Listen to the audio files and answer the questions. Check your answers and proceed to the next audio file.
Audio 1
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What is the nick-name of the runner?
tenis the menace
tenis de fuego
zapato tenis
Audio 2
In the audio below, the woman is asked to describe her family.
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Her husband is younger than she is.
Her oldest child is...
four years and four months old
two years and two months old
four years and eight months old
Audio 3
In the audio below, the woman talks about her parents and her family.
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This woman has four brothers and sisters.
Information not provided
Her parents have always be available to assist her.
Information not provided
Audio 4
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Why is the man hiring the woman?
to clean five windows
to clean fifty windows
to clean the house
Audio 5
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Para mañana está programada la subasta.
Para mañana hemos programado una salida al cine.
Audio 6
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Her life was negatively impacted when...
her mom passed away
her husband passed away
her dad passed away
She found herself...
in the middle of nowhere
without money
without hope
Audio 1
Reportera: ¡Felicitaciones! ¿Cuál es tu nombre?
Congratulations! What is your name?
Ganador: Mi nombre es Morani.
My name is Morani.
Reportera: ¿Y cuál es tu apodo?
And what is your nickname.
Ganador: Mi apodo es “tenis de fuego”.
My nickname is "tennis (shoe) of fire".
Audio 2
Mi esposo tiene ocho años más que yo, y tengo dos niños, mi hijo menor tiene dos años y dos meses, más o menos y mi hijo mayor tiene cuatro años y ocho meses.
My husband is eight years older than me, and I have two children, my youngest son is two years and two months, more or less, and my oldest son is four years and eight months.
Audio 3
No transcript available.
Audio 4
Odval: ¡Buenos días jefe!
Good morning boss!
Jefe: Buen día, llegas a las siete y cincuenta.
Good morning, you are arriving at 7:50.
Odval: Sí, me dijeron a las ocho en punto.
Yes, they told me (to arrive) at 8:00 sharp.
Jefe: Bien, voy a pagarte por limpiar estos cinco ventanales.
Well, I am going to pay you to clean these five windows.
Audio 5
No transcript available.
Audio 6
Entrevistadora: Hay un experiencia que me puede contar que tuvo un impacto fuerte en su vida.
Is there an experience that you can tell me that had a strong impact on your life.
Valeria: Sí, lo más duro para mi fue cuando mi papá murió y me encontraba sin dinero.
Yes, the hardest thing for me was when my dad died and I was without money.