Exercise 1
Listen to the audio files and answer the questions. Check your answers and proceed to the next audio file.
Audio 1
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What has the teacher asked the student to do?
open the suitcase open the backpack open the chest
Audio 2
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How much money did the speaker just receive?
$125.00 $175.00 $1,125.00
What is the first thing that the speaker is going to buy?
shirts a leather jacket pants
Audio 5
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What festival is held on the sixth of January?
Día de los Reyes Magos Día de los Reyes Muertos Día de los Muertos
Audio 6
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There is an anniversary in seven months.
Verdadero Falso
Luisa wants to buy something very special for her parents.
Falso Verdadero
Luisa is short on cash.
Verdadero Falso
Audio 1
Teacher: ¿De quien es esa mochila?
Whose backpack is that?
Student: No sé profesora, creo que es de alguien de la otra clase.
I don't know teacher, I think it belongs to someone from the other class.
Teacher: Ábrela para ver si hay identificación.
Open it up to see if there's any identification.
Student: Ah, vale profesora, hay todo aquí, bolígrafos negros, cuadernos de distintos colores, carpetas azules.
Ah, okay teacher, there's everything here, black pens, notebooks of different colors, blue folders.
Teacher: ¿No hay ningún libro de texto con el nombre de alguien?
Isn't there a textbook with someone's name on it?
Student 2: No, pero en esta ficha está escrito el nombre, Martín Jiménez.
No, but on this tag the name is written, Martín Jiménez.
Audio 2
Acabo de recibir mil ciento veinticinco dólares y pienso comprar mucha ropa. Lo primero que voy a comprar es una chaqueta de cuero que cuesta doscientos sesenta y cinco dólares. También quiero un reloj de oro que cuesta trescientos cuarenta y nueve dólares.
I just got eleven hundred and twenty-five dollars and I plan to buy a lot of clothes. The first thing I'm going to buy is a leather jacket that costs two hundred and sixty-five dollars. I also want a gold watch that costs three hundred and forty-nine dollars.
Audio 3
No transcript available.
Audio 4
Julia: ¿Qué tal, Carlos? ¿Cómo estás?
What's up, Carlos? How are you?
Carlos: Bien gracias, Julia. ¿Cómo te va a ti?
Fine thank you, Julia. How about you?
Julia: No muy bien.
Not very well.
Carlos: ¿Qué pasa?
What's the matter?
Julia: Tengo dolor de cabeza.
I have a headache.
Carlos: Lo siento mucho; espero que te mejores pronto.
I'm so sorry, I hope you get better soon.
Julia: Gracias. Nos vemos mañana.
Thank you, I will see you tomorrow.
Audio 5
Un día mágico para los niños es el dia de los reyes magos que se celebra el seis de enero. Los niños escriben una carta y pide juguetes. Durante la noche del cinco de enero los reyes magos vienen sus camellos y les traen a los niños los juguetes.
A magical day for children is the day of the three kings, which is celebrated on January 6. Children write a letter and ask for toys. During the night of the fifth of January, the wise men come on their camels and bring the children the toys.
Audio 6
No transcript available.
Exercise 2
Exercise 3