Exercise 1
Listen to the audio file and answer the questions. Check your answers and proceed to the next audio file.
Audio 1
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This woman did not learn to work when she was young.
unknown false true
Her father died when she was very young.
true false unknown
At first, her monthly pay was 50 cents.
false true unknown
Years later, she earned three Quetzales per month.
unknown true false
When she was young, meat cost five cents per pound.
unknown true false
Audio 2
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The woman is single because...
her husband died she never found the right guy her husband left with another woman
Although she is single, she is the mother of two boys.
true unknown false
Audio 3
Click to start or stop audio
He is a student.
Verdadero Falso
He is studying German.
Verdadero Falso
He considers the new language, easy.
Verdadero Falso
When is it difficult for him to understand the Russian language?
when his German friends speak when his Russian friends speak when he reads
Audio 4
Click to start or stop audio
He likes to travel __________.
by plane by train by car
He feels that train travel is very __________.
comfortable uncomfortable
Audio 3
Yo soy estudiante. Llegué a Rusia desde Alemania. Yo ya hace tiempo estudio la lengua rusa. Esto es interesante pero difícil. Yo ya no hablo mal ruso, pero conozco mal el lenguaje y no lo entiendo todo cuando hablan mis amigos rusos.
Exercise 2
Exercise 3