Exercise 1
Listen to the audio files and answer the questions. Check your answers and proceed to the next audio file.
Audio 1
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Whom does the audio discuss?
two witches two teachers two women
The woman is going to the store to purchase a...
jawbone unknown cage
Audio 2
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What is the profession of each person discussed?
Both are police. Both are university professors. Both are unemployed.
What are the names of the two?
Lola and Manolo Alto and Moreno Bruno and Cecilia
Audio 3
In the audio below, the woman is asked if there was an experience which had a strong impact upon her life.
Click to start or stop audio
A major event in the life of this woman was...
the birth of her daughter the death of her mother the death of her husband
Audio 4
Click to start or stop audio
Who is tall, thin and athletic?
The speaker The father of the speaker The boyfriend of the speaker
What does the mother of the speaker enjoy doing?
reading a good book knitting playing tennis
Audio 5
Click to start or stop audio
Who is participating in this dialogue?
a father and a daughter two friends a man and a woman
The two are discussing...
doing school assignments tidying up a room unknown
Audio 6
Click to start or stop audio
What is the age of this woman?
25 50 60
This woman teaches...
Spanish and English Spanish and Quiché Spanish and French
Audio 1
Cecilia: Voy a preparar una pócima con azúcar, y unos trozos de nuez, para convertirse en una mujer bella.
I am going to prepare a potion with sugar and some walnut pieces to become a beautiful woman.
Bruno: Yo voy a crear la poción mágica para convertirse en murciélago.
I am going to create the magic potion to become the bat.
Cecilia: Voy a la tienda a comprar una jaula.
I am going to the store to buy a cage.
Audio 2
Lola Benitez es Profesora de español en la Universidad de Sevilla. Es delgada y morena. Su esposo se llama Manolo Duran, él también es profesor universitario. Enseña literatura española. Manolo es alto y moreno. Los dos son de España. Lola es de Málaga y Manolo es de Sevilla. Son padres de una hija, que se llama Martha. Ella tiene ocho años y es estudiante de primaria.
Lola Benitez is a Spanish teacher at the University of Seville. She is slim and dark. Her husband's name is Manolo Duran, he is also a university professor. Teaches Spanish literature. Manolo is tall and dark. They are both from Spain. Lola is from Malaga and Manolo is from Seville. They are parents of a daughter, who is called Martha. She is eight years old and is a primary school student.
Audio 3
No transcript available.
Audio 4
Mis padres viven en una casa pequeña en la calle Flores. El número de casa es 123. Mi padre es un hombre alto y moreno, tiene el pelo completamente negro. El es delgado y muy atlético, le gusta trabajar en el jardín. Mi madre, en cambio, es muy baja y tiene todo el pelo blanco, ella prefiere leer un buen libro.
My parents live in a small house on Flores street. The house number is 123. My father is tall and dark, he has completely black hair. He is skinny and athletic, he likes to work in the garden. My mother, on the other hand, is short and has white hair, she prefers to read a good book.
Audio 5
Father: ¿Prefieres salir o estar en tu cuarto?
Do you prefer to go out or be in your room?
Daughter: Prefiero salir.
I prefer to go out.
Father: ¿Pones las cosas en orden en tu cuarto?
Do you put things in order in your room?
Daughter: No, no pongo las cosas en orden.
No, I don't put things in order.
Father: ¿Eres una persona responsable?
Are you a responsible person?
Daughter: Sí, soy una persona responsable.
Yes, I am a responsible person.
Audio 6
No transcript available.
Exercise 2
Exercise 3