Exercise 1
Listen to the audio files and answer the questions. Check your answers and proceed to the next audio file.
Audio 1
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Does Javier spell his name correctly?
Yes He says U instead of V No
What is Javier trying to accomplish?
confirm his dinner reservation confirm his flight register for school
Audio 2
In the audio below, the woman is asked what problems she is currently facing.
Click to start or stop audio
She is currently having a difficult time...
finding a husband. finding work. be accepted to college.
Audio 3
Click to start or stop audio
What is the topic of this audio?
a costume party a school party a birthday party
In the opinion of the speaker, the two best were...
the two best students were the twins! the two best deserts were the cookies! the two best costumes were worn by the twins!
Audio 4
Click to start or stop audio
The most important things to her are...
family, work and health her country, family and health Information not provided
Audio 5
Click to start or stop audio
What happened to Ambrosio?
He was voted most valuable player. He won the soccer game. He became the swimming champion.
When did it happen?
two years ago the summer December
Amparo nunca está contenta.
Verdadero Falso
Audio 6 & 7
Listen to each audio file and select the most appropriate answer for each of the questions.
Click to start or stop audio
La escuela nunca me gustó. Tengo la enfermedad celiaca, sensibilidad al gluten.
Click to start or stop audio
A mi me gusta las palomitas de maiz. A mi me gusta la pelicula de Marvel, Iron Man.
Audio 1
Javier: Hola, me llamo Javier: J-A-V-I-E-R
Hi, my name is Javier: J-A-V-I-E-R
Geraldina: Buen día Javier. ¿Me puede brindar su apellido?
Good day Javier. Can you provide your last name to me?
Javier: Rodríguez. R-O-D-R-Í G-U-E-Z
Rodríguez. R-O-D-R-Í G-U-E-Z
Geraldina: Muy bien, ¿en qué le puedo ayudar?
Very well, how may I help you?
Javier: Necesito confirmar mi vuelo A-R-E 348 a las 2:45 p.m.
I need to confirm my flight A-R-E 348 at 2:45pm
Audio 2
No transcript available.
Audio 3
En la fiesta de disfraces, Jesús se disfrazó de flores. Gertrudis de fresa. Aunque los mejores disfraces fueron los de los gemelos Rogelio y Jerónimo. Uno se disfrazó de gigante y el otro de jirafa.
At the costume party, Jesus dressed as flowers. Gertrude dressed as a strawberry. Although the best costumes were those of the twins Rogelio and Jerónimo. One dressed as a giant and the other as a giraffe.
Audio 4
Speaker 1: ¿Puedes decirme tres cosas más importante en tu vida?
Can you tell me the three most important things in your life?
Speaker 2: Mi familia, mi trabajo, y por supesto, mi salud.
My family, my work, and of course, my health.
Audio 5
En diciembre, Ambrosio fue campeón de natación. Amparo siempre está contenta y le gusta pasar el tiempo inventando composiciones de música para tambor y trompeta.
In December, Ambrosio was swimming champion. Amparo is always happy and likes to spend her time inventing music compositions for drum and trumpet.
Audio 6 & 7
No transcripts available.
Exercise 2
Exercise 3