Listening Comprehension - Beginners  

Listening Comprehension - Novice - Low This Lesson Next Lesson
Exercise 1

Listen to the audio files and answer the questions. Check your answers and proceed to the next audio file.

Audio 1
Click to start or stop audio

What is the nick-name of the runner?
tenis the menace
tenis de fuego
zapato tenis

Audio 2
In the audio below, the woman is asked to describe her family.

Click to start or stop audio

Her husband is younger than she is.

Her oldest child is...
four years and four months old
two years and two months old
four years and eight months old

Exercise 2
Exercise 3

Popular Phrase: 123 learning | Spanish Medical Dictionary | Conjugated Verb: desarmar - to dismantle, to dismantle [ click for full conjugation ]