de español.
De las siguientes preguntas que prepararon esos alumnos, ¿cuál permite obtener más y mejor información acerca del tema?
¿Es importante saludar antes de un combate de karate? ¿El box es más violento que el aikido? ¿Realmente es usted un maestro de artes marciales? ¿Le gustaría dedicarse a otra cosa en lugar de lo que hace?
Lee las preguntas que seleccionaron los alumnos para realizar su entrevista:
1. —¿Nuestro país tiene buenos competidores de karate a nivel internacional?
2. —¿Desde cuándo se comenzó a enseñar el karate en nuestro país?
3. —¿En qué se basa el karate?
4. —¿Qué significa karate?
¿En qué orden deben realizar las preguntas seleccionadas?
4, 3, 2, 1 4, 2, 1, 3 2, 3, 1, 4 1, 2, 3, 4
The Chinese Marxist advocated for a completely classless society, which was based on the idea that all land and business should be equally shared by society (Bernstein, 34). Accordingly, there is no formal leaders, however multiple leaders in order to cope with heterogeneous, dynamic environments, the complicated knowledge and issues.
Atheism is very popular in Russia with an estimated 20-30% of the population having no beliefs in religion.
Third party implementations can be integrated if there are suitable options to meet the web app framework and the requirements.
It has to be a continuously increasing function with F, since the elastic energy stored in the body has to necessarily increase as the deformation gets bigger. We can use rsync delta transfer algorithm to solve Problem one as delta transfer algorithm can sync in very slow speed 100kb/s. However, with all the resources, the studies, statistics available nowadays along with the visible climate and environmental changes, we can no longer ignore or avoid the importance of sustainable development.
Environmental factors include malnutrition or exposure to viruses before birth and complications during the birthing process (Irarrazaval, 2015). The transformed tissues were maintained in in vitro condition to induce rooting shoots development derived from callus. According to a 1996 report by the American Trucking Association, the salary of a “for hire driver” (independent truck owners or operators) declined by 40% between 1978 and 1996 (Engel, 1998, 34-41).
Using past events, classified by the authors as water triggered conflicts, the authors mention for example: the 1989th Mauritania-Senegal conflict, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, the 1980th South Africa and Lesotho conflict, the 2000th Syrian-Turkish Euphrates dispute and the China’s Ningxia Province conflict. By then, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples had lived in this land for more than 40,000 years.
Although, political interferences are evitable in public organizations working under the large systems of authority (Aharoni, 1986).